Isachne globosa (Thunb.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 778 1891. (Syn: Agrostis globosa (Thunb.) Poir.; Aira ischoemoides K.D.Koenig ex Kunth [Invalid]; Aira violacea Willd. ex Steud.; Eriochloa globosa (Thunb.) Kunth; Eriochloa japonica Steud. [Invalid]; Helopus globosus (Thunb.) Steud.; Isachne adstans (Steud.) Miq.; Isachne atrovirens (Trin.) Trin.; Isachne australis R.Br. .; Isachne dispar Trin. .; Isachne geniculata Griff.; Isachne globosa var. brevispicula Ohwi …….; Isachne heterantha Hayata; Isachne javana Nees ex Steud. [Invalid]; Isachne javana Nees ex Miq.; Isachne lepidota (Steud.) Walp.; Isachne lutaria Santos; Isachne miliacea var. javanica (Buse) Henrard ……; Isachne minutula (Gaudich.) Kunth .; Isachne muricata Nees ex Steud. [Invalid]; Isachne nodibarbata (Hochst. ex Steud.) Henrard; Isachne pangerangensis var. rhabdina (Steud.) Jansen .; Isachne ponapensis Hosok.; Isachne rhabdina (Steud.) Henrard; Isachne rhabdina (Steud.) Ohwi; Isachne stigmatosa Griff.; Isachne subglobosa Hatus. & T.Koyama; Isachne virgata Nees ex Steud. [Invalid]; Milium globosum Thunb.; Panicum adstans Steud.; Panicum antipodum Spreng. .; Panicum atrovirens Trin.; Panicum australe (R.Br.) Raspail [Illegitimate]; Panicum batavicum Steud.; Panicum dispar (Trin.) Steud.; Panicum lepidotum Steud.; Panicum minutulum Gaudich.; Panicum nodibarbatum Hochst. ex Steud.; Panicum rhabdinum Steud.; Panicum stigmatosum Drury; Panicum violaceum Klein ex Thiele [Illegitimate]); Id30092012PHK1: This is Isachne globosa. Look carefully and you can see the glandular band on the pedicels of the spikelets, which is characteristic of only a few of the species of the genera and only this species from peninsular india has this character
Isachne globosa—for sharing and validation : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Identified as Swamp Millet, pic taken at my farm at ambyvalley rd.lonavala/mulshi pune in sept11. Isachne globosa—-for sharing and validation : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Isachne himalaica Family – Poaceae Habitat – Found along brooklets in marshy paddy fields sharing habitat often with Ischaemum polystachyum. I was earlier thinking this grass to be Isachne globosa which is widely distributed species but because of its erect habitat with large globose purple spikelets, narrower leaf blades and presence in Himalayan region, i think this is Isachne himalaica. Experts please validate… Photographed at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Altitude – 700metres asl. Isachne globosa. You can see the glands on the pedicels of the spikelets, which is a characteristic feature of I.globosa. Isachne himalaica has a denser panicle with more branches and linear-lanceolate shape of panicle. Thanks a lot … for correcting and clearing differences. The grass sharing habitat with Isachne globosa is Ischaemum polystachyum, which was also earlier identified by you. Here i am sharing its link, you can see Isachne growing with it in one of the image…—z/po/poaceae/ischaemum/ischaemum-polystachyum Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Poaceae at Tungareshwar WLS :: 09 OCT 10 09:11 :: DV31 : 2 images. 6 posts by 3 authors. Poaceae Grass Place, Altitude: Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary … about 270 ft asl Date, Time: 09 OCT 10 … 09:11am Habitat: along path in forest Habit: small herb; about 1 ft high Only these views, with no adequate information of other aspects may not help in ID. Cyrtococcum accrescence. The spikelets should be plano-convex. If it is semi-aquatic habitat, it could also be Isachne sp. Cyrtococcum is usually found in dense shade in forest areas, whereas Isachne is a plant of semi-aquatic habitats. Many thanks … for the clarification. Isachne globosa Kuntze ?? I am convinced with your ID, … Many many thanks. I hope we have someone seconds your thought. I have revised my notes at flickr accordingly. Yes, Isachne globosa identification no130212sn1: Kindly Id. this plant. My guess is Eragrostis uniloides date/time:sept11 location:mulshi,pune habitat:wild plant habit:Grass height:about 1-2 ft. other info:pink colour Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week ::Poaceae » Isachne elegans?? at Panvel region :: PKA10:: : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. This was photographed near village Thakurwadi, Panvel region. Yes it is Isachne sp. Height of the plant and diameter/length of the spikelets please for species id. Also if possible post photo of dissected spikelet showing the two florets inside This appears close to other images at Isachne globosa (Thunb.) Kuntze Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Isachne globosa @ Karjat : Attachments (4). 9 posts by 5 authors. This Poaceae member was seen in the grasslands at Karjat. Photographs are superb. Thanks … for sharing. … this looks like one at my upload from Tungareshwar WLS … said: ……………. May I request you to kindly give your view on the matter. Yes it is Isachne sp. For species identification, rest of the characters in the dissected spikelet may be required. … upload also could be Isachne rather than Cyrtococcum Isachne globosa (Thunb.) Kuntze ?? This appears close to other images at Isachne globosa (Thunb.) Kuntze . Grass ID: Sporobulus?: 3 images. Bhopal, moist area, Oct 2024 Please check Cyrtococcum, could be Cyrtococcum accrescens (Trin.) Stapf Isachne globosa . Grass identification bundi005: 3 images. Habitat: Near moist area Habit: Rocky area Location: Bundi Rajasthan Date: 21102024 Most probably Isachne globosa, pls confirm. Isachne globosa . |
Isachne globosa
Updated on December 24, 2024