Impatiens devendrae

Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar, Taiwania, 55(1): 13-23, 2010;

Images by Ritesh Kumar Choudhary (id by Wojciech) (Rosa form)

Impatiens bicolor_RKC_030611:
Impatiens bicolor

Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh, ca 1500 msl.
Date: August, 2010.

I don’t think so.

I checked many pictures and descriptions. I. bicolor should be bicolored, rosa and yellow like here mrimpatiens (upper photo).
Lower photo is of African species, mentioned in my earlier post.
I suppose this plant, due rusty markings, shape of lateral petals and lower sepal is rosa form of I. devendrae.
Similar plants were depicted in several posts from western Himalaya.
In comparison with original description I don’t see any other differences than more rosa colour.


VoF Week : Impatiens devendrae:

Name of species : Impatiens devendrae

Family : Balsaminaceae
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Hill slope, open forest
Date of click : 13th Aug`12
Location: Govind Ghat to Ghanghariya route .
Abundance : Common sighting.


VoF Week: Impatiens devendrae (Devendra’s Balsam):

Impatiens devendrae (Devendra’s Balsam)

enroute Govind ghat to Ghangaria, Uttarakhand



VoF Week: Impatiens devendrae:
Found in trek route from Govindghat to Ghanghariya on 13.08.2012.

VOF Week: Impatiens for id from the valley…:
This was shot from various locations in and around the valley.. can this be Impatiens devendrae?….

I think yes. Very good photographs


VoF Week: Impatiens devendrae from way to Ghangriya:
Impatiens devendrae from way to Ghangriya
pls validate

Yes …


Shimla Flower – ID Request 1 – 18Jun09: S:
This is balsam, but dont know which sp. Growing wild everywhere in Shimla last August.

It appears like Impatiens edgeworthii to me from illustration at
& pictures at
Also see desc. at
But seems out of range shown as per FOP link above & ‘Concise Flowers of Himalayas’ & as per  but showing range in Kashmir, Nepal as per

This plant looks like newly described I. devendraeinflated lower sepal, abruptly narrowed into spur, as well as orange/reddish/brownish markings near the throat

VOF week: Impatiens devendrae along “Govindghat – Ghangaria route”:
Impatiens devendrae (Family: Balsaminaceae) along “Govindghat – Ghangaria route”.

Great pics and since I got recently acquainted with species in another thread and … sent in this pdf url I got to learn a little more than i did before..
so I will share the url from …
Here are the pdfs of these species:

Nice photographs … I remember, when we had a long discussion on two plants, one uploaded by you and one by … Nearly more than 40 mails in that thread and a long session.

Yes …, U R right, more than 40 mails in that thread. That was one of the best Brainstorming exercise

I think your plant is not I. devendrae – please compare shape of lower sepal in Pusalkar’s paper and on your photoses

I was to quick in giving my opinion – plant has proper markings for I. devendrae, however lower sepal is narrowing into spur. Maybe this is matter of camera angle?

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: NS04: BALSAMINACEAE: Impatiens devendrae from VOF: (11 images)
This species was frequently encountered during the trek.. identified in the old thread.. though this was also discussed during VOF week..
Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar

Very nice set of photos, also showing some variability of I. devendrae

I am not very sure whether to call this plant as I. sulcata or I. amphorata (now correctly known as I. bicolor). I had initially placed this plant under I. amphorata, primarily because of clearly alternate leaves, erect cylindrical capsules and spur ending in a swelling. After seeing the upload by … and key in Flora of Pakistan in which upper leaves are alternate in I. sulcata.
Looking at my pictures, and those uploaded by … as I. sulcata, most leaves are alternate (even in distant shots by …), the floweres are spotted in orange in throat, spur is much more longer and incurved only at tip, whereas in I. sulcata on Flowers of India website, they are more uniform in colour.
What intrigues me that eFlora of Pakistan shows upper leaves alternate in I. sulcata. Both eFl. of China, and Blatter Beautiful Flowers of Kashmir mention leaves opposite or whorled, but to make things more confusing illustration on eFlora of China shows alternate leaves and club-shaped capsules (normally found in I. glandulifera).
I am as such unable to decide whether our (mine this one, and … uploaded as I. sulcata) belong to I. sulcata or I. bicolor.

