Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus (Cultivated)

SE. Alps, NE. Albania, Siberia to S. Korea as per WCSP;
Albania; Altay; Amur; Arkansas; Austria; Azores; China North-Central; China Southeast; Connecticut; Cuba; Czechoslovakia; Dominican Republic; Fiji; France; Germany; Haiti; Hungary; Illinois; Indiana; Italy; Jamaica; Kazakhstan; Kentucky; Khabarovsk; Korea; Leeward Is.; Maine; Manchuria; Maryland;
Masachusettes; Mexico Central; Mexico Gulf; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Mongolia; New Brunswick; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Oklahoma; Ontario; Pennsylvania; Primorye; Puerto Rico; Qubec; Rhode I.; Romania; Texas; Thailand; Vermont; Virginia; West Siberia; West Virginia; Windward Is.; Wisconsin; Yugoslavia
as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Lemon Daylily, Yellow Daylily


For Id 070710MN : 8 posts by 5 authors.
Request ID of this flower. 

Date/Time :

 June 2009- 9.00am


Location- Place, altitude and GPS:


Srinagar, Kashmir


Habitat- garden/ urban/wild/type:




Plant Habit-tree/shrub/climber/herb:






2 ft.







Inflorescence type /size:






Medium, yellow


Fruits type-shape/size/seeds:


Not seen


Fragrance/odour/pollinator/uses  and so on:


Not noticed

Liliaceae member is close to Bird of the paradise flower the bud at the back of the flowers looks quite close to it

This should be a garden hybrid of Daylily

A lot of H. lilioasphodelus plants are grown in our complex in California.
Here are a few photographs.
(2 correct images as per Another minor confusion)

Hemerocallis minor on the right & H. lilioasphodelus on the left, below:
Hemerocallis minor inside & (H. lilioasphodelus in last row)



Another minor confusion : 6 correct images.
After uploading the two species Vinca: V. major and V. minor, and after uploading photographs of H. lilioasphodelus from California as a supplement to photograph identified from from India as this species, I went out for stroll and realised that there two not one type of plants growing in our area here in California. After consulting Hortus Third and eFlora of China I found that taller plants with broader leaves, longer branched inflorescence and larger flowers belong to H. lilioasphodelus, whereas smaller plants with, narrower leaves, shorter unbranched inflorescence and smaller flowers belong to H. minor. The latter also produces smaller flowers buds and shorter anthers (5 mm as against 8-9 in H. lilioasphodelus). I am uploading both. May be both also occur in India.
Incidently my second photograph in earlier upload belonged to H. minor and not H. lilioasphodelus.


Requesting to please ID this flower seen in one of the Resort gardens in Ooty in November 2013.
A suggestion received was Hemerocallis citrina. Requested to please validate.

any side views?

Please check Yellow Day Lily/ Hemerocalilis.

Thanks … Unfortunately, this is the only pic I have.

To me appears close to images and details at Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L. as per comparative images at Hemerocallis

I’d of a cultivated Amaryllidaceae plant: 2 high res. images.
Request for I’d of a cultivated Amaryllidaceae plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in April, 2023.

Is it Hemerocallis? Request the views of experts.

Check this link also:

Yes, appears close to images at

Updated on December 24, 2024

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