
Following members mainly inserted a large number of images on a number of efi pages as below:

Gurcharan Singh- around 120 pages
Bhagyashri Ranade- around 45 pages
TSP Kumar- around 15 pages
In addition, I was also able to transfer images from these pages on genera pages (except for images by Gurcharan Singh ji) so that comparative position of various species in a genus is available on these pages. Species & genera pages of the following families were also completed in this month by me & Gurcharan Singh ji (some of them already done by me or others): 
  • Asteraceae (Compositae) (around 78 genera & 175 species) 
  • Atherospermataceae (1 genus & 1 species)
  • Balanophoraceae (1 genus & 6 species)
  • Balsaminaceae (Already completed by Bhagyashri ji)
  • Basellaceae (2 genera & 2 species)  
  • Begoniaceae (1 genus & 21 species)
  • Berberidaceae (6 genera & 21 species)
  • Betulaceae (4 genera & 8 species)
  • Bignoniaceae (19 genera & 34 species pages so far)
  • In addition, quality of work has gone up as we are also providing links to the threads from where the images has been taken on the species pages so that members can click on these links & see more images along with full discussions. Also number of images added on species pages has been increased from 4, where ever required/ available.
    Thanks Singh ji, Bhayashri ji & TSP Kumar ji for truly making it for June’16.

    Thanks a lot Garg

    Just for record 249 images, though just a fraction as compared to your job
    (My insertion: Neobrachyactis 4; Olearia 2; Omalotheca 1; Onopordum 3; Pseudelephantopus 7;Pseudognaphalium  11; Pseudogynoxys   11; Senecio 71; Sphaeranthus 17; Tussilago 6; Urospermum 5; Verbesina 11; Youngia 16; Epimedium 2; Nandina 8; Sinopodophyllum 6; Adenocalymma 4; Amphilophium 4; Bignonia 18; Dolichandra 10; Incarvillea 11; Markhamia 21)

    He is The Pitamah of efloraofin​dia. He has inserted images in around 120 pages in this month. Not only this he has also transferred those images to genera pages for comparative viewing along with correcting Ids, where ever possible.
    He is the Hero of the efloraofindia site in this month.
    Thanks, Singh ji, for your untiring efforts.

    Thanks a lot Garg

    Just for record 249 images, though just a fraction as compared to your job
    (My insertion: Neobrachyactis 4; Olearia 2; Omalotheca 1; Onopordum 3; Pseudelephantopus 7;Pseudognaphalium  11; Pseudogynoxys   11; Senecio 71; Sphaeranthus 17; Tussilago 6; Urospermum 5; Verbesina 11; Youngia 16; Epimedium 2; Nandina 8; Sinopodophyllum 6; Adenocalymma 4; Amphilophium 4; Bignonia 18; Dolichandra 10; Incarvillea 11; Markhamia 21)

    Salutes to your enthu and energy Gurcharan ji – always inspires us!

    Congrats Sir and many thanks for your inspirational contributions..always a hero!!

    She is now one of our Pillars. She has inserted images in around 45 pages in this month alone. She is quite savvy as far as inserting images is concerned.
    She is the 1st Runner Up Hero of the efloraofindia site in this month.
    Thanks, Bhagyashri ji, for your great efforts.

    Hearty congrats, Bhagyashri ji. You are doing a wonderful job – immensely useful to readers of our group.

    Congrats Bhagyashri Ji, keep doing this nice work with more energy..

    Not only he is posting marvellous images from Western Ghats, but is also the 2nd Runner Up Hero in this month for inserting images on around 15 species pages in efi site from efi threads.
    We are really impressed not only by his love for nature & Western Ghats, but also to show it to the larger audience in the world.
    Thanks, TSP Kumar ji for the good work.

    Congrats and thanks Tsp Kumar ji for your contributions.

    Hearty congratulations TSP Kumar ji, thanks for your wonderful uploads.

    Congrats Kumar Ji, your uploads are all wonderful and detailed, enjoyed them..!!

    Updated on December 24, 2024

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