Lansium domesticum (Introduced)

Lansium domesticum Corrêa, Indian Forester 100: 202 1974. (syn: Aglaia aquea (Jack) Kosterm.; Aglaia domestica (Jack) Pellegrin; Aglaia dookoo Griff.; Aglaia intricatoreticulata Kosterm.; Aglaia merrillii Elmer; Aglaia sepalina (Kosterm.) Kosterm.; Aglaia steenisii Kosterm.; Amoora racemosa Ridl.; Lachanodendron domesticum Nees; Lansium aqueum (Jack) Kosterm.; Lansium domesticum Jack; Lansium domesticum var. aqueum Jack; Lansium javanicum M. Roem.; Lansium pedicellatum Hiern; Lansium sepalinum Kosterm.; Taeniochlaena polyneura Schellenb.);
Java, peninsular Malaysia (widespread), peninsular Thailand, Vietnam, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Philippines (Luzon, Camiguin, Basilan, Mindanao), Sulawesi, Moluccas, W-New Guinea, Laos (introduced), India (introduced), Burma (introduced), Micronesia (introduced) (Pohnpei (introduced)), Palau Isl. (introduced), Southern Marianas (introduced) (Guam (introduced)), Sri Lanka (introduced), Seychelles (introduced), Trinidad & Tobago (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life

Identification of fruits-Requested-reg: Attachments (1)- 2 Mb.
 Can you help in identification of two fruits which are collected from Coimbatore district.

Possibly Diospyros. Are they fleshy or woody?

Appears close to images of fruits at Diospyros discolor Willd.

This is Lansium domesticum


Lansium parasiticum of Indonesia : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
I send you three varieties: Lansium parasiticum.var. duku, L.parasiticum var. domesticum, L.parasiticum var. aquaeum.

Beautiful  photographs. For me the ID is correct. Is it not the langsat fruit. The tree has been grown here in Mysore  in one of the private gardens here.  I have seen the tree & eaten the fruits. 

There seems to be some confusion as to call it Lansium domesticum or Lansium parasiticum as per the following:
Lansium parasiticum :
Lansium domesticum :
What should be the correct one to follow ?

We usually call them Lansium domesticum, however says L. parasiticum is the accepted name, then many people say L. parasiticum.

In south India we have Lansium domesticum

The tree is grown in one of the private gardens here (Mysore).


Updated on December 24, 2024