Well… There is more than one problem…
First, as I understand I sulcata, flowers are uniform in color, and (please remember that I never seen it by myself) there is kind of hood over opening of lower sepal, below upper petal – I don’t know part of what is it.
So for me your plants are not I. sulcata.
Second – what is I. amphorata, now called I. bicolor? In old literature I. bicolor is clearly described as having bicolored, yellow and rosa flowers. Plants with such flowers were recently found in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Plants depicted as I. bicolor on Flowers of India webpage are similar, however with less or more rosa colored flowers (apart some markings and streaks). On the other hand, plants pictured on Flowers of India webpage and here by … look almost like rosa version of newly described I. devendrae. There was I. pseudobicolor described by Grey-Wilson, but when I was checking new webpage dealing with Flora of Pakistan there is no trace of this taxon – maybe author decided to remove it. My conclusion is: maybe there are different color forms of I. bicolor – one actually bicolored, yellow and rosa, another less or more uniform (besides markings and streaks)?

Yes … That is my dilemma also. I had initially identified it as I. amphorata but discarded it because it is now considered as synonym of I. bicolor, and this picture of I. bicolor looks very different: floralook
No such two colour separation is mentioned in original descriptions of I. amphorata either in Blatter Beautiful Flowers of Kashmir (which keys out species in the bracket of larger flowered forms differing from both I. sulcata and I. roylei (now glandulifera) in alternate leaves. The Flora of British India calls it more similar to I. bicornuta in appearance but with petioles 2-glandular at base, leaf apex not produced into tail, sepals cordate, lip saccate without green callus points of I. bicornuta. The flowers are said to be rose and yellow with purple lines and spur long. The things seem to be matching. And now since I. davendrae was carved out of this group it would be worthwhile to compare the two. My plant seems to resemble it except the absence of white flower colour; the shape of lower corolla lobes, the appendage es and throat colour seem to be matching. But perhaps we will have to exclude I. harae and I. pradhanii first.

Now I see difference in shape of flower parts between your plant and really bicolored I. bicolor. I saw a photo of flower in lateral position from Portland and very similar, inflated shape of lower sepal gave me this idea of different color forms.
We can agree that your plant and I. devendrae are similar.
I have no any description of I. harae. About I. pradhanii Grey-Wilson wrote: “Flowers yellow flushed and veined with brownish-violet or purplish-brown, generally unspotted” and in the picture lower sepal and spur looks completely different – lower sepal narrows gradually into incurved spur. So we can exclude it.
Best way to resolve this problem is to ask Dr. Pusalkar for assistance

Here is all important paper.
Attachment: Impatiens-Himalayan-Bulletin No.34.htm

So we can exclude also I. harae and I. kaliensis.
Next question is: is it only color variant (as suggested by some recent posts, where flowers were a little pinkish) or something new?
I tryed to check all points mentioned in paper by Pusalkar, and your locality is most south-western (if this is only color form).
Again, I think that Dr. Pusalkar will be greatly interested receiving such information

Perhaps this long interesting thread has some similarities with present thread.

Yes, it apparently has! I followed this thread earlier but without such conclusion…
But in my opinion both plants are less or more the same, it means I. devendrae sensu lato. There are plants with almost pure white flowers, some with little rosa hue, pale rosa ones and finally some rather deep rosa, but all with characteristic markings on lateral petals and inflated lower sepal. There is some difference in shape and position of spur, but I am unable to said if it is enough to separate these as different taxa. And this record from Himachal Pradesh greatly widen distribution. There is work to do in this season – to collect herbarium material and more pictures 🙂

Thanks … for opening up the topic. After sending you confirmed images of I. bicolor to you last week I was all the time wondering what would be the plant which was earlier on Flowers of India as I. bicolor. I think that plant as well as my images Chakrata which I was unsure between I. amphorata and I. sulcata, and regarding which there were useful feedback from Wojciech, a well known authority, we can safely say these images belong to I. davendrae.
… you can remove ? after I. davendrae regarding my images.


Impatiens devendrae (Devendra’s Balsam)

enroute Govind ghat to Ghangaria, Uttarakhand


I agree – Impatiens devendrae. Yours is little darker, more pink than in Pusalkar’s paper.
Nice photo, however for recognition better is lateral position (in the case of this species), due to characteristic shape of lower sepal



Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Balsaminaceae ::Impatiens devendrae along “Govindghat – Ghangaria route” – PKA20 : 4 images. 4 posts by 3 authors.
Impatiens devendrae (Family: Balsaminaceae) along “Govindghat – Ghangaria route”.

