If Hard disc refuses to open

If Hard disc refuses to open : 8 posts by 7 authors.

Many of us must be having their collection of photographs on hard drives, and even maintaining two copies on separate drives, as we have often heard about external hard drives getting corrupted and all data lost. I maintain two 1tb hard drives to store images (as a lab top with high storage gets exhausted sooner or later) and another 3tb drive to store backup (which I did not carry to USA). yesterday the hard drive storing all my images refused to open. In my new widows 8 laptop it would show only disc letter but refuse to open. In my older windows 7 laptop pop up window would come up with only option of ‘FORMAT’. I tried different leads but no help. I was worried about what would I do for next 5 five months, especially Family fortnights. As a last resort I searched Google for the problem and after two commands the windows was able to read the drive and went through a procedure of more than 12 hours to enable the drive to work properly.
chkdsk C: /f /r ( ‘C’ signifies the affected Drive)
This may be useful to some
This is a great problem which every one has to face this problem on one or the other time.
I have to go to Delhi to retrieve the data.
I would like to request if that link could be posted here so many computer users on the group which are not active on these software/ hardware system will get a chance to learn little bit more.

I have already posted the link in message above. Here is the link again.
Yes sir, here where the command mode helps. There are lot more text-line commands that can help solve problems, which GUI (windows) cannot.

Thanks Sir for this information,  I still have a hard disk lying with me corrupted…tried hard to retrieve the data, still not able to do so even after seeking help from a technical person…
I hope Digital Versatile Discs are a good option,  we can store data in them for much longer periods…provided you keep them scratch free..
I prefer to copy my data in DVDs along with hard discs…

Updated on December 24, 2024

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