Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight, Icon. pl. Ind. orient. 1: t. 109. 1839 (Syn: Lagerstroemia lanceolata Wall.; Lagerstroemia thomsonii Koehne; Murtughas lanceolata (Wall.) Kuntze) . commonly known as: ben teak, nana • Kannada: ನಮ್ದಿಮರ nandimara • Konkani: नरम naram • Malayalam: വെള്ളിലവ് vellilav, വെന്തേക്ക് ventheekk • Marathi: बोंडारा bondara, कुंबया kumbaya, नाना or नाणा nana • Tamil: கச்சைக்கட்டை kaccai-k-kattai, வெள்விளா vel-vila, வெண்டேக்கு ventekku• Telugu: చిన్నంగి chinnangi; . The fruit of L. parviflora [Nana], they look like peanuts and are 12 – 18 mm long, whereas here in L. lanceolata [Bhondara], as you know, they look like ‘acorns’ and are usually 2-3 by 1-2cms. Also from my records over the last few years, Bhondara flowers now [from Apr -Jun] and fruits from Aug -Dec, whereas Nana flowers in Aug and friuts from Aug -Dec.; . As per efi thread : The leaves of what cook calls parviflora are indeed more lanceolate than those of what he calls lanceolata. However L. lanceolata was previously called L.microcarpa (tiny fruits) so the size of the fruit of this plant matches L. parviflora better (2-3 cm as against 1-1.5 cm) than L. lanceolata (L. microcarpa); . Deciduous trees, to 30 m high, bark 6-8 mm thick, greyish or greyish-white, smooth, peeling off in thin long and broad flakes; blaze creamy yellow, outer parts brittle, inner layers fibrous; branches knotted. Leaves simple, opposite, distichous, stipulate; stipules 2, intrapetiolar, deciduous; petiole 6-15 mm long, slender, glabrous; lamina 4.5-10 x 3.7-6.5 cm, elliptic, ovate, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, base attenuate or acute, apex acute or acuminate, margin entire, glabrous and shining above, velvety pubescent beneath, chartaceous; lateral nerves 6-10 pairs, pinnate, prominent, intercostae scalariform, faint. Flowers bisexual, 5-6 mm across, white, in axillary and terminal panicles; calyx smooth, hoary, without a ring; lobes 6, triangular, persistent, reflexed; petals 6, 3 mm long, obovate, white, clawed; stamens numerous, inserted at the base of calyx tube; filaments long, exserted; ovary half inferior, sessile, glabrous, 4-6-celled, ovules many; style long, curved; stigma capitate. Fruit a capsule, 8-12 mm long, ovoid, 4-6 valved, dehiscent; seeds many, elongate, falcately winged, brownish. Flowering and fruiting: June-February Moist deciduous forests, also in the plains Western Ghats (From India Biodiversity Portal Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi) . 05/05/YRP/03/Naoroz Estate, Chethalayam, Wayanad: Some pictures of Venteak blossom (Lagerstroemia microcarpa). Date & Time 05/05/2011 Location: Place, Altitude, GPS Chethalayam, Wayanad. Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type: Wild Plant Habit: Tree, Shrub, Climber, Herb Tree. Height, Length. 100’ Flowers Size Colour Calyx Bracts- Bud size 1mm Sharing the images of Lagerstroemia microcarpa from Coimbatore.: Sharing the images of Lagerstroemia microcarpa from NBNP, Anaikatti, Coimbatore. Very nice set and interesting seedpods and seeds… Tall tree for ID– 12022014- PKA- Feb- 37 : Attachments (3). 7 posts by 6 authors. Tall tree seen in the core region of Bhadra WLS (near Muthodi), Karnataka. These are the only pics available with me.. Date/Time: 28-01-2014 / 13:00hrs looking like Lagerstroemia speciosa Or L. microcarpa Agree with … Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wt. ‘nandi mara‘ in Karnataka വെന്തേക്ക് – Ventekku- in Malayalam, meaning ‘White Teak’ Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight [= L. lanceolata Wall. ex C.B. Clarke] Endemic species of India. Commonly known in Malayalam as Venthekku, Vellilavu etc. Common name includes: Naked lady of the forests.
