Indigofera dosua

[Bhutan, India, Indone­sia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam] from Flora of China
India:  Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, Meghalaya, Punjab, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal  (from ILDIS)


Family: Fabaceae
Date: 24th May 2015
Place: Renuka Ji-Haripurdhar Route, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Shrub
Altitude: 1200-1400 metres above sea level

Looks similar to the one in your other message marked 43/44. I. dosua perhaps.

It may be indigofera dosua. inflorescens is longer than leaves.

Thank you very much … Thank you for concurring …


Family: Fabaceae
Date: 24th May 2015
Place: Nohradhar, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Shrub
Altitude: 2100 metres above sea level.

I will wait for the experts to comment on this and others. But please check I. dosua in the meanwhile for this shrub.

Thank you …

Fwd: SK10JUN3-2016:ID : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Need your help for ID of the enclosed plant:
Location : Kathmandu
Altitude: 1500 m
Date : 30 May 2016

Appears to be a Fabaceae member.

Attachments (1) 6 MB  

An Indigofera sp.

Thank you all ! I know it is indigofera but could mot ascertain the correct name! Could it be I. linnaei or I. dosua.

Seems to match with images of Indigofera dosua D.Don as per comparative images of Indigofera species in efi.

Yes it is I.dosua !

Same plant camera shot
Attachments (2)

Some Indigofera from Tehari Uttrakhand : 3 posts by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Some Indigofera probably of fabaceae Tehari Uttrakhand 2018 June In HIgh hills on slopes

To me appears close to images at Indigofera dosua D.Don as per comparative images at Indigofera

Indigofera dosua D.Don : 10 posts by 2 authors. 7 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 20 June  2020
Altitude: 2257 m.
Habitat : Wild

Nepali Name : फुस्रे घाँस Phusre Ghaans

SK722 24 AUG-2017:ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Chalnakhel, Pharping, Nepal
Altitude: 4600 ft.
Date: 05 July 2014

I think indigofera. But images are insufficient. 

Indigofera dosua Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don


Indigofera dosua Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don: 2 very high res. image.

Location: Dunai, Dolpa,  Nepal
Altitude:  2500m.
Date: 17 June 1022
Habit : Wild 


SK 3623 20 August 2022: 2 very high res. images.

Location: Humla, Simikot,  Nepal
Altitude:  3300m.
Date: 10 June 1022
Habit : Wild
Indigofera … ???

I think close to images at Indigofera dosua D.Don
It seems to have been chopped/ browsed and flowers have almost weathered.

Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Indigofera sp. :: Nauradhar :: NS OCT 68/68 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Please suggest if these pics may belong to Indigofera heterantha or otherwise..

Yes, this is Indigofera heterantha

I think more closer to images at



SK 3223 13 September 2021: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Jumla, West Nepal
Altitude: 2500m.
Date: 25 August 2021 
Habit : Wild
Indigofera dosua Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don ??

I think close to images at Indigofera heterantha Brandis as per images and details herein.

I think this looks more close to Indigofera dosua Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

I feel it is necessary to review the I. heterantha page once.
I feel flower colors are different in different posts.

I think you may be right as per images at

Any other post?



The Plant List Ver.1.1  ILDIS  GRIN  Flora of China  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Dave’s Garden

Updated on February 10, 2025

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