Another beautiful set :-).
Color pattern exactly matching I. devendrae.
However there is problem with the shape of lower sepal: it is narrowing rather gradually, not as abruptly like in paper by Pusalkar & Singh…

Yes I agree, especially in photograph 102, which does not seem to be from the same population, and also differs in colour of upper petal.

Thanks … and … As … has pointed out, photograph DSC00102.JPG is from different population.

Flora of Himachal Pradesh: Impatiens bicolor from Summer Hill Road Shimla : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Impatiens bicolor from Summer Hill Road Shimla
Pls Validate

This plant looks rather like newly described I. devendrae, see the paper by Pusalkar and Singh 2010.
Typical I. bicolor is really bicolored, with pink upper petal and less or more yellow lateral petals, like there: prairiebreak.blogspot (scroll down to the photo).


Impatiens bicolor from Shimla : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 4 author.
Impatiens bicolor from Mall Road Shimla
Pls validate

Again, seems to be most similar to I. devendrae.


Fwd: Impatiens bicolor from Haripurdhar Sirmour Distt of HP : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Kindly confirm the species.

This is rather I. devendrae – notice orange/brick colored markings and shape of lower lateral petal.
You can compare these pictures with pictures in recent paper by Pusalkar & Singh 2010.

Flower for Id- ID14092015SH2 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

Flower for Id pl.Is it some Balsam species ?
Location – Near Rampur, Himachal Pradesh
Date- 23.08.2015

Habitat –Wild

Check Impatiens glandulifera

It looks me as Impatiens blcolor.

There were similar plants posted on eFI.

Colour pattern on lateral petals looks like in recently described I. devendrae (see paper by Pusalkar & Singh 2010, also posted somewhere on eFI).
However, main colour is more pink than in original description.
I don’t have enough material to decide if this is variability within the species or something close to I. devendrae.
Lateral view of flower will be helpful.

Attaching one more picture for confirmation.

Here you can see inflated lower sepal (lip), abruptly constricted into spur, like in oroignal description and pictures of I. devendrae.
Still only difference seems to be more pink colour of flower. I suppose this is only colour variant of this species.


ID request SP02101015 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Location: chakrata, Uttarakand.
Not clicked by me

Pink-flowered form of I. devendrae I suppose.
There was post from the same region on eFI with very similar plant.
Side view with inflated lower sepal abruptly narrowed into spur should help a lot.

Impatiens for ID?- 131010-PKA1 : 43 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4)

Came across this Impatiens sp at Manali.
Date / Time: 25-09-2010 / 04:15PM and 01-10-2010 / 01:15PM
Location: Manali
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb
Family: Balsaminaceae

Impatiens urticifolia ?

I was trying for last one hour to find species without spur, perhaps none large flowered from Western Himalayas. If I. urticifolia is in focus then I request you to have a look at next species in FBI, I. cymbifera, which is without spur.

But this has a spur, why do you wish to see without spur Impatiens?
This one has blunt spur if you look at the third pic. The ovary is
attached on the top.

We also found this Balsam in Dhanaulti. It does have a small curled
I could not find this one in Polunin & Stainton. Attachments (2)

Oh, thats very strange. Why cant we call the whole thing as broad spur with small tip ? I think now I will have to recheck as per … suggestion!!
By the way …, your plant has crenulate margin but I think
… pic has serrate or serrulate margin?
They should be different.

…, look at … 2nd picture. I think the margins have
rounded teeth. The identifcal pattern on the petals would be too much of a coincidence. 🙂  What say you?

The swollen back portion of lower petal I think is gibbous condition found in most Impatiens species, the spur to my mind is alway the narrowed projection at the end of it. May be I am wrong!!

Ok, I was thinking of whole thing as spur, as in Orchids we do. I also think that … sirs plant are different from … plant.
What do you say?

One more picture from Dhanaulti to convey my feeling that this is the same as … plant. Attachments (1)

May be here is the spur of 1741 hidden under the fruit of lower flower. I have cropped and enlarged two photographs of … …may be you can do that with original photographs. If these are really curved spurs, … and … plants are the same species. Let us look for the same. Attachments (2)

I ma attaching a paper hope this will help with your SPUR problem!!!
The surprise can be inside the paper.

