Impatiens khasiana

Impatiens khasiana Hook.f., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 4: 27 1905.;
Common name: Khasi Balsam
NE-India (NE-India, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya) as per Catalogue of Life;



Attachments (1)

This plant looks like recently rediscovered I. khasiana.
See: Odyuo N., Deori C., Gogoi R. 2015. Rediscovery of Impatiens khasiana Hook.f. after more than a century. Telopea 18: 85-89.
Paper is free accessible.




Impatiens khasiana for addition to eFI from Shillong-Meghalaya : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

While going through Impatiens page on eFI, I noticed that this species is not represented in the database..
This was recorded from Shillong and was identified by Dr. Rajib Gogoi as Impatiens khasiana, a rare and endemic taxon..
Interestingly, it was rediscovered after a long gap, just few months prior to my finding this..!!


The Plant List Ver.1.1
 IPNI  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (with type specimen) Flowers of India  Rediscovery of Impatiens khasiana Hook.f. after more than a century– N Odyuo, Chaya Deori, Rajib Gogoi-  Telopea, Vol 18 (2015). (Abstract- Impatiens khasiana Hook.f. (Balsaminaceae) has been rediscovered after a period of 129 years from Meghalaya, in north-eastern India. A detailed description from living specimens, coloured photographs and other relevant information are provided for easy identification. The name I. khasiana Hook.f. is here lectotypified).

Updated on December 24, 2024

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