Hibiscus hastatus L. f., Suppl. pl. 310. 1782 (“1781”) (syn: (≡) Hibiscus tiliaceus subsp. hastatus (L. f.) Borss. Waalk.; (≡) Talipariti hastatum (L. f.) Fryxell); Shrub or small tree differering from T. tiliaceum in unevenly 3-lobed leaves, with terminal lobe twice as long as lateral lobes; the petals are also lobed at apex. Malvaceae Week: Talipariti hastatum from Delhi: Talipariti hastatum (L. f.) Fryxell, Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 23:247. 2001 Common names: Purau teruere, Tahiti hibiscus. Shrub or small tree differering from T. tiliaceum in unevenly 3-lobed leaves, with terminal lobe twice as long as lateral lobes; the petals are also lobed at apex. Photographed from Delhi University campus. Nice Flowers Sir. Is this ornamental if yes from where i may get seeds/plants? It grows at gate of Department of Social Welfare, University of Delhi. Hibiscus hastatus L.f. Suppl. pl. 310. 1782 (“1781”) syn: Hibiscus tiliaceus subsp. hastatus (L. f.) Borss. Waalk; Talipariti hastatum (L. f.) Fryxell Common names: Purau teruere, Tahiti hibiscus. Shrub or small tree differering from T. tiliaceum in unevenly 3-lobed leaves, with terminal lobe twice as long as lateral lobes; the petals are also lobed at apex. Photographed from Delhi University campus. |
Hibiscus hastatus
Updated on December 24, 2024