along NH4A between Khanapur & Anmod :: Lagerstroemia microcarpa :: DVFEB53/86 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 6 images. along National Highway No. 4A … between Khanapur & Anmod Date: 29 MAY 2011 … Altitude: about 650 m asl Very nice pictures! Lagerstroemia microcarpa—-for sharing and validation : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in April15. I think Yes Lagerstroemia microcarpa—-for sharing and validation : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Pic of Nana, taken at Ambyvalley rd., Lonavala Pune in Oct12
Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard for confirmation / correction : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Photographed on 25-12-2017 near Lonavala, Maharashtra. No flowers seen. Will appreciate confirmation / correction of above id. Leaves do not seem matching Looks different. Any suggestions wrt species / genus / family .. Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight [Lythraceae]. Assuming all the pictures are of the same individual tree. Thank you … Yes, all images from the same tree. The fruit was woody. Lagerstroemia parviflora [Nana]: 8 images. Sending some of my more recent photographs of L.parviflora [Nana]. After going through all the posts in efi site, I feel it is closer to images, details and keys at Lagerstroemia microcarpa Yes, it is L. microcarpa Tree ID request – RK70 – 26-Dec-2012: Request identification of this tree from Tungareshwer. There are some small size fruits on the tree and the bark is flaking. The leaves were all eaten up so I don’t have any pix of the intact leaves. This is Nana [Lagerstroemia parviflora – according to Dr. Almeida’s classification]. After going through all the posts in efi site, I feel it is closer to images, details and keys at Lagerstroemia microcarpa This is L. microcarpa, yes. Tree for identification: There is this very tall tree about 30 mt with straight, light brown and peeling trunk at my farm in Badlapur, Thane dist. I have encl. pics of the tree and the leaves which are very high up.. Its not seeding now but the seeds are dark brown, oval, about the size of a peanut and having 4 compartments. Someone told me it is Lagerstroemia. Can anyone help me identify it ? Possibly ….. Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arnold from Combretaceae Please check it at once… Marathi Name: Arjun From the bark peel and the straight bole of the tree I feel it would be Lagerstroemia lanceolata Yes…it could be Lagerstroemia species Agree with … till genus Lagerstroemia.. I think in Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb. , the bark is peeling as seen above. And in L. lanceolata the bark is rough, with exfoliations.. But may not peel off .. However, my observation is based on limited specimens from Central Western Ghats. This is Nana [Lagerstroemia parviflora according to Dr. Almeida’s classification]. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. The locals call it BONDARA. Ofcourse the local name may change as per locality. After going through all the posts in efi site, I feel it is closer to images, details and keys at Lagerstroemia microcarpa Yes, L. microcarpa Tree for an Id : 07052013:RV 1 : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please help to id this small tree, about15 ft tall with peeling bark, found on Malad Trail of SGNP, Mumbai…. picture is taken today (7.5.13). This is Nana [Lagerstroemia parviflora] according to Dr. Almeida’s classification. After going through all the posts in efi site, I feel it is closer to images, details and keys at Lagerstroemia microcarpa Yes, L. microcarpa. It is more common than L. parviflora in the Bombay area. Lagerstroemia parviflora [Nana] – efloraofindia | Google Groups Laterstroemia sp at Matheran : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- around 1 mb each. Please find attached images of a tree at Matheran. This beauty was growing along road side. Local person informed it’s name as Nana. Date: Mid Decemeber 2018 Leaves- Simple with auxiliary vegetative buds, Leaf shape elliptic, Petiole-more than 1 cm, Leaf margin entire, Leaf apex acute, Leaf base acute to rounded. Venation- Reticulate, 9 pairs of lateral veins. Phyllotaxy-Opposite Inflorescence-Large panicles at the tip of branch. Few panicles are near auxiliary position. (Please correct if wrong) Fruits-Dehiscent nearly penut size fruits with flat seeds. Missed to notice trunk bark texture. Is this Lagerstroemia microcarpa as petiole is 1 cm? Lagerstroemia speciosa ?? Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight Thank you … Fruits are very small like peanut or smaller than peanuts, and leaves has more than one cm petiole which is matching to L. microcarpa. Goa, May 2019 :: Tree for ID :: ARK2019-28 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7) Requesting to please ID this tree captured at the beginning of the Chorla Ghat from Belgaum to Goa in May 2019. Is it Lagerstroemia parviflora? I hope you’re right, sir. This is Lagerstroemia microcarpa, frequently confused with Lagerstroemia parviflora as per images and keys at these links. Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH :: Lagestroemia microcarpa :: ARK2019-80 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5) This was seen by the roadside near Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019. This was identified by … on FB as Lagestroemia microcarpa. Yes, I agree with … ID of Lagestroemia microcarpa. Thanks, …, Efi site page available at yes This plant was seen at Jawhar near Nashik, MH in July 2019. Suggestions on FB included Lagerstroemia parviflora and L. microcarpa. Would request to please ID. NOT. no stems of lagerstomia can be angulated. it seems they are in your pictures unless you have better focussed pictures that show them to be not angulated. leaf shape id also NOT and venation pattern is all different. social media has its own problems are you taking those opinions seriously? I too am not convinced that this is any Lagerstroemia species, the leaves do not match any of the pics on efi for the both the species. Hence, have posted here for further opinion. The stems are indeed quandrangular and that was what made me pay attention to this roadside plant. Would greatly appreciate any further feedback. most likely a herb? no flowers? i dont see hairs on leaves, if there were, my knee jerk response would be its one of the nettles. BUT…. not a neetle. yet i cant get away from Urticaceae. may be Elastostema sp of Urticaceae. right now I am stumped but when the id flashes here from a knowledgeable soul or in my mind it would be an aha! moment. thanks for a challenging case just a wild guess. going off in very different direction. could this be a young shoots of a guava? although leaves are too broad … broader than what i had in my mature guava tree. in it taking cuttings from a guava tree has this sentence? I quote : “ Scion material should be from terminal stem growth which is still green and quadrangular.” Scion is ” The scion is the part of the grafted plant that will produce the plant’s shoots” from google search . and i found an example: Growables look at that pic, very similar to yours and here the leaves are sessile and opposite on what looks like quadrangular stem overall essay is at this url: Growables its pink guava tree. may be different from what we get in india. exotic? more i look at this. more i am convincing myself that his is a pink guava young shoots. look at this selling in Kerala, the last picture in it, looks like square stem, sessile or almost sessile opposite leaves and venation similar to your case. and this one has large leaves. iti. need to run It is Lagerstromia lanceolata (L.microcarpa). Family : Lythraceae Identification confirmed by … wow. who would have thought. matches this url to the T. same link says its found in western ghats. so this is Lagerstoemia microcarpa !! live and learn, i imagine but going off in the tangent, helped me. get this viewpoint. no matter how much we think something matches, there is always something that’s is perhaps more matching. but the quadrangular shoots need for grafting in the pink guava was a revelation to me all over again and those pictures are from Univ of FLorida,m the gorup who i admire and would not readily doubt. … please Thank … I went thru our page on lagerstoemia and in particular Lagerstoemia microcarpa. no where do i see a quadrangular stem mentioned neither in writing nor shown in pictures. I would be happy if … looked at this case. … can you please ask them to take a look, thanks. … in particular, since he may have observed the young plants on his farm, which this may be. Thank you so much … for the confirmation. Also please convey my thanks to … for the ID help. And thanks …very much for your help in arriving towards the ID. On closer scrutiny of the efi pics, I did find an image posted by … showing leaves very similar to the one above, yes i did too. thats why i wanted … esp to look at this case Lagerstroemia microcarpa :: Prabalmachi, near Panvel :: 30 NOV 19 : 8 posts by 3 authors. 5 images. Prabalmachi between Matheran and Panvel Date: November 30, 2019 … Altitude: about 390 m (1,280 ft) asl Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight seed pods galore or flowers? Yes, flowering is through for this season. so are these flower buds, not ready to open yet? and i was wrong to presume it was fruit? …, these are fruits. The flowering cycle is over. that’s what i had thought originally. now i don’t remember why on second looking i thought it might be buds ? i have no reasoning today. i must have been influenced by that rosy tinge? god only knows. yes these are fruits, developing. .