Kindly excuse me due to file size the mail is not getting delivered kindly see the a paper from the link below

This paper has something you are looking for in this ID

Thanks … Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar seems to be the answer

Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar is the aswer but I tried to provide the ID in a better way !!

Yes …,  Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar seems to be the
answer. By the way, does “D” in D.K. Singh stand for Devendra? If so, I will be a little amused. 🙂
Thanks …, for bringing the paper to attention.

Etymology: The species is named as a token of respect to the teacher of the senior author and the Additional Director of the Botanical Survey of India, Dr. Devendra K. Singh.
Yes his name is Dr. Devendra Kumar Singh. Joint Director of BSI at
Kolkata these days.

Prashant Pusalkar is a friend of mine who did his PhD under him. He is a nice guy, good taxonomist and now Botanical Assistant at BSI

Yes all accounts suggest that the species is named after the second author. In a combined paper describing new species, it is strange to find two species having two authors, and third only one. On second thought having one species whose you are author is better or losing the authorship and naming species in your honour. A difficult choice for me at least.

Just for information of all. … sir and I were chatting on this
species since past one hour and he even had some name in his mind thinking of this as a new species…..
Hats off to …. and nice search by Tanay Bose.

Let us know the name!!

It was great fun. As the tail was looking like that of a pig so we
were looking for latin of pigtailed :)) so the name we came out was, PIGGYCORNU ….. or SUSCORNU as Sus scrofa is Wild Pig.

That is really nice. That day it was great adventure with Ranunculus hirtellus, today it was Impatiens devedrae.
We learn a lot from these interactions, please it it up.

Impatiens piggycornuta, to be precise! 🙂

And the coincidence is, for both the reference was in the journal Taiwania…… By the way one of my articles on orchid is coming in Taiwania soon :).

I just cant stop laughing right now…..

Yes …,   It was a nice learning experience. From a completely confused state to seeing two sets of specimens as the same species to discovering the hidden tail, to finally I. devendrae. Most usefully burnt midnight oil!

I have no words to express my joy. Initially i thought identifying this will be easy but then i realised its not the case. Great efforts from all our experts. Thanks … for bringing out the paper.
Nice to see … and … sharing the fun with group (I. piggycornuta sounds good..  )
I am sure all those who were reading this thread will never ever forget I. devendrae .

This is confirmed. But the good news it this is new record for Himachal and for Dehradun, hence it can be published :)). Earlier records have been exclusively from NDBR.

After the initial enthusiasm of having found the identity of … and mine Impatiens species, I had doubts since what we found was so abundant. I came across this picture of Impatiens amphorata
The description of I. amphorata here  and in Flora of British India, Vol 1, page 475
leave me no doubt that our species is Impatiens amphorata, which is supposed to be common in Western Himalayas, at that altitude. The description matches to the extent of the cruved spur ending in a swollen lobule.
Moreover, it leaves me wondering if I. devendrae, introduced in the paper pointed out by …, is any different from Impatiens amphorata?
The current naming and synonymy of I. amphorata is also not clear to me (GRIN treats is as synonym of I. bicolor), but surely it looks like a species described earlier.
I would be happy to have comments from experts, since I am a non-expert in this field.

I agree with … on this issue, while looking at the descriptions and our long discussion on the particular taxa in question, we have a great doubt on our own identification. One thing for sure is, we may be missing some key characters which are not visible in the pics either on the reprint provided by … or in the pic provided by …
To proceed further, we should start will checking if at all both species are same. If they are not then our plant should be I. amphorata with I. devendrae as superfluous name. If they are not same then lets say both species are distinct.

Thanks for following up the discussion with detailed observations. It is possible that mine and … plant belong to different species – I myself have spent time staring at the pictures of both sets. This spur in my species varies – sometime it is like that seen … plant. I am attaching a picture to show this. About the buds I am not sure if I have understood correctly what you are indicating.
Even if it may be different from mine, I do feel strongly that … species may not be Impatiens bicornuta. From my understanding, I. bicornuta cannot be easily confused with any other species because its lower sepal is like strongly curved sac. Lateral united petals also have lower tail-like lobe. I am attaching a picture of I. bicornuta.
Thanks for indicating the synonymy of I. amphorata and I. bicolor Royle. I do wonder what is the etymology behind bicolor. Attachments (3)

As I said it is not I. bicornuta as such but belongs to that complex, as is also I. devendrae. Green projection of upper petal is unmistakable (not in your plant).

