Hibiscus trionum L., Sp. Pl. 697 1753. (Syn: Hibiscus dissectus Wall. [Invalid]; Hibiscus trionum var. cordifolius DC.; Hibiscus vesicarius Cav.; Ketmia trionum (L.) Scop.; Trionum annuum Medik.; Trionum trionum (L.) Wooton & Standl.); (Unresolved: Hibiscus africanus Mill.; Hibiscus cuneifolius Garcke; Hibiscus hastifolius E.Mey. ex Harv.; Hibiscus pallidus Raf. ex S.Watson; Hibiscus physodes E.Mey. ex Harv.; Hibiscus richardsonii Lindl.; Hibiscus tridactylites Lindl.; Hibiscus trionioides G.Don; Hibiscus uniflorus E.Mey. ex Harv.; Trionum cordifolium Moench; Trionum diffusum Moench; Trionum frutescens Medik.); . Erect or straggling hispid herb with deeply 3-5 lobed or parted leaves with pinnately toothed or incised segments; flowers solitary; epicalyx 7-12, 10-12 mm long; calyx to 2.5 cm, inflated and enclosing fruit, scarious with raised purplish veins, petals 4 cm long, white cream or yellow with red base. . Hibiscus surattensis: Stem with recurved prickles; epicalyx lobes 8-10 with foliaceous appendages at or above middle, one branch nearly 1-2 cm long, second 0.7-1 cm long; stipules auriculate, foliacous, ca 5 mm. . Hibiscus trionum: Prickles absent; epicalyx lobes 12, filiform, without appendages, 8 mm long; stipules filiform, ca 7 mm. . Malvaceae Week: Hibiscus trionum from Kashmir:
Malvaceae Week-Hibiscus trionum 14092011: Thanks for completing the series of this interesting plant. The flowers had closed at the time (afternoon) I had photographed it. wow! Bhagwan ne phursat se banaya Please confirm ID : Hibiscus trionum : Srinagar : 141011 : AK-6: Picture taken at Srinagar on the 10th of Sept,11. The leaves look similar to your pictures of the same on FOI. Kindly validate. You managed it it in flowers, when I photographed around 3 p m, flowers had closed. Puffed up with Pride!! – 21Oct11AR01: A plant that is too full of itself!!! Height-18cms, fruit size- 2.5cms, No flowers, Habitat-Paddy fields, Leaf-trifoliate & another appears palmate in the picture, Herb, Guess – kind of Balloon plant. Balur, Mysore dist. 24Jul 2011 12:26PM Yes Hibiscus trionum, I photographed this in Kashmir University in August Malvaceae (inc. Tiliaceae) Fortnight:Hibiscus trionum_Kashmir : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Hibiscus trionum from Kashmir . Malvaceae Fortnight: Hibiscus trionum from Kashmir-GSJULY30/30 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Hibiscus trionum L., Sp. pl. 2:697. 1753 Common name: Flower-of-an-hour, bladder ketmia, Venice mallow Erect or straggling hispid herb with deeply 3-5 lobed or parted leaves with pinnately toothed or incised segments; flowers solitary; epicalyx 7-12, 10-12 mm long; calyx to 2.5 cm, inflated and enclosing fruit, scarious with raised purplish veins, petals 4 cm long, white cream or yellow with red base. Photographed from Kashmir University Botanical Garden in August. Identification required 173: 3 images. Location: Ganderbal J&k. Hibiscus trionum L. ! Matched… Thank you so much sir . References: |
Hibiscus trionum
Updated on December 24, 2024