1st eFloraofIndia Summit held on 19.6.22 to celebrate 15th anniversary

1st eFI Summit held on 19.6.22 on 15th anniversary: 7 attachment with 3 ppts and pdfs

Thanks to Nidhan ji and others, 1st eFI Summit was successfully held on 19.6.22 at 7 pm. Due to wider participation in which around 50 persons attended, it continued until 9.30 pm. It was very educational and rewarding with members and keynote speaker Dr. G S Rawat, sharing their critical ideas and views. Hope we are able to improve on these lines in the coming future.

Final program as attached, was followed along with announcement of Titles as below:

Pankaj Kumar– ‘Jewel of eFloraofIndia’
Manoj Chandran– ‘Grassman of eFloraofIndia’
Necessary pages at our site for them will be created in the coming weeks.
Best Story on eFloraofIndia was conferred on A.Lalithamba ji for her story published at

All the posts under ‘Story of eFloraofIndia’ contest can be seen at
Best Flora Photograph was conferred on the following:
1st- Sam Kuzhalanattu as per details at
Also compiled PPT as prepared by Dinesh ji (except for that of Ashutosh Sharma) is also attached.
Standardised eFI logo and Name, Tagline and acronym with expanded form was also released, as per attached PPT.

Also posted on eFI Facebook group.

Thanks a lot. I missed it as I was away from network. Is there any youtube recording of the coverage…

Thanks a lot, Manoj ji.

We really missed you.
I think Nidhan ji has recorded it.
May I request Nidhan ji to share it, whenever he gets some time.

Thanks Garg ji for all the hard work.

Thank you very much  dear Nidhan ji, Garg ji and All Members to organised a beautiful Summit and gives me an opportunity to participate in it,

The window was saying that someone is recording the meeting.

Attaching here the ppt of eFI stories shown in the summit.

May be of some use to eFI database.

Yes, I did the recording of our summit, I am downloading it. I will listen to it, if the quality is worth making public, I will make some required editing and will upload it on youtube..

Great, Nidhan ji

Heartiest Congratulations to Sam Kuzhalanattu Ji, T S P Kumar ji and Pankaj Kumar Ji for winning Best Flora Photograph award. Indeed we could see some rare flowers with the story behind it.

Manoj Chandran Ji – Grassman of eFloraindia has really given great contribution to earn this title.My salute to him !
And finally what to write about A.Lalithamba ji’s poem !!! eFI”s 15 years journey she has penned so beautifully, i have no words to praise it.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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