Guidelines- Members are now allowed to insert pictures in efi site pages : 9 posts by 4 authors. One page where images has been inserted can be seen at Agrimonia pilosa var. nepalensis.This did not require any extra memory for efi site, if images are inserted from image URLs (web addresses) of posted threads. In view, we are now allowing the members to do this from already posted threads. We will initially allow 3 to 5 pictures (in smaller size) showing different aspects of a species from one or more posts on a page (so that page does not become heavy & take lot of time in opening). This is allowed for members on first come first serve basis. We request members to try for themselves. Here are the instructions to be followed: 1. Go to any species page at efi site (either by search or by any other way) where their post/ thread is available e.g. Saxifraga brachypoda 2. Sign in at the bottom of the page with Gmail Id (may not be required if one is already signed to gmail or efi group). 3. Click on the thread from which one wants to insert pictures at this page. e.g. VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF 4. From this thread click on the picture one wants to insert- from here one gets the URL (web address) of the picture to be inserted. e.g. URL 5. Click on edit page button at top right side of the efloraofindia website page. 6. Take cursor just at the beginning of the page. 7. Click on ‘Insert’ at the top left. Click on ‘Image’. 8. Select ‘Web address (URL)’ under Add an Image. Copy URL (web address) of the image to be inserted (e.g. URL) & paste this image ‘URL’ in ‘Ímage URL’. Click on ‘OK’ button when image is being displayed. 9. Now from the tool bar which is visible on the image, select ‘Wrap on’ & ‘S’ (for small size). 10. The image toolbar gives an option against Go to link to ‘Change or Remove’ – Click on ‘Change’. Select ‘Open this link in a new window’ in the message box that pops up and click OK. 11. Similarly Insert other images from the same thread or other threads on the page. 12. Write ‘Images by …..’ at the beginning of the page & format it suitably with font size of 8 using Formatting Tool Bar at top. 13. Move ‘Images by …..’ below the images by using Enter key. 14. Move Saxifraga brachypoda D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(2): 378-379 378 1822. …… below the writing of ‘Images by …..’ by using Enter key. 15. Now click on save button at the top right of the efloraofindia website page. Images are thus properly inserted. Pl. try yourself. If there is any problem, we will assist you. There are many ways to go/ find the desired page: 1. Go Efloraofindia website. Search for any species in the search box. From search results, go to the species page & than you can insert images from threads under it. OR 2. Click on A—L (families & genera) or M—Z (families & genera) and than look for the species page, you want to edit. OR 3. If one can find the subject of his posting. Pl. put that subject line in the search box And one will reach the desired page where that thread is contained. In order to give credit to a person (to incentivise him) who is placing the image at efloraofindia pages, his name may also be incorporated (in case image is not his own) as can be seen at one of the pages: Trias stocksii Great initiative our website is showing up immediately in search results Based on further experience, I am modifying the procedure (modification is given in bold) as below so that image links are not deleted automatically requiring re-insertion of images: 1. Go to any species page at efi site (either by search or by any other way) where their post/ thread is available e.g. Saxifraga brachypoda 2. Sign in at the bottom of the page with Gmail Id (may not be required if one is already signed to gmail or efi group). 3. Click on the thread from which one wants to insert pictures at this page. e.g. VOF Week: : Saxifraga brachypoda at VoF 4. From this thread click on the picture one wants to insert- from here one gets the URL (web address) of the picture to be inserted. e.g. URL 5. Click on edit page button at top right side of the efloraofindia website page. 6. Take cursor just at the beginning of the page. Insert some space with Space bar between cursor & Saxifraga brachypoda D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(2): 378-379 378 1822. 7. Click on ‘Insert’ at the top left. Click on ‘Image’. 8. Select ‘Web address (URL)’ under Add an Image. Copy URL (web address) of the image to be inserted (e.g. URL) & paste this image ‘URL’ in ‘Ímage URL’. Click on ‘OK’ button when image is being displayed. 9. Now from the tool bar which is visible on the image, select ‘Wrap on’ & ‘S’ (for small size). 10. The image toolbar gives an option against Go to link to ‘Change or Remove’ – Click on ‘Change’. Select ‘Open this link in a new window’ in the message box that pops up and click OK. 11. Similarly Insert other images from the same thread or other threads on the page. Remember to keep the cursor while inserting image just before Saxifraga brachypoda D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(2): 378-379 378 1822. 12. Write ‘Images by …..’ at the beginning of the page & format it suitably with font size of 8 using Formatting Tool Bar at top. 13. Deleted. 14. Move Saxifraga brachypoda D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13(2): 378-379 378 1822. …… below the writing of ‘Images by …..’ by using Enter key or Space bar. 15. Now click on save button at the top right of the efloraofindia website page. Pl. see final guidelines at efi site now: Guidelines- Inserting images Thank you … I have copy pasted that content of the main body of that page in a word file and printed it out to keep handy Genera pages with pictures- Another very interesting development : 20 posts by 7 authors. There is another very interesting development. I was thinking of making genera pages with images, of all species available in efi site under a particular genera, since Idea of Insertion of images proved fruitful. This thought kept on disturbing me from time to time. Today I could not sleep. So got up at this odd hour & tried it. Oh my God! This is so easy & so beautiful ! I just mostly copied & pasted on genera page from what Rawat ji has done on species pages. Pl. see the genera page: Dillenia done by me. Pl. see the species pages: Dillenia tetrapetala, Dillenia suffruticosa, Dillenia pentagyna & Dillenia indica done by … awesome but i am confused how is this different from your genera pages It also have pictures of all Dillenia species (in efi site) on this genera page. are the pictures in that page from our threads? Yes, … Well done, …! This is what I have been suggesting for. Our ‘efloraofindia’ should be more of pictorial rather than textual. Also, again, there should only be a single list of species found in India with information on their distribution, nomenclature etc. Only links, not the text, from other sources should be included to make the page more simple and readable. But, this (displaying pictures on relevant pages) is a great accomplishment. Let’s freeze in on a good design and follow uniformity in all pages across the database. so if there are only a few good pictures they can be used both in the genera page and also in the species page? Yes, … Copying images from species pages to genera pages instead of inserting the images again. Thanks, … “This is what I have been suggesting for. Our ‘efloraofindia’ should be more of pictorial rather than textual. “- I agree with you in this matter. I request you pl. try yourself at least on one page to understand it better. Yes …, while inserting images in Dillenia I also thought same thing but since it was not discussed in the group, I decided not to go for it. The other point was to avoid taking many things (tasks) in hand at the same time and not being able to complete any thing in time. BUT I appreciate you for taking this bold step which is needed in future and can be completed if somebody has time to do it. We may do same thing for the families, particularly smaller families where we have 10-15 species only. For larger families where 20 or above species are there it will make a page very large and slow. Vijayasankar Ji initially also suggested it for Menispermaceae by selecting few species (preferably one species each for every genus) which is a good option for the family pages. However, it all requires a lot of time which is available meagerly with most of the members involved in this activity. Pace may be slow or brisk but, I hope, we will be able to do it. And thank you for leading the way. Thanks, … I request you to try one for yourself. It is just copying & pasting & nothing more. Very simple & takes only minimal time. Pl. open efi site in two separate windows. From one you copy (without going into edit mode) images one by one & on another you paste (in edit mode) by using mouse suitably. Wonderful development and I greatly appreciate it. Very soon scientists worldwide who are interested in Flora of India will consult the efi pages, if not already doing so. Great idea …, this will be extremely useful. Thanks, … I request you to pl. try yourself at least on one page to understand it better. Great …! Fantastic idea !!! Thats great!!! it wii be easier to find plant Oh. That looks great! I have inserted my images of Acrocarpus and Casalpinia coriaria in resppective pages. Please check whether it is OK. Well done, … I think you are quickly learning the tricks. I have suitable modified Caesalpinia coriaria with images opening in a separate window. For Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, you have done these nicely, but images have to be opened in a separate window. Pl. go into the edit mode again. click on an image. Now from the tool bar which is visible on the image, against Go to link to ‘Change or Remove’ – Click on ‘Change’. Select ‘Open this link in a new window’ in the message box that pops up and click OK. Do it for all the images & then save. These are as per the instructions at Guidelines- Inserting images Do you mean all pictures would be at the top and not with individual links. Regarding Caesalpinia I tried with my comp images as my post but couldn’t be seen still but I can always correct it. Thanks a lot. Thanks, …, “Do you mean all pictures would be at the top and not with individual links.”- No. Pl. click on images at Caesalpinia coriaria, than you will understand that these images are opening in a different windows (as efi page Caesalpinia coriaria window also remains open) “Regarding Caesalpinia I tried with my comp images as my post but couldn’t be seen still but I can always correct it. ” – You can go to efi group page & search your thread to find imge urls for insertion. Guidelines for insertion of images at Genera pages from species pages : 2 posts by 1 author. It is just copying & pasting & nothing more. Very simple & takes only minimal time. 1. Open genera & species pages in efi site in two separate windows. 2. From species page window (e.g. Dillenia tetrapetala), one has (without going into edit mode) to right click the mouse on one of the images & select Copy. This way the image is copied. 