Henckelia hookeri

Henckelia hookeri (C.B.Clarke) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller, Taxon 60: 775 2011. (syn: Chirita hookeri C.B.Clarke; Roettlera josephi Kuntze);
Arunachal Pradesh to Assam as per POWO;

Arunachal flora -1 : Attachments (5).  8 posts by 4 authors.
A scandent plant seen by roadside having lots of sticky tomentum on the leaves and bracts
Location-Lohit district of AP.

Check Paulownia fortunei.

efi page on Paulownia fortunei ?

It is certainly not Paulownia fortunei which is a fast growing tree introduced in India.

Haven’t come across this plant. But could it be Bignoniaceae/ Acanthaceae?

Gesneriaceae ??

To me looks different from Gesneriaceae

A species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae)

Tried all possibilities but could not get exact match. Ultimately deformed Henckelia urticifolia??

Yes, … I also feel it is closest to Henckelia urticifolia (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) A.Dietr as per comparative images at Henckelia

Feedback from … as per Gesneriaceae:
Henckelia arupiihttps://groups.google.com/g/indiantreepix/tXM

Henckelia hookerii as per another thread.


Posted in 2013: published as a new species in 2023:
Congrats to Ushaprabha ji.
What she posted in 2013, was published as a new species in 2023. Pl. see details at
Another feather in the cap of eFloraofIndia.

Hearty congratulations, Ushaprabha ji !!

I think eFI should help members to publish new species. In my experience a big hurdle is lack of artists who can make professional sketches of botanical specimens. EFI can serve as a hub for such artists who can advertise their services here benefiting both the artists and the members. EFI can even start its own journal rather than wait for others to rediscover what is already known.

This group is open to all ideas.
But the problem is to get the volunteers to implement such ideas (which requires a lot of expertise, research and time).

I fully agree with you
It was just an off the cuff remark
The plant lovers of India should be grateful to you for your Herculean efforts.
It is remarkable that you reply to every post with incisive remarks that are so helpful while keeping the database up to date.
Am really grateful to you for your wonderful site.

It is certainly a good idea.
And sometimes we get ‘Jewels’ in this group, who come forward and implement such ideas.
That is how we are here today.

Congratulations Ushaprabha ji for the initial posting

Congratulations to first explorers and taxonomists determining it a novelty.

Many congratulations Ushaprabha Ji.

This is simply amazing. Credit goes to the efforts of our researchers,  Indeed its one more feather in the cap of Efforts of India, and perseverance of dear Shri. J. M. Garg ji.



Henckelia arupii: 8 images.

Mid october 2022. This was seen a few kilometers after Udayak pass on the road to Walong in east Arunachal Pradesh. The district was possibly Lohit district or near the border with Lohit district and Anjaw district. 

Thanks, …, for the superb set of images.
Yes, appears close to images at

Henckelia hookerii as per another thread.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Gesneriad Reference Web  

Henckelia collegii-sancti-thomasii (Gesneriaceae), a new synonym of narrow endemic species H. hookeri of Northeast India– Rajeev Kumar Singh, Ravi Kiran Arigela, Dipankar Borah & Momang Taram- September 2020 NeBIO 11(3):205-207
The current status of the species hitherto assigned to henckelia (Gesneriaceae)– David John Middleton, Anton Weber, Tze Leong Yao & Susanne Sontag- November 2013 Edinburgh Journal of Botany 70(03) (Abstract- Following recent molecular phylogenetic studies in Old World Gesneriaceae the nomenclatural implications for names in Henckelia are examined. New combinations are made in Codonoboea and Loxocarpus to account for species now excluded from Henckelia. A list is presented in which the current position of all species hitherto assigned to Henckelia is given, including the new combination Henckelia rotundata (Barnett) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller. A new combination in Oreocharis is made)
Updated on December 23, 2024

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