Iris species/ hybrid

Identification of Iris:

A friend of mine was gifted this plant and has no idea what it is. In the google image search it keeps saying that it is a variety of Algerian Iris. However, I know for certain it is not. Would anyone be able to identify this gorgeous little thing?
It is growing at the moment in Kausani.

Iris kemaonensis Wall. ex D.Don. ??  ??    


I don’t think I. kemaoensis which would have more than 7 cm long Perianth tube.

I’ve checked hundreds of pages about Irises and most definitely not an Iris.. The little funnel like shape in the centre is what is baffling me. Google images keeps throwing up Algerian Iris. Does anyone here have a knowledge of South African flowers?

Iris stolonifera?

Updated on December 23, 2024

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