Hymenocallis tubiflora Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 341 1812. (syn: Hymenocallis borskiana de Vriese; Hymenocallis guianensis (Ker Gawl.) Herb.; Hymenocallis guianensis var. princeps Herb., not validly publ.; Hymenocallis guianensis var. tubiflora (Salisb.) Herb., nom. superfl.; Hymenocallis guianensis var. undulata (Kunth) Herb., nom. superfl.; Hymenocallis moritziana Kunth; Hymenocallis moritziana var. major Worsley; Hymenocallis petiolata (Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) M.Roem.; Hymenocallis undulata (Kunth) Herb.; Pancratium borskianum (de Vriese) Walp.; Pancratium guianense Ker Gawl.; Pancratium moritzianum (Kunth) Steyerm.; Pancratium petiolatum Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f.; Pancratium triphyllum Willd. ex M.Roem.; Pancratium tubiflorum (Salisb.) Schult. & Schult.f.; Pancratium tubulosum Willd. ex B.D.Jacks., nom. illeg.; Pancratium undulatum Kunth); Brazil North; French Guiana; Guyana; Suriname; Trinidad-Tobago; Venezuela as per Catalogue of Life images of Crinum asiaticum,: 4 images. Sharing the images of Crinum asiaticum from Coimbatore. Ornamental plant in many houses. Location: Peelamedu, Coimbatore Date: Nov.2011 Habitat: Garden Habit: Shrub Not Crinum please. Crinum does not have staminal corona This is Hymenocallis littoralis (Jacq.) Salisb. (syn: H. americana Roem.) In Hymenocallis littoralis the star shaped flowers have a membranous tissue connecting the petals at their base and strap-shaped leaves that emerge straight from the underground tubers. The link provides the differences between the two. Another difference between the two is in Hymenocallis littoralis the star shaped flowers have a membranous tissue connecting the petals at their base and strap-shaped leaves that emerge straight from the underground tubers. The link provides the differences between the two After pursuing the species available in India as per details at Hymenocallis, I feel it is more closer to images of Hymenocallis tubiflora as per details below: References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Hymenocallis tubiflora (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024