Thanks for clarifying …- I misunderstood you without reading carefully. I am going thru the paper suggested by you, and sent to me by …

A plant being endemic to a place is just because they usually dont look ahead. Lets say our plant is I. devendrae hence the plant is so widespread that it should be in neighbouring countries too. Just to point if you have checked the reference one interesting fact is, they have described three new species, collected on 6th, 8th and 11th of August, on the same trip in the same locality.
At one point I find both Prashant’s (Pusalkar and Awale) species similar with very minor differences. Sketches I usually dont trust that easily. If you say there is a rabbit in the clouds, people start making up rabbits and if you say there is an elephant then they will make elephant… I hope you understand what I intend to say, hence I dont trust sketches in new species except for the antiques which were made by responsible guys.

Now that I understand the projection, it seems to be there in my flower too (see attached pic), although not green in color. Keeping my mind open still. Attachments (2)

By antique sketches I was referring to those i Botanical Registers and Botanical Magazines.

Thanks for bringing into focus a re-look at the specimens. I observe the follwing:
Critical analysis of specimens and comparison I feel your specimens and those of … belong to different species.
Your plant has flowers with pinkish tinge, shorter and somewhat narrowed lip with curved sometimes coiled spur. This fits well with I. amphorata, now correctly known as I. bicolor Royle by all recent treatments including Flora of India, Flowering plants of Nepal and GRIN
… plant is closer to I. devendrae but not perhaps same, because that species seems to be endemic to Uttarakhand as concluded by the authors.
… plant has more of yellowish tinge, longer lip and curled but but coiled spur. It characteristically has flower bud with two horns (bicurnute, also seen in I. devendrae, and I. cornuta complex) one formed by the pointed tip of the keel of upper petal and second by the spur. This can be clearly seen in the photographs which I had cropped and enlarged. Buds also show pointed tips of lateral sepals. All this for me identifies … specimens with I. bicornuta (less likely as it is considered restricted to Nepal) or its recent segregates I. pradhanii, I. arunensis or I. garwalhensis.
Perhaps this article will help:

From all comparisons I think … plant is distinct in “oblong bucciniform lip with rounded tip at spur end (not gradually narrowed as in other species of bicornuta complex), abruptly constricted into a hooked greenish spur” and referable to I. devendrae only.
… plant is I. bicolor (syn: I. amphorata)

I digged some in the subject and I think that all these whitish or rosa Impatiens with rounded posterior part of lower sepal, abruptly narrowing into spur and rusty markings on lateral petals are I. devendrae.

However I found old drawing (Tab. 6550 in depicting I. amphorata.
As you can see this plant is almost identical with I. devendrae by Pusalkar and I. amphorata in Mr. Impatiens gallery mrimpatiens.jpg
In accompanying text from 1881 Hooker wrote that this form (I. amphorata depicted in Tab. 6550) is different from typical form of I. bicolor. Unfortunately, later he changed his opinion and lumped I. amphorata, I. pallens and I. umbrosa under I. bicolor (picture of this species from Mr. Impatiens gallery mrimpatiens.JPG) another picture of I. bicolor from old literature, see volume 2, Tab. 28, left plant
Please notice differences in proportion of upper and lateral petals between I. amphorata from Tab. 6550 and proper I. bicolor. For me these two are without any doubts separate species.
In conclusion, looks like Hooker’s opinion from 1905, later repeated by local and general Indian floras gave way for description of “new” species I. devendrae.
Please remember however that all what I see are pictures and descriptions which sometimes could be misleading – in accompanying text to Tab. 6550 Hooker describes colour of flowers as pale purple (!)

Thanks a lot, …, for solving the puzzle.

Impatiens-1 for ID :: Govindghat-Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKNOV-09 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

Will be posting some Impatiens species for ID now. They seem to be so confusing.
Saw this along the Govindghat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018 at 2 separate locations. The first 4 pics were at one location and the last 3 some 50 mts away.
Requested to please provide ID, is this Impatiens devendrae?.

