Diospyros discolor Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 1108 1806. (syn: Cavanillea mabolo (Roxb. ex Lindl.) Hiern [Illegitimate]; Cavanillea philippensis Desr.; Cavanillea philippinensis Desr.; Diospyros blancoi A.DC.; Diospyros durionoides Bakh.; Diospyros malacapai A.DC.; Diospyros merrillii Elmer; Diospyros philippensis (Desr.) Gürke [Illegitimate]; Diospyros utilis Hemsl.; Embryopteris discolor G.Don; Mabola edulis Raf.); . E. & S. Taiwan to E. Borneo: Borneo, Philippines, Taiwan; Introduced into: Andaman Is., Bangladesh, Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, India, Jawa, Malaya, New Caledonia, Nicobar Is., Panamá, Trinidad-Tobago as per POWO; .
May be Diospyros philippinensis For me too Diospyros philippinensis
Confirm ID 100110AK 2 : 7 posts by 4 authors. This is another of the same fruits. Diospyros ‘Kaki’,’Japanese persimmon'(Diospermum) fruits-P1040259.JPG To me they look like the fruit of Diospyros melanoxylon locally called Tendu, Temru or Temburni. Temburni fruits are round where as these have a tapering end. Also the leaves are different. Have plenty of D.melanoxylon trees on my property at Shahapur. Sending you a photograph of the leaves for comparison. Attachments (1) Country Cigarette (Beedi in Tamil) is made by rolling the dry leaves of this Diospyros melanoxylon tree. This job of cutting & rolling the leaves gives job for many rural people in Tamil nadu. Diospyros discolor (Cultivated) as per another thread: Please confirm ID: 100110AK1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Diospyros species ? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) Location Laluk Karunabari North Lakhimpur Assam Please identify it Pl. Check comparative images at efi site at Diospyros page. Pl. check with images at Diospyros discolor Willd. as per comparative images at efi site at Diospyros page Looking at the fruits & leaves the ID by … seems to be correct. Nevertheless, observation of flowers is necessary for confirmation. Diospyros blancoi A.DC. (syn.D.buxifolia Dunn.) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) I would like to share a few photographs from my own collection. Pl. incorporate the same in the efloraofinidia site. This is the fruits of Diospyros blancoi A.DC. (syn.D.buxifolia Dunn.) EBENACEAE. The image was taken from the ‘Edible fruit plants conservatory’ of JNTBGRI, Palode, Trivandrum. It is a large evergreen tree, native to the Philippines, commonly known as Velvet apple. The tree is chiefly cultivated for its edible fruits. Diospyros blancoi??140411-PKA1: Few days back … has posted one Diospyros sp. for ID. I happen to meet her at Jijamata Udyan and she had shown same tree to me. I am sharing the photographs of Flowers and fruits. Could this be Diospyros blancoi (Velvet Apple)?? Here are my pics of the velvet apple, but not on the tree.( Photography not allowed in that park!) Did you collect these fruits and leaves from Agri. Horti. society garden? Diospyros malbarica called Tinduka in Ayurveda Considering the nature of fruiting calyx this could, most probably not Diospyros blancoi ( new name is Diospyros discolor). In Diospyros blancoi the fruiting calyx is very small. Will it be possible to check whether the leaves are coriaceous, bright red when young and hairy always (young as well as mature ones)?. If the tree is closer to you or some of your friends, may be. to me it is Diospyros ebenum Koen. ex. Retz. Phys. Salsk. Handl. 1: 176. 1780; Cl. in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 558, 1881; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 163, 1958 (Repr.); Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 2: 299, 2001. Yes, this is Diospyros discolor as per images and details herein and as earlier identified by … ID No.080411-RV 1: Plz ID this Diospyros…flowering in Rani Bagh, Mumbai. Found a ripe fruit fallen under the same tree, a bit eaten by the bird…….a person from Rani Bagh told me that the fruit can eaten, so I ate the pulp there n there and found it very tasty. I have attached the photo of the ripe fruit along with the 6 seeds which came out of it. Yes its D. malabarica, called Gaab in bengali, is very sweet, local monkeys eat it up before we can get it or the local urchins, we have a couple of trees in the horticulture garden in Kolkata. yes the fruits looks like D. malabarica; but I have doubt about the size of calyx and the leaves too. I was there with … Even first we thought it was D.malabarica but it can’t be for LOOK AT THE FLOWERS!…THEY LOOK LIKE MALE FLOWERS…HOW CAN IT BEAR FRUITS? and that made us wonder what it was….female flowers of D.malabarica are very different and male and female occur on separate trees [it is monoecious tree]…..MAY BE this is an aberrant D.malabarica who is born as dioecious! ! ! Thank you all for taking so much efforts to identify this mysterious specie of Diospyros…..i am attaching the pictures of Diospyros malabarica’s male and female pictures and also of Diospyros unidentified flowers, for comparison. Could this unidentified Diospyros sp. be Diospyros blancoi (Velvet Apple)? Diospyros malabarica I think it should be Diospyros ebenum J.König ex Retz. as per discussions under thread: Diospyros blancoi??140411-PKA1 This is Diospyros discolor as per images and details herein. Diospyros for ID : 250511 : AK-3: looks like Diospyros malabarica (syn. D. ebenum) Ebony tree. There are 3 more species of Diospyros in Rani Baug.. Are flowers and fruits from the same tree as the third photograph with leaves and flowers?. The second photograph looks like that of D. malabarica (syn: peregrina) but leaves of third photograph look to be similar to D. montana (syn: D. cordifolia). The leaves of malabarica are mostly shining, much longer than broad. The flowers are ivory coloured and almost as long as broad in D. malabarica. The colour does resemble D. montana but I have never seen such a long corolla tube (comparing lobes) in any species of Diospyros. I have pictures of two more species from same place, but seem to be getting confused with the actual names & id. The flowers on the tree were photographed on the 9th of April, when I revisited a week later, found these flowers & fruit under the same tree. I think … had posted the same earlier but I missed out on the id. Most probably D. malabaricum of Ebenaceae family. D. ebenum and D malabarica are not Synonyms they are different species. To me it appears more closer to Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb.as per images herein. Sorry, It may be more closer to Diospyros ebenum J.König ex Retz. as per images herein This is Diospyros discolor as per images and details herein. Diospyros blancoi ? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district Tripura Please confirm Diospyros species Yes, this is Diospyros discolor as per images and details herein . Please help me to identify this wild tree from Dimapur : Nagaland.: 3 images. pl check Diospyros discolor. I agree with … Yes from me also. Beautiful photographs ! . References: |
Diospyros discolor (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024