Jasminum parkeri Dunn, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1920: 69 1920. ;
Chrysojasminum parkeri (Dunn) Banfi, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Milano 1(1): 5 (2014). (syn: Jasminum parkeri Dunn) as per Catalogue of Life and WCSP;
W. Himalaya as per WCSP;
Common name: Dwarf Jasmine, Himalayan jasmine, Parker jasmine
Jasminum parkeri Dunn, locally endemic species from Chamba, H.P. cultivated in UCBG-GS29012020-1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Jasminum parkeri is locally endemic and rare species which was described by Dunn in 1920, based on collection by R. N. Parker from Tiari in Chamba State, No new collections of the species were reported in spite of several revisions of Family Oleaceae from India. It was rediscovered almost 100 years later in Bharmour subdivision in the Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh by Brij Lal et al. in 2014.
This locally endemic species was found cultivated in University of California Botanical Garden and clicked on May 11, 2014. The species is a dwarf spreading shrub barely 30 cm tall, looking somewhat similar to Jasminum humile (more than 1 m tall, leaves up to 15 cm long, leaflets 5-7, infl. 5-25 flowered, pedicel up to 3 cm long, corolla lobes 3-7 mm long, berry 8-9 mm in diam) but much shorter, leaves 7-15 mm long, leaflets 3-5, infl. 1-3 flowered, pedicel 2-3 mm long, corolla lobes 8-9 mm long, berry 3 mm in diam.
The species is not represented in any of our databases, including Facebook groups and Flowers of India. I am sharing pictures with the hope that our explorers of NW Himalayas find and share pictures from Chamba region.
Thanks, …, for the wonderful addition.
It appears similar to Jasminum humile L., but leaves are different
Current name seems to be Chrysojasminum parkeri (Dunn) Banfi as per Catalogue of Life and WCSP
Similarly Jasminum bignoniaceum Wall. ex G.Don. is now Chrysojasminum bignoniaceum (Wall. ex G.Don) Banfi
Jasminum humile L. is now Chrysojasminum humile (L.) Banfi
May be more species have been shifted from Jasminum to Chrysojasminum
Pdf is available at Chrysojasminum, a new genus for Jasminum sect. Alternifolia … by E Banfi in Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Milano 1(1): 5 (2014).
Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP World Flora Online IPNI Flowers of India Wikipedia Plant Lust Research Gate
Chrysojasminum, a new genus for Jasminum sect. Alternifolia … by E Banfi in Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Milano 1(1): 5 (2014).
Rediscovery of Jasminum parkeri Dunn, an endemic and endangered taxon from the western Himalaya, India by Brij Lal et al.- Biodiversity: Research and Conservation 34(1):11:16 · June 2014
Jasminum parkeri
Updated on December 24, 2024