3. On genera page (e.g. Dillenia), go into edit mode & write Dillenia tetrapetala at the location as in the Dillenia page. Paste the copied image below it. 4. Now copy another image from the species page & paste it alongside the image already pasted on genera page. 5. Pl. repeat this process till all the images (I think maximum upto 4 images showing different aspects) are copied from species page (i.e. Dillenia tetrapetala), to the genera page. 6. Now open Dillenia suffruticosa in species page window. and repeat the process of copying the images from here to Dillenia page. 7. Similarly process has to be completed from another pages like Dillenia pentagyna & & Dillenia indica 8. Images on genera pages has to arranged in alphabetical order as at Dillenia page I request members to try one for themselves. I tried pasting images into the Tristellateia genera page. It has only one species. I hope I have done it right. Please see. Thanks, …, If there is only one species under a genera so far in efi, it is not required to be done. Bauhinia page- Thanks to Surajit ji. : 17 posts by 3 authors. Pl. see Bauhinia page with pictures copy pasted by … from species pages. It has 49 small size images. Thanks, … for doing it wonderfully. I find that it does not take much time to open this page & is very good for identifications of Bauhinia species. I think we have to do all our genera pages with more than a few species like this only. Pl. let me know your feedback pl. Also see Cassia page done by him. Also see the Senna page done by … This has been done wonderfully. Pasting pictures to the genera page is easy. But I haven’t got hold of the method of putting each set of pictures is different boxes. Please see the Ceasalpinia genera page. I inserted the last set of pictures (C. sappan). I couldn’t bring a border between C.cucullata and C. sappan. And if one needs to insert pictures of some other species say C.decapetala in between these two so that all come in the alphabetical order, how do you do that? Sorry troubling you with these little technical problems but I would like to do it as perfectly as Surajit ji has done it. Thanks a lot, …. No need to put the pictures in boxes. I looks nice otherwise also. “And if one needs to insert pictures of some other species say C.decapetala in between these two so that all come in the alphabetical order, how do you do that? “ – > There is enough space between the two. You can put the cursor suitably between these two & insert species name & images. It’s just like editing a word document. Also insert a line between the species by clicking on Insert ‘Horizontal Line’ under Insert drop down menu. Pl. also see Chamaecrista page An excellent work done by … It will help people who are interested in identifying plants. Many many thanks to … Dada’s testimonial is most valued, will cherish lifelong. Also see Acacia & Mimosa page done by … Acacia page has the rigid formatting that comes with the boxes MY question can this be reverted?? to the original format as set up by … ??? can it be done? the right side is cut off in this page My feeling is that all the pages should be the same format for the overall elegance of our presentation In view of the discussions, I feel let one follow whatever one likes keeping different factors in mind. Well, …, let me think of other alternative if there is any. Also see Pithecellobium, Desmanthus, Parkia, Neptunia, Entada, Vachellia & Indigofera page done by … This has been done along with insertion of images at species page (mostly) by him. Also see Calliandra & Albizia page done by … This has been done along with insertion of images at species page (mostly) by him. Albizia is in process, with a new experiment! Done Albizia, with changes in table background colour in alternate fashion! Guidelines to insert images of several species in a GENUS page in Tabular Form : 15 posts by 3 authors. ——— Guideline to insert images of several species in a GENUS page in Tabular Form ——– Please note : inserting images in tabular form takes time, specially if (1) internet connection is slow (2) if the genus consists of more than 5 or 6 species (it depends on how fast is your net connection). Please also note : in tabular form maximum 3 images are best suited for a species. Steps are :-
Please, you must avoid selecting image having size of more than 200 kb, either in species page or in genus page. Else the page will take quite some time to open. Please check this page–-l/f/fabaceae/acacia/acacia-dealbata which has a single image of 2 MB size. Thanks, … for pointing this out. This very important. All of us should follow it in future. I think size of small image on efi page will be in proportion to the size of the original posted image. I think size of small image (thumbnail) also depends on the resolution (800×600, 1024×768 etc; and square, rectangular, portrait or landscape format) of original uploaded image, … There is one problem in inserting images in this tabular form. Anything inserted in tabular form (including the table From Floral Database of Tamilnadu) is not flexible- thus leading to not being seen in full width if screen size is smaller in width compared to the width of the table. This problem is not there if pictures are inserted without table. Pl. see Senna page. Can we find some solution to this ? One solution is to see the page by reducing page width by zoom in & out. But it can result in fonts becoming small to be properly readable. Yes, there is problem in viewing the genus page if thumbnails are inserted in tabular form. But, first let me explain why i tried alternative. Please check attached screenshots of Caesalpinia page, in full-screen and in reduced-screen (restore-down) mode. I find this kind of arrangement (of thumbnails of different species), specially in full-screen, is confusing to their respective genera. Now, it is to be decided whether i should continue using the tabular format or not — Certainly, Senna page works better in full-screen and in reduced-screen, as all thumbnails can be seen without obstacle, by scrolling down the page, but to a certain level. If you reduce the screen/window size further nothing (neither tabular nor non-tabular) would work (please check attached 04senna04 and 04cassia04 images). What and How we will see in a Genus page depend on –
