Strobilanthes pavala

Strobilanthes pavala (Roxb.) J. R. I. Wood, comb. nov. (Basionym: Ruellia pavala Roxb., Hemigraphis pavala (Roxb.) Kurz, Ruellia latebrosa Heyne ex Roth, non Strobilanthes latebrosa Ridley, Hemigraphis latebrosa (Heyne ex Roth) Nees, Hemigraphis latebrosa var. heyneana Bremek., Ruellia elegans Hook., syn. nov. Hemigraphis elegans (Hook.) Nees in DC., Ruellia satpoorensis Wawra, Hemigraphis latebrosa (B.Heyne ex Roth) Nees, Hemigraphis latebrosa var. beddomei C. B. Clarke, Hemigraphis latebrosa var. incana Gamble, Ruellia ebracteata Dalzell, syn. nov. Hemigraphis ebracteata (Dalzell) C. B. Clarke, Hemigraphis latebrosa var. ebracteata (Dalzell) Cooke, Hemigraphis rupestris T. Anderson, Hemigraphis latebrosa var. rupestris C. B. Clarke) as
New Names and Combinations in Indian Acanthaceae by John R. I. Wood- Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 23(3):385-395. 2014;
Hemigraphis latebrosa (Roth) Nees, Prodr. 11: 723 723 1847. (syn. Ruellia latebrosa Roth) as per The Plant List
Shade Loving Hemigraphis • Marathi: मोरपंखी Morpankhi;

please identify this plant:
collected from Thamarassery Ghat, Kozhikode Dist, Kerala


amit uid 1:
Collected from Saladi, kathgodam, uttarakhand found on dry slopes, herb with blue flower.

– … looks like Hemigraphis latebrosa  with a will to grow and survive in the given habitat.

– Flora Pakistan mentions Hemigraphis latebrosa var. rupestris Clarke in hilly area with more dense pubescence and more rigid stems. Surely mine plant is same !!

[image: Discussions at efloraofindia]<…>
[image: more views in flickr]<>
[image: more views on Google Earth]<…>
commonly known as: shade loving hemigraphis • Marathi: मोरपंखी morpankhi
botanical names: current – Hemigraphis latebrosa • synonym: Ruellia latebrosa


identification no250412sn2:
Kindly validate if this is Hemigraphis latebrosa.
plant habi:herb

Affirmative. This is Morpankhi {Hemigraphis laterbrosa]. Kindly check the archives of this group for my photographs of this.


Attached pics from Chikaldhara, hill station from Vidarbha.
Look like button Karvi, Pls ID.

I think Hemigraphis latebrosa.
(Family: Acanthaceae).


Hemigraphis latebrosa flowering:
Photographed on my property at Shahapur last weekend. Morphanki had commenced flowering. Sending a few photographs.


identification no160612sn2:
Kindly tell me if this is Hemigraphis latebrosa? Taken in JAN at Mulshi, Pune

Yes …, Hemigraphis latebrosa (of Acanthaceae)

Please also check with others species under genus Hemigraphis.. it may be latebrosa???


Hemigraphis latebrosa – Flora of Madhya Pradesh:
Hemigraphis latebrosa (Acanthaceae ) photographed at Jungle near Betul, MP. Plants were coated with thick dust just d stark blue flowers were visible.
Dated- 15 th Dec 11.
Height of herb- abt 15 cms.
Leaves were ovate , toothed
Flowers were tubular n tiny.

It is important part of Traditional Healing in Baitul region. Few years back Traditional Healer from Baitul visited to me with serious patient of cancer. He was using Hemigraphis based formulations but not getting the desirable effects. Someone from Forest department informed him about my work on cancer herbs. We discussed a lot on its different aspects and based on it he added more ingredients in his formulation.
It is not in trade from Baitul but collected by the Traditional experts.

Interesting information …  Mine are also currently flowering. My previous photographs are available at this link


KAS Week :: (NJ-03/10/2012 – Hemigraphis latebrosa):
Hemigraphis latebrosa (Morpankhi in Marathi)


Wild Flower for ID – 140112 – RK:
Request Common & Botanical ID of this small flower-[about 11/2
cms]. Pics taken on 07-01-12 at 1.15pm in Lakkavally, Karnataka [ near the Bhadra Tiger Reserve ] on the high banks of the River Bhadravati. It is a semi-prostrate plant.

The attached plant is Hemigraphis latebrosa

Yes ! Hemigraphis latebrosa

Yes, Hemigraphis latebrosa indeed..


Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Hemigraphis latebrosa (Roth) Nees from Pandav Falls Panna MP:

Hemigraphis latebrosa (Roth) Nees from Pandav Falls Panna MP
Growing in Rock crevices there
pls validate

good capture Sir. This is a very common herb in most part of Odisha. It is also flowering here.


hemigrapis latebrosa :  Attachments (2).  3 posts by 3 authors.
hemigrapis latebrosa, this sunday (last week of Feb.’12) karnala

Yes …, A nice looking plant, beautiful pictures as well..

Yes. This time around (Dec to Feb) one finds many Acanthaceae shrubs in such habitats….
Most of them with bluish flowers.


Hemigraphis latebrosa : Confirm ID : Uttarakhand : 170613 : AK-4 :  Attachments (3).  6 posts by 4 authors.
Seen these very tiny flowers growing wild in Uttarakhand.
Pictures taken on 23rd & 24th of March,13.
Kindly confirm id.

I think first two photographs belong to a different plant, I think Member of Boraginaceae, perhaps Echium
Last one appears Acanthaceae member

I thought them to be the same plant, hence posted them together.
We were shown the above in SGNP, Mumbai during TAW last year.

Attaching photographs of the same plant which has been posted by …, was on the TAW alongwith her.
Were told that this is ‘Morpankhi’.
Hope the pics with leaves will help identification

I think all the pics posted by … belong to same plant.. id seems to be right.. Hemigraphis latebrosa..

hemigraphis latebrosa, dehradun, mm april 6 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
hemigraphis latebrosa
in a fallow field near dehradun
second week of march

Acanthaceae Fortnight::Hemigraphis latebrosa :: NSJ-14 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Hemigraphis latebrosa  (Marathi- Morpankhi) from Kas, Satara



Hemigraphis latebrosa (Roth) Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 24, 2007
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary at various times

Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Hemigraphis latebrosa :: SGNP :: ARKMAR-26/38 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Attached are pictures of Hemigraphis latebrosa captured at SGNP in December 2012.


Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Hemigraphis latebrosa :: Rajgad :: ARKMAR-27/39 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Attached are pictures of Hemigraphis latebrosa captured at Rajgad in December 2014.

Hemigraphis latebrosa seen at Harishchandragad (Nali chi vaat).
Family: Acanthaceae,
Date: 29-11-2009



ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Hemigraphis latebrosa from Morni HIlls:: NS MARCH 16/16 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
This is a common herb in Haryana Siwaliks..
Hemigraphis latebrosa..

Acanthaceae Fortnight : Hemigraphis latebrosa : SGNP,Mumbai : 31MAR15 : AK-40 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Seen at the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, during Tree Appreciation Walk.

nice. Thanks to … you folks get to see and photograph nice stuff. how I wish I did too

Hemigraphis latebrosa : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Hemigraphis latebrosa
second week of december 2016



080619AB2 ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Identification, please.

Date/Time- November 7, 2017; 09:36 hrs.
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb
Height/Length- 1-2′ Height
Flower- Blue

Hemigraphis latebrosa


110719AB1 ID Hemigraphis latebrosa? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Identification, please. Is this Hemigraphis latebrosa?
Date/Time- November 7, 2017; 13:02 hrs.
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Eastern Melghat

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb
Height/Length- 2′

Flower- Blue
Elevation- 700m

Yes, …, your right, Hemigraphis only.


Strobilanthes pavala (Roxb.) J.R.I.Wood !

Hemigraphis latebrosa only

I guess this has to be sorted out: efi  POWO


Hemigraphis latebrosa : For Validation : Borgad Conservation Reserve : Nasik : 23NOV21 : AK – 018: 1 image.
Kindly validate.

Hemigraphis hirta (Vahl) T.Anderson ??

Maybe yes! I checked that too and it looks like the leaf pattern does not match !


Strobilanthes pavala on trek to Matheran: 19 images- 4 high res.
On trek to Matheran (around 2500 ft.) from foothills, Maharashtra on 4.2.23.
Found at many places on the way.


Id of Acanthaceae herb:

Could you please help in Identification of Acantheceae herb?
Decumbent herb, hairy (glandular and non glandular). Leaves opposite, elliptic, tapering ends, dentate margin. Flowers terminal, blue-purple, corolla tube hairy inside, anther one.
Nallamala forest  — deciduous forest
Kurnool dist.
Andhra Pradesh
Date: Jan 16 2023

Strobilanthes pavala (Roxb.) J.R.I.Wood !

Yes, as per images at

POWO accepted name !

Yes, its.


New Names and Combinations in Indian Acanthaceae by John R. I. Wood- Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 23(3):385-395. 2014;
Updated on December 24, 2024

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