Impatiens balfourii

Impatiens balfourii Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 129: t. 7878 1903.; 

Images by Alok Mahendroo





Chamba heights al200811a… impatiens: Another Impatiens for id..

location Chamba
Altitude 3500 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 2 feet

I think this is the same species as the one which is there in the unidentified list at 

I think this one looks more like the Impatiens balfourii… reference:
await the response of the elders… 

I hope may be right. Your plant is perhaps I. balfourii
The Plant at FOI unidentified is perhaps I. micranthum, now correctly known as I. laxiflora 

Impatiens balfourii
seem right for .. Balsam.
For the unidentified one at FOI
the description at flora of china says “Lower sepal navicular, with erect, short spur. … Capsule clubshaped”
Well, the spur doesn’t look short to me, and the capsules don’t look club-shaped. Unfortunately, couldn’t find a picture of Impatiens laxiflora on the web.

I had identified it as Impatiens micranthemum which as given in FBI (page 481) the capsules are linear and apiculate, spur is slender and straight, as clearly seen in your photograph. It is another matter that now this is
placed under I. laxiflora, which is now a more broader complex.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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