One probable solution to use tabular form (for image-thumbnails) in such a way so that it can be still be seen in reduced/restore down browser window is –
If one uses much-reduced browser window he/she may still find the above method obstructive (in viewing) depending on his/her display resolution, browser make & version. Probable solution to your ” table From Floral Database of Tamilnadu” –
We can not do much because the host page of the genus page that you created long ago had been defined to certain size (width) and/or with certain constraints by the google itself. Please note in my browser-window the existing format works to a certain reduced window/resolution level (see the attachment). However, please note when you use “tabular form” you bind a thumbnail by a boundary so that it cannot get re-arranged according to browser window size/resolution. But if you keep thumbnails free from binding the thumbnails will be re-arranged automatically according to the page design. So, should i follow the Senna format? Attachments (11) Thanks, …, for these details. Yeah, pros & cons of both the system. I feel let one follow whatever one likes keeping these factors in mind. I had inserted pictures on the Caesalpinia genus page and completed it (someone else had done a few species). I followed the simplest format with a horizontal line between each species row. I find this easy. Hope this is ok and I can follow the same format in other pages too. Thanks, … But these are not opening to big size. Which browser you are using & which version ? I am using Google Chrome. I don’t know which version. How do I find it out? May be I am doing something wrong that makes the pictures not to open in big size! Thanks, … I think in Google chrome pictures with links are not getting copied, only small size picture is getting copied. … will help you in the matter as he is using google chrome. Please find the attached screenshots. Irrespective of tabular or non-tabular format – In chrome i get two options (1) copy image (2) copy image URL. The first option i.e. “copy image” and pasting it in genus page simply copies the small image, it doesn’t copy the link of the original image, thereby no link to original image is created in genus page. In chrome you will have to “copy image URL” in species page and paste the same URL in genus page by “insert image” option (as you did in species page). This process takes more time than in the internet explorer (ie) In ie Again i get two option (1) copy (2) copy shortcut. Here i opt for “copy” in species page and paste the same in genus page. This copies both the thumbnail and the link (as Garg Sir did in the first ever genus page). This method takes much less time because one wouldn’t have to go for the elaborate process of selecting “insert image -> select image link -> paste image link -> wait for image to be loaded -> etc”. Thanks, …, for this clarification. Which version of IE you have checked this ? It’s IE-11 on windows7 It took me just one hour to complete Ceropegia page including insertion of 8 images on species pages (otherwise all images were already inserted mostly by …) as per guidelines At Genera pages. This was done in Internet Explorer ver. 11 in Windows 8. Thus I find it’s quite easy & does not take much time if we have proper net connection by using a suitable browser. This is to inform you, rather privately, that the problem in your method of inserting images in non-tabular format is same as in … By ‘problem’ I mean the thumbnails get auto arranged in genus page thereby giving confusing impression of species name. Please find the attached screenshots of ceropegia page, in full screen/window (but in resized image) and reduced/restore window mode. However, this is my own thought, you or other members need not subscribe my view. Yes, editing in IE takes less time since one can directly copy-paste images instead of copy-paste URL method. Genus page with all its thumbnails in tabular form can easily be seen on samsung galaxy 4 inch display! Also that particular ‘table’ (floral database Tamilnadu) in Bauhinia page can be seen entire in galaxy! Thanks, … Pl. try Ceropegia page in samsung galaxy 4 inch display! Is there any problem ? Please check the attached images to view how it looks in galaxy-4inch,, both bauhinia page and ceropegia page in protrait and in landscape mode. All looks same as in desktop/laptop. But as i compare now with my computer display i notice (which i missed earlier) last column of Bauhinia table is missing in galaxy. I think in more modern version of galaxy or other android (also windows) devices this would be better viewing. Cracked!!! tabular yet free floating thumbnails /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/adenanthera !!! Thanks, … It appears to be a wonderful development. Pl. let us know how you did it along with revised procedure for doing it. Well Sir, basically it is same procedure as the earlier one (please check earlier thread). The differences are –