Yes it’s Impatiens devendrae.

Flower for Id- ID14092015SH2 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for Id pl. Is it some Balsam species ?
Location – Near Rampur, Himachal Pradesh
Date- 23.08.2015
Habitat –Wild

Do you have any side view ?

Check Impatiens glandulifera

It looks me as Impatiens blcolor.

There were similar plants posted on eFI.
Colour pattern on lateral petals looks like in recently described I. devendrae (see paper by Pusalkar & Singh 2010, also posted somewhere on eFI).
However, main colour is more pink than in original description.
I don’t have enough material to decide if this is variability within the species or something close to I. devendrae.
Lateral view of flower will be helpful.

Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar, I guess the correct ID.


Impatiens sp for ID –Enroute Bheradnala at GHNP – PKA22 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Seen this Impatiens sp. en-route Bheradnala at GHNP at the altitude of approx 3000m.
Family: Balsaminaceae
Date/Time: 30-09-2014 / 11:00AM

This one is interesting, rather characteristic, but unknown to me.
Could you give more details? How big were plants, how big flowers, etc.

This herb was around 60 to 70cm tallFlower size approx. 2 to 3cm.

Impatiens sp.

Something close to Impatiens balfourii Hook.f. ?

I think more closer to Impatiens devendrae

Yes …, It does look closer to Impatiens devendrae.


ANNOV37 Which Impatiens sp.? : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)

November 2014

I tried my best, but no one of known for me species match this one.
My knowledge on Himalayan Impatiens is still not good enough

A friend of mine identified it on my Flickr account as Impatiens bicolor. Can you please validate sir?

May be Impatiens bicornuta

Thank you sir.

It is not bicornuta for sure. Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar ??

I think it looks different from images at Impatiens devendrae
I could not find a match.

I guess this sp. is different from I. bicornuta !

Closest I can go as per comparative images at Impatiens isImpatiens devendrae Pusalkar (as per images and details herein) only as earlier suggested by …

Impatiens devendrae rosa color form with slight variations, i have observed great variations in this species and is working on this complex, for now we should treat it as Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar.

Impatiens ¿ species ?
Place, Altitude: along Govind Ghat – Ghangaria trail … about 8000ft asl
Date, Time: 01 AUG 12 … 01:04PM
Habitat: forest path on mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 50 – 70 cm high; flower perhaps 2.5 – 3 cm across … not sure
Nice catch! Not I. edgeworthii. No idea right now! – …

Looks Impatiens edgeworthii Hook.f. is the correct ID.

I think it is close to the images and details at Impatiens tricornis Lindl.

This is only typical white color form Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar


Identification: 6 images.
Kindly identify the species of the plant. I guess the genus is Impatiens.
For photos Impatiens VST 1 and Impatiens VST 2
Date/Time- 25 AUG 2022 16:35
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Khajjiar, Himachal Pradesh 32°32’58.0″N 76°03’35.9″E
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild roadside
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Height/Length- 45 to 60 cm.
My guess — Impatiens ???? (Balsaminaceae)
For photos Impatiens VST 3, Impatiens VST 4, Impatiens VST 5, Impatiens VST 6
Date/Time- 26 AUG 2022 7:20
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Garam Sadak, Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, 32°32’08.7″N 75°58’06.5″E
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild roadside
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Height/Length- 45 to 60 cm.
My guess — Impatiens ???? (Balsaminaceae)

Pl. check

I checked as per your suggestion. I feel it is Impatiens devendrae.

Yes, I agree


HP, August 2022 :: Geranium wallichianum for validation :: ARK2022-196: 4 high res. images.
This was at Solang near Manali, Himachal Pradesh in August 2022.
Guessing this to be Geranium wallichianum.
Requested to please validate.

Apologies for the misleading subject. Please consider this as  HP, August 2022 :: Impatiens for validation :: ARK2022-196

Impatiens bicolor Royle Syn: Impatiens amphorata Edgew.

I think it is Impatiens devendrae, as per images and details herein.

I am placing it under I. devendrae for now.
I. bicolor pics show distinct yellow and pink colours. My pics do not have that clear a distinction.


Taiwania  IPNI  efi thread (Impatiens amphorata Edgew.)  POWO  Catalogue of Life
Updated on December 24, 2024

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