Tree Photographed near Goa, in wild Observed in- April 2021 Height- 60–70 feet Bark was whitish Is this Anogeissus latifolia? Please Help in id. Lagerstroemia microcarpa! Seed capsules are in the first image. Doubtful ID. Looks different: Useful Tropical Plants It does not match with even A.latifolia also: I have seen … hardly going wrong. I agree with her id here also as per images and details at Lagerstroemia microcarpa Is it so that Lagerstroemia microcarpa grows to larger heights in areas with heavier rainfall (than in areas with lesser rainfall? ) This Lagerstroemia species can attain quite a good size where there is moisture and depth of soil. Please observe the bark which is very distinctive when it peels and flakes off as well as after this process is over. . Identification no. 030621sn1: 6 images. kindly help in identifying this tree? Has just started flowering. date:june21 location:Aambyvalley Rd.,Upper Lonavala,Pune Habitat:wild habit:Tree? height:about 7-8 ft Looks like Lagerstroemia microcarpa. Any flower images? Again this has come up in my backyard. not planted. again no flowers I have seen and just started having new foliage. Very unusual in this area. Tree for identification PM 001 030212: Photographed on 3rd Feb 2012 at altitude of 658 Mtrs. This should be Lagerstroemia lanceolata or Nana in Marathi. Capsules should be 1 cm long to confirm this ID. I feel you need not be a botanist to measure and give sizes of fruits and leaves. Pl. see /species/a—l/l/lythraceae/lagerstroemia/lagerstroemia-microcarpa lagerstroemia microcarpa नाणा To me it look more closer to Lagerstroemia parviflora, even this plant is also called as Nana in Marathi. Affirmative. This is Nana [Lagerstromia parviflora]. My photographs of this are available in the archives of this group. This is L. microcarpa since the leaves are petiolate. In L. parviflora the leaves are sessile. Capsule size could have been another distinct character. Looks matching but images are not so clear ! Goa photo for identification – 7: Any more photos available ? Is it found growing wild ? … when was this plant fruiting ? Its Lagerstroemia lanceolata or now correctly called as L. microcarpa from family Lythraceae Commonly called Nana in Maharashtra lagerstroemia microcarpa Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in May 15. Yes ! Tree for ID 040212 PM 002: Possibly Lagerstroemia parviflora of Lythraceae or Bondara in Marathi. Lagerstroemia lanceolata . Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV220: 5 images. Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 3:38 PM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight :: Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · JUN23 DV229: 2 images. Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wight Matheran :: Apr 1, 2023 · 1:51 PM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 ft) asl Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist . Unknown plant for identification-2?: 2 very high res. images. Help me identify this Unknown member. Photographed in Behali Reserve Forest, Assam on 22 May 2022,. The forest type is Semi Evergreen. Looks like Lagerstroemia Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb. ! Yes it is L.parvifolia. Posted leaves are creating a bit of a problem. Do you have any other images? No … I think the leaves matches L.parvifolia I don’t agree. Pl. see images and keys at Do you have any other images showing leaves more clearly? . Id.please: 4 images. sorry forgot to mention location. It is Aamby valley rd., Lonavala Maharashtra. It looks like Lagerstroemia microcarpa. The trees are often stunted and bear thorns in your area. The leaves of this one looks different than L.microcarpa besides this one has no flowers I have seen unlike L.microcarpa. As a lay person I wish to know if there are trees where you don’t see visible flowers like I have noticed that Ficus racemosa I see no flowers. This is just one example which came to my mind immediately. It is Called Nandi Mara in Karnata, with smooth pale trunk, endemic to Western Ghats, lofty tree with timber value. Nandi mara in India is the name of a plant defined with Lagerstroemia microcarpa in various botanical sources ?? I take it as Lagerstroemia microcarpa.
. References: GRIN Forestry Compendium (Lagerstroemia lanceolata as a syn.) Flowers of India (Lagerstroemia lanceolata as a syn.) India, a Lifescape: Butterflies of Peninsular India By Krushnamegh Kunte, Madhav Gadgil (Lagerstroemia lanceolata as a syn.) Biotik Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post The Gazetteers Department DDSA Wikipedia Nursery Manual for Forest Tree Species By N. H. Ravindranath, D. M Bhat, Vidya S. Swamy Western Ghat Portal (Lagerstroemia lanceolata Wall.) India Biodiversity Portal (Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wt.) India Biodiversity Portal (Lagerstroemia lanceolata Wall.) The Plant List 1 (No Lagerstroemia microcarpa) The Plant List 2 (Lagerstroemia lanceolata Wall.- unresolved) |
Lagerstroemia microcarpa
Updated on December 24, 2024