Iresine herbstii

Iresine herbstii Hook., Gard. Chron. 1864: 654 654 1864. (Syn: Iresine verschaffeltii Lem.);
Beefsteak Plant, Bloodleaf, Chicken Gizzard, Herbst’s Bloodleaf; 

Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Iresine herbstii : Green Leaves : Nairobi,Kenya : AK-11:
Seen this ornamental plant at the David Sheldrick Orphanage for Elephants in Nairobi, Kenya.
Leaves here were green in color unlike the ones seen in Munnar, Kerala.



Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Iresine herbstii : Munnar : AK-8:  Sharing these pictures of this beautiful ornamental plant from Munnar, Kerala.


Ornamental Plant For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 240114 : AK-18 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2).
A cultivated, ornamental plant seen at the Lalbagh Nursery.
Picture taken on 23/11/13.

This plant seems to be Iresine herbstii of the family Amaranthaceae.


Plant for ID-PC-10-15.08.2015 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
please identify the plant in picture from Warsaw. Is it some Alternanthera sp.

Yes ‘Red Alternanthera’. Most probably Alternanthera ficoidea.

Iresine herbstii a warm temperate plant in Amaranthaceae, originally from South America, I think.

Noted the correct ID and thanks for communicating the same to me. Sorry … for  my  misidentification. In fact, I am very familiar with this plant (Iresine species) and had grown this in my institute’s garden a decade ago dentified and explained to many  about the special features of this plant. While checking  your photograph I just did the ID in such a hurry that it did not occur to me that I had this plant in my garden and all my attention  was only on red Alternathera.  This is a lesson for non-professional taxonomists like me to be patient while  checking the characters. Patient pays and hurry harms.





Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: RVS-10: Iresine herbstii?:
Please confirm if this is Iresine herbstii. Found growing in a garden near Tirunelveli, TN.

I feel this is not Iresine herbstii.
This is Purple Amaranthus or Red Amaranthus.
I have posted a picture of Iresine herbstii from Munnar earlier.
Will repost under family week.
Experts kindly correct me if I am wrong, since I’m not an expert in Botany.

look at the inflorescence…
all wrong for a purple or red amaranth…
dont just focus on the rounded ends of the leaves…
they can be rounded or pointed…

Thanks for correcting me. It was just a guess.

Seems to be Iresine herbstii only.
Probably I had got confused earlier.



Requesting ID of this plant by the roadside – Oct 2013 :: 26MAR2014 :: ARK-24: 1 image.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured by the roadside in Mumbai in October 2013. Unfortunately, this is the only pic I have. Is it enough to ID?

Araliaceae member?

looks like Indian acalypha 


Did not find it close as per comparative images at Celosia

No doubt in it, I damn sure in that …, we need repost close-ups from posted author,

May I request you to pl. post a high resolution image.

Please find attached the hi-res image.
Hope this helps.
1 high res. image.

Celosia for me too!

Celosia argentea only

May I request you tol pl. post some links showing such leaves in Celosia argentea.

Many times I have observed in my fields it self …, haven’t taken photos, will soon send if it possible,
I have found in google relevant pics in the below link, once see there: facebook

Looks somewhat close to images at Iresine herbstii

Sorry …, it’s not Iresine, If possible revisit the plant …,

This pic is too old, it will not be possible for me to revisit this.
Also, it was a roadside plant, so most probably may not find it there as well.
Let us keep it as unidentified.


Iresine herbstii Hook. ex Lindl.: 3 very high res. images.

Location:  Jawalakhel
Date: 12 December 2023

Elevation : 1300m.

Habitat : Cultivated



The Plant List  GRIN  Iresine herbstii – Encyclopedia of Life  missouri botanical garden  Flowers of India  Wikipedia  PlantFiles: Pictures of Beefsteak Plant, Bloodleaf, Chicken Gizzard (Iresine herbstii)  California Gardens – Iresine herbstii – Bloodleaf  Iresine herbstii y Agave attenuata on Flickr – Photo Sharing!  Tropical Ornamentals: A Guide – Google Book Search  flowersofindia

Updated on December 24, 2024

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