Lantana montevidensis (Cultivated)

S. Trop. America as per WCSP;
Alabama; Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Bolivia; Brazil Northeast; Brazil South; Brazil Southeast; California; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Fiji; Florida; Georgia; Haiti; Louisiana; New Caledonia; New Zealand North; New Zealand South; Paraguay; Puerto Rico; Society Is.; Texas; Trinidad-Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Trailing lantana, Weeping lantana, Creeping lantana, {Samballei, Nongballei, Thirei} (Manipuri), Raimu niya राईमुनिया (Hindi), உன்னிச்செடி Unnichedi (Tamil), तणतणी tantani (Marathi)

Lantana montevidensis is a species of lantana known by many common names, such as: trailing lantana, weeping lantana, creeping lantana, small lantana, purple lantana or trailing shrubverbena.

This lantana is native to South America.
Lantana montevidensis is a small strongly scented flowering low shrub with oval-shaped green leaves. With support it has a climbing ‘vine‘ form, when on edge a trailing form, and on the flat a groundcover form..
The inflorescence is a circular head of several purple to lavender to white funnel-shaped flowers with lobed corollas each nearly a centimeter wide. Reports of yellow flowered Lantana montevidensis are based on the misidentification of Lantana depressa var. depressa, a Florida endemic taxon more closely related to Lantana camara.[1]
The fruit consists of a pair of nutlets surrounded by flesh somewhat like a berry.
Lantana montevidensis is also cultivated as an ornamental plant for its plentiful colorful lavender to purple flowers and as a drought tolerant groundcover, woody vine, and trailing plant for containers and in the ground.
In temperate climates there are flowers most the year, with yellow blooming and variegated leaved cultivars also available.
The plant is present nearly worldwide as an introduced species of garden and landscape plant, and in some areas, such as parts of Australia and Hawaii, now a noxious weed and invasive species. This plant is toxic to livestock.
(From Wikipedia on 24.9.13)

Lantana moldivensis above, L camara– Dallas Red middle, Gold Mound below


Lantana montevidensis from California-GS19102020-1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Lantana montevidensis
Common name: Trailing Lantana
A very distinctive species with trailing habit, smaller leaves and small clusters of purple flowers with large broadly ovate bracts.
Also included is image with comparison of leaves and flower clusters with two cultivars of Lantana camara, ‘Gold Mound’ and ‘Red Dallas’
Clicked from Fremont California, 5-9-2017


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lantana montevidensis ? from Panipat- NS May 100/100 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This was recorded from Panipat, planted in a community park..
Is this Lantana montevidensis ?

It does look like Lantana montevidensis. I have attached two photos of the plant that was growing in my college garden in Delhi and which I had got identified by this group.
Attachments (2)

Violet lantana flowers : Attachments (1). 11 posts by 7 authors.
Violet lantana flowers
Place : Karjat, near Mumbai.
Date  :  Dec. 2009

This is Lantana indica

Looks like Lantana indica; yet floral bracts are needed to confirm

This is Lantana indica

I think this should be Trailing Lantana (Lantana montevidensis)
native to South America.
It is a low-growing, creeping plant, rather than a shrub, and is popularly used as ground cover.

Just a small doubt. The lantana came to India probably during the Second World  War. The how can there be a Lantana indica?

The plant we call common lantana is Lantana camara – that is the plant which came from outside and is invasive. Lantana indica is a different species, which is native to the Indian subcontinent.

Is it not Lantana sellowiana?

…, Lantana sellowiana is a synonym of  Lantana montevidensis, I think the plant here is what you think it is.

Thanks … I am not a botanist, so I do not have much knowledge of plants or the synonyms. I always appreciate such information/corrections


Sending photos of Lantana montevidensis. This is also known as trailing lantana. Very showy, aromatic and used for borders.
Place : Karjat, Maharashtra
Date  :  20.9.2009

Time  :  10.00 a.m.
Habitat : Cultivated

Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 7-8: 301 (1904).
Lippia montevidensis Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2: 751 (1825).
Camara montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 250 (1898).
Lantana sellowiana Link & Otto, Icon. Pl. Select.: 107 (1826).
Lantana sellowiana f. planifolia Cham., Linnaea 7: 126 (1832).
Lantana sellowiana f. rugosa Cham., Linnaea 7: 126 (1832).
Lantana selloi Steud., Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 8 (1841), orth. var.
Lantana sellowiana var. lanceolata Hook., Bot. Mag. 68: t. 3941 (1842).
Lantana decumbens Sellow ex A.DC. in Candolle, Prodr. 11: 604 (1847).
Lantana delicatissima Poit., Rev. Hort., IV, 1: 461 (1852).
Camara sellowiana (Link & Otto) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 504 (1891).
Lantana montevidensis f. albiflora Moldenke, Phytologia 2: 365 (1947).
Distribution: Tropical America
Current Location: KFBG, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong (from gardens)

is this also found in India

It’s grown in gardens!!

If it is a creeper type Lantana, then it is there in my college garden in Delhi.
Notice the yellow-white centre of the young unpollinated flowers that has disappeared in the older pollinated flowers. Many insects including bees and probably thrips that pollinate Lantana flowers, see in ultra-violet light and in UV light only the yellow- white centre is visible; rest of the flower apprears black. In the other common species of Lantana the young yellow flowers turn pink/red on pollination; red too appears black in UV light. 


Verbenaceae – Lantana montevidensis:
This is the creeper type Lantana growing in my college garden in Delhi. Is it Lantana montevidensis?

The climbing Lantana is Lantana montevidensis but I am not sure if my ID is correct ! I will appreciate a close-up of the plant to finalize.

More pictures of Lantana montevidensis from Delhi.

Close up available in another thread:


Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq.
Easily differentiated from L. camara in blue to purple flowers and ovate bracts

pictures are missing

SK1715 11 Jan 2019 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 6 mb.
Location : Sentosa , Singapore
Date : 18 October 2012
Altitude  131 m.
Habit : Cultivated
Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq.

It is all right as per Lantana montevidensis


Lantana montevidensis : Bangalore : 30SEP20 : AK-31 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
A cultivated, garden plant.


Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq.: 5 very high res. image.

Location: Bangalore, India 
Altitude: 900m.
Date: 08 August 2022

Habit : Cultivated

Yes … Very common garden plant used in landscaping.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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