Keys in Flora of Bhutan (for Senecio): 1. Leaves simple. mostly serrate. rarely with few-lobed cauline leaves smaller than unlobed persistent basal leaves; perennials . . . . .. 2 + Leaves divided or lobed; annuals or perennials . . . . .. 4 2. Capitula discoid . . . . .. 1. S. kumaonensis (syn. of Synotis penninervis (H.Koyama) T.J.Tong, M.Tang, C.Ren & Q.E.Yang) + Capitula radiate . . . .. 3 3. Stems leafy. usually scrambling. to 5m . . . .. 2. S. scandens + Stems subscapose_ to 60cm . . .. 3. S. nudicaulis (syn. of Jacobaea nudicaulis (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) B.Nord.) 4. Stems stout. mostly over 50cm: perennials . . . . . .. 5 + Stems slender. herbaceous. to 45(-60) cm: annuals or scree-perennials with long slender rhizomes . . . . . .. 9 5. lnvolucre 3.5- 10mm diameter: ligules 5-12mm . . . . . . .. 6 + lnvolucre 2-3mm diameter: ligules to 3mm . . . . . . .. 7 6. lnvolucre 5-10mm diameter; phyllaries 5-7.5mm: ligules 7-12 >< 2-4.5mm; pappus reddish. absent from ray flowers or reduced and caducous …. 4. S. raphanifolius (syn. of Jacobaea raphanifolia (Wall. ex DC.) B.Nord.) + lnvolucre 3.5- 5mm diameter: phyllaries 3.5-5mm: ligules 4—7 >< l.5—2.5mm: pappus whitish or reddish. usually present and unreduced on ray flowers . . . . .. 5. S. laetus (syn. of Jacobaea analoga (DC.) Veldkamp syn. Senecio chrysanthemoides DC.) 7. Leaves deeply lyrately divided. terminal segments much larger than laterals. triangular . . . . . .. 6. S. biligulatus + Leaves pinnatisect. terminal segments not or scarcely larger than laterals . . . . . .. 8 8. Ligules not longer than involucre . . . . . . .. 7. S. graciliflorus (syn. of Jacobaea graciliflora (DC.) Sennikov) + Ligules c 3mm longer than involucre . . . . .. 8. S. royleanus 9. Scree-perennial with long slender rhizomes; ligules 5—10mm ……. 9. S. albopurpureus + Annuals: ligules less than 2mm . . . . . .. 10 10. Ligules scarcely longer than involucre: phyllaries with 2 distinct brown veins . . . .. I0. S. ramosus + Ligules I 2mm: phyllaries indistinctly veined . . . .. 11. S. tetrandrus .
. FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, distribution, local names etc. : . Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 4.2.14:
. Indigenous Drugs Of India By Chopra R N, I.C. Chopra Senecio jacobaea L. is a synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. . Species with distribution in annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal : Senecio diversifolius= Jacobaea raphanifolia (Wall. ex DC.) B. Nord. . Medicinal Plants Of The World By Singh (2006) Senecio cineraria DC. = Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden . Senecio, Cissampelopsis, Curio, Jacobaea, Kleinia, Ligularia & Synotis : 5 posts by 2 authors. I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Senecio, Cissampelopsis, Curio, Jacobaea, Kleinia, Ligularia & Synotis Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links. Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details. Any comments/ corrections are welcome . Jacobaea page (Asteraceae (Compositae)) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Jacobaea page (Asteraceae (Compositae)) with images of species in efloraofindia (done by …). If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know.
Updated on December 24, 2024