Launaea species- Pantnagar, Uttarakhand

Launaea acaulis (Rocb.) Kerr is a spring annual in Pantnagar.
Flower heads are borne on scapes devoid of leaves.
Kindly validate the ID.

Beautiful postings.

Would you pl. confirm it or otherwise in view of your replies at another thread ?

The flowers at another thread look different from the one posted by Dr Rawat. Interested to know which one is the real L. acaulis.

The posted pictures show some features of Launaea procumbens as per FoC. I am not sure of the ID, though.

However, study of roots, phyllaries, achenes and pappus should help confirm the ID.

Outer phyllaries are unequal (of various size), I agree wit the id.

Sorry, missed the main point, it has more than 14 florets, it may not be L. acaulis (as per FoC, the species has 10-14 florets). I don’t know yet what it can be.

It is most probably Launaea nudicaulis (L.) Hook.f.- POWO

Thank you … Launaea nudicaulis (L.) Hook.f. is certainly a better match. A minor concern here is of the glandular hair on outer phyllaries which are not mentioned in L. nudicaulis.

However, I am taking it as L. nudicaulis (L.) Hook.f.

I thought, since those were spread unevenly and no hair was visible, those were some kind of pest, or mold (mould), if mould grows on living tissue, at that altitude or temperature!
If those are glands it would not be a minor concern, Sir, I am yet to come across (in literature) any Launaea, having phyllary glands.

Question remains whether Launaea nudicaulis (L) Hook.f. is really reported from India as CoL does not give its distribution here and POWO skips Pakistan in between in the range.
At several threads like Asteraceae Fortnight part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Launaea procumbens from Delhi-GS-24 at Launaea procumbens, it is referred as Launaea procumbens (Roxb.) Ramayya & Rajgopal, Kew Bull. 23: 465, 1969
syn: Launaea nudicaulis auct.

May I request you to let us know if Launaea nudicaulis (L) Hook.f. is really reported from India or not. as per above discussions.

Agreed, Sir, it does not occur in India, there is no record, except KEW site.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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