This should work on both IE and chrome. I myself open two browswrs, do the “table” work in chrome AND do the copy-paste work in IE. Please also find the attched image of how our genus page looks in a 7inch tablet Thanks, … Pl. modify the 2nd part of the procedure suitably at At Genera pages Peltophorum page- thanks to Bhagyashri Ranade ji. : 8 posts by 4 authors. Pl. see Peltophorum page with pictures copy pasted by … from species pages (also images mostly inserted by her). It has many small size images. Thanks, … for doing it wonderfully. I find that it does not take much time to open this page & is very good for identifications of Peltophorum species. I think we have to do all our genera pages with more than a few species like this only. Pl. let us know your feedback pl. Yes, it looks wonderful to me. But as you said each system has pros & cons. I think Senna system will take much less time to edit since you/one won’t have to create table for each species. I will try Senna format in my next job to see difference in time saving! Initially when this page was done without the tabular form I was not able to open the images in a bigger window. but when in tabular form now I can. may be this problem is restricted to my computer only. I am having the same problem with Bergenia Thanks, … No, it is not a problem in your computer. I hope Rawat ji is able to correct it. My experience is it happens when cursor is inappropriately placed while inserting the image resulting in link of the image getting deleted leaving alone the thumbnail (this result in image not opening to larger size). If he feels better, he can also shift to tabular format as designed by … My browsers (chrome and ie) open both format without any obstruction. The only concern is KB or MB i.e. original uploaded image size (shared in discussion threads); the larger (in KB or MB, not in resolution) the images shared in discussion threads the more time those will take to load in a browser, be it species page or genus page. In genus page the more species a genus have the more time thumbnails would take to load. yes this was good … has inserted the fourth picture in one case in a second line that was good formatting You did well … may be that’s the answer to not getting cut off at the right side lets see if the other pages work that way … has done a good job. With good images identification becomes easier. Senna page – Thanks to Rawat ji : 18 posts by 4 authors. Pl. see Senna page & Astilbe page with pictures copy pasted by Rawat ji from species pages (also mostly inserted by him). It has many small size images. Thanks, … for doing it wonderfully. I find that it does not take much time to open these page & is very good for identifications of Senna & Astilbe species. I think we have to do all our genera pages with more than a few species like this only. Pl. let us know your feedback pl. I also request other members to take up this activity in their spare time for building of efloraofindia. Ok …, i will follow this format. Thanks, … You decide whatever you feel is Ok for you, you pl. go ahead accordingly. Also see Bergenia page. Thanks, … Thanks, … I hope you are able to correct it. My experience is it happens when cursor is inappropriately placed while inserting the image resulting in link of the image getting deleted leaving alone the thumbnail (this result in image not opening to larger size). If you feel better, you may also shift to tabular format as designed by … Senna page is well done and well behaved when i tried opening the pictures less cumbersome though the boxed page may look “better” to the eye at first glance it has formatting issues My suggestion is to stay with what … has originally laid out the steps Please see Saxifraga page. Thanks, …, But links are not working to open to a bigger picture. I beg to intrude … It seems to me this happens due to copy-paste procedure. Rawat Sir might have copied the image thumbnails in species pages and pasted those in genus page. Instead of “copy image” I think “copy image URL” and pasting the later by “insert image” (as in species page) would work seamlessly. But for me, just copy & paste worked. Well, perhaps it is because of the fact that you are the owner. The copy-paste image (not URL) didn’t work for me. As you know every member, moderator, manager enjoys certain privileges restricted according to his/her position. What works for the owner may not work for general member, at least it didn’t work for me. I don’t think it’s like this. Pl. let me know which browser you are using. Pl. try with Internet Explorer ver. 11. This I am saying because I have faced different problems with different browsers & their different versions, while copy pasting contents from group threads/ other sites to efi site. Each of them behave quite differently. I will try with IE as you say. I use chrome mostly, certainly for efi purpose. … was correct, “copy-paste image” works on IE. After several trial & error method with various format what i could do is /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/senegalia. What i find –
All above are my personal view, experience of others may vary. … deserves a special thank for the exhaustive work done on Senna. These pages will be useful to those who want to identify a particular plant species.
History of Development
Updated on December 24, 2024