Impatiens stolonifera

Impatiens stolonifera M. MANUDEV, A.J. ROBI, SANTHOSH NAMPY- Pyhtotaxa Vol 295, No 1 (2017);

Impatiens stolonifera (Balsaminaceae) A new scapigerous species from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India : 9 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (1)-  Impatiens stolonifera (Balsaminaceae) A new scapigerous species from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India.pdf- 1 MB  

Please find our recent paper titled “Impatiens stolonifera (Balsaminaceae) A new scapigerous species from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India” published in the latest issue of journal Phytotaxa.

Many congratulations … and team for this excellent work!!

Congratulations to the authors!

Another Impatiens, another endemic of India.

Such a pretty plant!!! Congratulations for your successful publication. What pollinates Impatiens?


Impatiens stolonifera (Balsaminaceae): A new scapigerous species from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India– M. MANUDEV, A.J. ROBI, SANTHOSH NAMPY- Pyhtotaxa Vol 295, No 1 (2017)- (Abstract Impatiens stolonifera, a new scapigerous species of Balsaminaceae from the southern Western Ghats, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically allied to Impatiens scapiflora, but differs by having a stoloniferous tuber and white flowers with conspicuously long and broad spur.)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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