Hymenocallis speciosa (L.f. ex Salisb.) Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 340 1812. (syn: Hymenocallis erosa Salisb.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. angustifolia Herb.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. humilis Herb.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. longipetiolata Herb., not validly publ.; Nemepiodon speciosum (L.f. ex Salisb.) Raf.; Pancratium formosum M.Roem.; Pancratium speciosum L.f. ex Salisb.) ?; Bahamas; Cuba; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life ;
submission of Hymenocallis harrisiana Herb., : Attachments (2) Plant name: Hymenocallis harrisiana Herb., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 26(Misc.): 35 1840. Family: Amaryllidaceae Common names: Peruvian Daffodil, Spider Lily, Basket Flower, Summer Daffodil, Spider Flower Description: Bulbous herbs; the entire plant is up to 45cm in height. The simple leaves are basal, coriaceous with entire margins. The flowers are white funnel-shaped; tri-merous, the inter-staminal member is thin and white. Stamens 6. The plants produce loculicidal capsules. It is a native of Mexico. Cultivated as an ornamental. Hymenocallis fragrans (Salisb.) Salisb. as per pacificbulbsociety ? May I have your views in the matter Pl. Based on the characters I have identified it as Hymenocallis harrisiana, the tuber was gifted to me, it is the flowering. Thanks, … But does not match with images at http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/Hymenocallis Also we have no identified posting in efi site so far on this. After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, closet I can go is Hymenocallis speciosa as per details below: |
Hymenocallis speciosa (Introduced) ?
Updated on December 24, 2024