Iphigenia pallida Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 451 1879.;
Pale Grass Lily • Marathi: Bhui chakra, Markallai • Tamil: Nir panai;
As suggested …, following is the complete key:
1. Perianth purple, segments linear – subdulate or elliptic -linear:
2. Stems branched; filaments glabrous…… I. magnifica
2. Stems not branched; filaments hairy ……… I. indica
1. Perianth white or pink segments elliptic or oblanceolate
3. Flowers white or with purplish tinge; perianth lobes oblanceolate …….I.pallida
3. Flowers bright pink; perianth lobes broadly elliptic…….. I.stellata
. Amaryllidaceae from Pune-NS1: Yes it is Iphigenia pallida Iphigenia pallida / Pale Grass Lily then it is. Kaas Week : Iphigenia stellata: I feel this is I.pallida. Before uploading I had given a serious thought but not on confirm grounds…. an you help me differentiating between the two It is infact the corolla that is a visual differentiator.
The key in Flora of Maharashtra is as follows:
Flowers white or with purplish tinge; perianth lobes oblanceolate …….I.indica
Flowers bright pink; perianth lobes broadly elliptic…….. I.stellata
images posted by … under I.stellata clearly shows these features. I find it slightly confusing Oops a typo error again. I apologise for the error. The first one is I.pallida.
the correct key is :
Flowers white or with purplish tinge; perianth lobes oblanceolate …….I.pallida
Flowers bright pink; perianth lobes broadly elliptic…….. I.stellata As suggested by you, following is the complete key:
1. Perianth purple, segments linear – subdulate or elliptic -linear:
2. Stems branched; filaments glabrous…… I. magnifica
2. Stems not branched; filaments hairy ……… I. indica
1. Perianth white or pink segments elliptic or oblanceolate
3. Flowers white or with purplish tinge; perianth lobes oblanceolate …….I.pallida
3. Flowers bright pink; perianth lobes broadly elliptic…….. I.stellata
Attached are images for I. magnifica with glabrous filaments. . is it Iphigenia species : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Photographed 15th August 2009 , perhaps at Kas, Maharashtra requesting for Id of this iphigenia sp : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Found this iphigenia (pallida??) species near Junnar on grass slopes 24/July/ 2014
Junnar , Pune , Maharashtra Thanks for disseminating the photograph of species Isphigenia which is either I magnifica or I mysorensis both are identified from India This is Iphiginia pallida. Baleshwar Range-Sangamner Maharashtra MS 1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Baleshwar Range-Sangamner Maharashtra Date: 30/06/2015
Place Sangamner, Maharashtra
Collected By: … Iphigenia pallida
Seen this Iphigenia sp. enroute Sindola Fort (malshaj region).
Family: Colchicaceae, check I.stellata I pallida
It may be Iphigenia pallida. Wild Flower for ID : Nasik : 30JUN19 : AK-2 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Atachments (2)
Saw these wild flowers on a mountain slope on the 25th of June, in Nasik. Iphigenia Species?
Pl. check comparative images at Pl. check
Thanks for the id. It does look like Iphigenia pallida.
. Need ID: tiny white flower at ground level: 2 images. Iphigenia sp. Iphigenia pallida Baker !
. References:
Iphigenia pallida
Updated on December 24, 2024