Iphigenia magnifica

Iphigenia magnifica Ansari & R.S.Rao, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 20: 162 1978 publ. 1979. ;
Common name: Magnificent Grass Lily
S. India (as per WCSP)
As suggested …, following is the complete key:
1. Perianth purple, segments linear – subdulate or elliptic -linear:
2. Stems branched; filaments glabrous…… I. magnifica
2. Stems not branched; filaments hairy ……… I. indica
1. Perianth white or pink segments elliptic or oblanceolate
3. Flowers white or with purplish tinge; perianth lobes oblanceolate …….I.pallida
3. Flowers bright pink; perianth lobes broadly elliptic…….. I.stellata


Iphigenia spp. : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)

Which Iphigenia spp.?
Photographed at Sagargad, Alibag

Check for Iphigenia magnifica..

… is right… It’s looks like ‘Iphigenia magnifica’  ‘लाल भूईचक्र’ in Marathi. (Ref. Page 469, ‘Further Flowers of Sahyadri’ by Shrikantji Ingalhalikar)

This appears to I. magnifica, looking at the glabrous filaments. If the filaments were hairy it could have been I. indica.


Iphigenia indica :  Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Seen this small herb  en-route Sondai Fort (Karjat region).
Bot. name: Iphigenia indica
Family: Colchicaceae
Date/Time: 10-08-2013 / 11:00AM
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild

Excellent pictures … cute flowers..

As the filaments are glabrous, it should be Iphigenia magnifica Ansari & R.S.Rao

Help to identity this one form south India : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
ID please from south india dated 10 sept 2010

Iphigenia indicaLiliaceae

Iphigenia indica

Thanks, …, for initial Id. As the filaments are not hairy, it should be Iphigenia magnifica


This was seen in the forest near a waterfall in Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019.
Surprisingly, this was the sole individual around.
Hopefully this is Iphigenia magnifica (based on efi pics).

Flower looks almost similar to I. indica !

Yes …, but going by the distinguishing factor mentioned in FoI (stamen filaments are hairless), this is I. magnifica.
However, would like to expert opinion.

… is correct. key on this page

Other recipients:
I was just stating flower looks similar for both sp. Thank you Saroj Kasaju
I was just stating flower looks similar for both sp.


Iphigenia magnifica–Sawantwadi, Maharashtra:: NS August 2022 (06): 5 images.
Please find some pics of this grass lily, Iphigenia magnifica…the colour made it difficult to capture for my camera, thus the quality..
I hope the identification is right..

Beautiful images. By the way, can you please check a couple of my Ifigenia pots to ascertain the ID ?

Updated on December 24, 2024

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