Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Launaea? from VOF for id -NS 14 : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 4 authors.
This composite was found growing along the route leading to Ghanghariya from Gobind Ghat..
looks similar to Taraxacum officinale.. but the leaves differ.. can this be any Launaea..
please help to id.. Launaea species in efi. One Launaea with obovate-spathulate, entire leaf is L. microcephala Hook. f., which seems to be a small and slender plant – iiim. Another similar plant is L. acaulis (Roxb.) Kerr – plantillustrations.
This much i could find presently.
Thanks … for the feedback on my Launaea posts.. I will try to find out the relevant data from the links.. I am also waiting for further inputs.. I too have this species with me; pics and specimen. Like to know ID. Launaea acaulis (Roxb.) Babc. ex Kerr ?? This is no Launaea acaulis, neither any usual Launaea spp. Here the phyllaries are 2-seriate, each set having phyllary of equal size, I am yet to find that character in Launaea.
Unfortunately, there is no herbarium of L. microcephala, neither any description except in Flora of British India ( same point admitted in one 2002 Pakistan paper (on Launaea). In spite of that it has no chance of being L. microcephala, neither flowering stem is filiform, nor peduncle is capillary.
FBI has no Taraxacum that matches with this one.
I am yet to know what this species might be.
This is most probably Youngia japonica (L.) DC. Usually, outer phyllaries are apparently smaller than those can be seen in ths picture set, ut instances are there, with a little larger outer phyllaries –
Please, check both, FoC, and FoNA, along with other literatures.
Another species with similar outer phyllaries, but with glandular hairs is Pterotheca falconeri Hook.f. (check eFI).
I would like to add that , as per description available, Launaea microcephala Hook.f. also has “…. 2-seriate involucral bracts, 6-8 i number, outer minute, inner linear. Radical leaves obovate-spathulate, cauline …….”
Thanks, …, for the detailed analysis.
I also tried my hand with comparative images at Cichorieae as well as those mentioned in previous discussions.
Lack of habit image, is also casting doubts. From 2nd image (with leaf in the background), it appears that it was the only flower on the posted plant.
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. appears close but relative size of lower phyllaries appears to be a bit larger compared to images herein (considering that habit image are in line with those at the given link) Pterotheca falconeri Hook.f. is another possibility as suggested by Surajit ji as per GBIF specimens from India– one, two, three, four.
Here the size of lower phyllaries appears Ok as per images, but hairiness may be a factor as pointed out by …
Most likely this is not Youngia japonica (L.) DC. This is something else.
The species features upto 20 florets per capitulum, check FoC, and other uploads, not all, in eFI.
The question is how many more florets can anyone allow for the identification of Youngia japonica (L.) DC.?
Thanks a lot … for all the efforts.. I will try to submit any further images, if I do have any…and I should also make some efforts towards conclusion..
I am sure it is not Youngia japonica..
Please examine the plate -“Launaea unid VOF (3)” closely, actually phyllaries seem to be multi-seriate, not 2-seriate as I thought earlier.
This might be Hypochaeris glabra L., please check probability :-
Thank you
Thanks, …, for the efforts. I do not think it matches.
Launaea species?- enroute to Ghanghariya from Gobind Ghat
Updated on December 24, 2024