Lavandula bipinnata

Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 521 1891. (syn. Bystropogon bipinnatus Roth; Chaetostachys multifida Benth.; Lavandula bipinnata var. burmanniana Kuntze; Lavandula bipinnata var. intermedia Kuntze; Lavandula bipinnata var. rothiana Kuntze; Lavandula burmanni Benth. [Illegitimate]; Lavandula multifida Burm.f. [Illegitimate]);
lav-AN-dew-lah — to wash, referring to its use in the bath … Dave’s Botanary
by-pin-NAY-tuh — in two parts, wings (refers to placement of leaves on stem)Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: feather-leaved lavenderGujarati: આસમાની ગલગોટો asmani galgoto, સર્પનો ચારો sarpno charo, શંખપુષ્પી shankhapushpiMarathi: घोडेगुई ghodegui
Names compiled / updated at
Stem quadrangular. Leaves opposite sessile.3-10cm, deeply pinnatisect into linear lobes,pubescent beneath. Flowers bluish white.Corolla 1cm, 2 lipped,Upper lip with two short rounded lobes. Lower lip 5 lobed Midlobe oblong rounded longer.

Images by Dinesh Valke


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lavandula bipinnata :: Pasarani Ghat :: DVMAY19/19 : 1 post by 1 author. 4 images.
Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze
along Pasarani Ghat on August 25, 2010

Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lavandula bipinnata :: Pateshwar :: DVMAY20/20 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.
Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze
at Pateshwar on September 8, 2012


Names of Plants in India :: Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze:
via Species‎ > ‎L‎ > ‎ Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze … (family: Lamiaceae)

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
lav-AN-dew-lah — to wash, referring to its use in the bath … Dave’s Botanary
by-pin-NAY-tuh — in two parts, wings (refers to placement of leaves on stem)Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: feather-leaved lavenderGujarati: આસમાની ગલગોટો asmani galgoto, સર્પનો ચારો sarpno charo, શંખપુષ્પી shankhapushpiMarathi: घोडेगुई ghodegui
botanical names: Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze … synonyms: Bystropogon bipinnatus Roth • Chaetostachys multifida Benth. • Lavandula burmanni Benth. [Illegitimate] • Lavandula multifida Burm.f. [Illegitimate] … The Plants List
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Photographed along Pasarani Ghat … 25 AUG 10

lav-AN-dew-lah — to wash, referring to its use in the bath … Dave’s Botanary
by-pin-NAY-tuh — in two parts, wings (refers to placement of leaves on stem) … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: feather-leaved lavender • Gujarati: આસમાની ગલગોટો asmani galgoto, સર્પનો ચારો sarpno charo, શંખપુષ્પી shankhapushpi • Kannada: ಸರ್ಪಾರಿ sarpaari • Kunbi: भुत मंजरी bhut manjri • Marathi: दीपमाळ deepmal, घोडेगुई ghodegui, रान भांग ran bhang • Odia: କାମରାଜ kamaraja • Rajasthani: गोंद gond

botanical namesLavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze … homotypic synonymsBystropogon bipinnatus Roth … heterotypic synonymsLavandula burmanni Benth. … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
feather-leaved lavender
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
આસમાની ગલગોટો asmani galgoto, શંખપુષ્પી shankhapushpi
  • The Useful Plants of India by NISCAIR
સર્પનો ચારો sarpno charo
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಸರ್ಪಾರಿ sarpaari
~~~~~ KUNBI (Madhya Pradesh) ~~~~~
भुत मंजरी bhut manjri
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
घोडेगुई ghodegui
दीपमाळ deepmal, रान भांग ran bhang
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
କାମରାଜ kamaraja
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
गोंद gond
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in States and Union Territories of India ~~~~~
*Andhra Pradesh, *Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, *Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagar Haveli, Odisha, Rajasthan, *Tamil Nadu, *Telangana, *Uttar Pradesh, *West Bengal

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state


For ID 300911 NS1:
Plz identify this tiny flower species.

Plant habitat- Wild
Location- Pune
Dated- 29 th Sep 11.

Lavandula bipinnata.
The species name describes the character of leaves. The flower does have lavender smell too.


For Id fragrant herb CS07092012:
Can you please Id the herb . Leaves looked like Artemisia. But the flowers seem not. Is it a member of Lamiaceae. This was collected from Vikarabad near hyderabad

Photograps looks like Lavendula species need to be checked

Thank you for the possible ID. When I check out with flowersof india site the feather leaved lavender matches with leaf structure, but flower colour looks different. Anybody can please confirm the ID

Yes indeed this is Lavandula bipinnata.
The plant has a lavender odour.
Some characters to observe:
Stem quadrangular.
Leaves opposite sessile.3-10cm, deeply pinnatisect into linear lobes,pubescent beneath. Flowers bluish white.Corolla 1cm, 2 lipped,Upper lip with two short rounded lobes. Lower lip 5 lobed Midlobe oblong rounded longer.(Only feature not observed here; the middle lobe is bifid here)

Thank you … I noticed the bifid lobe too. It has a mild and pleasant fragrance. Is this plant rare or common coz I have not come across thios plant in agricultural fields . THis was collected from a forest area. Any pointers to ethnobotany. I came across a reference that it is commonly used in the tribal medicines.

It is very common in Pune. Maharashtra, in open areas esp. hills surrounding the city.


Striga sps? for identification : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
attaching a pic of striga sps ? for identification pls let me know

This is Lavandula bipinnata : Lamiaceae.
The flowers are probably discoloured.

Requesting to please validate ID of this plant with blue flowers captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Is this Lavandula bipinnata?

Yes it is


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae :: Lavandula bipinnata :: Satara :: ARKMAY-32/32 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Attached are pictures of Lavandula bipinnata captured at Khambatki ghat on the way to Satara in October 2014.
Requested to validate the ID.

Thanks again …


Senecio ? SN 15Jan 36 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild herb in the hill slopes from Manmad area of Nashik dt, Maharashtra

It’s look like Lavendula bipinata

Sir ji this may be from Lamaiceae sending one of my images. Attachments (1)

Thank you sir, it is Lavendual bipinnata O. Kuntze Fam: Lamiaceae. reported it. I see this first time.


Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Lamiaceae : Lavandula bipinnata : Nasik : 18MAY15 : AK-30 : 30/32 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments(2)
Seen on the outskirts of Nasik.
Posted earlier, identified as Lavandula bipinnata by …
The leaves were quite similar to Carrot leaves.


Taken on the outskirts of Nasik, Maharashtra on 15/11/2009.
Growing wild…found these specially near rocky cliffs.
Small plant, leaves similar to Verbena.

I guess Lavandula gibsonii

its Lavandula bipinnata from Lamiaceae

Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze as per images herein & as per another thread:
Lamiaceae (including Verbenaceae) Fortnight : Lamiaceae : Lavandula bipinnata : Nasik : 18MAY15 : AK-30 : 30/32


at kas, Satara, Maharashtra in the 2nd week of Sept 09; on Vetal Tekdi and many areas around Pune- Oct’09?; Nagzira National Park on 28th December, 2009;

For ID 120110 ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Lavandula – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Lavendula Sp._Kas_Sept 09_SSN – indiantreepix | Google Groups


efloraofindia:”For Id” wild herb with light blue flowers at Talegaon Dabhade :18122014: MR-5 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Talegaon Dabhade Pune
Requesting to please identify this wild herb with light blue flowers .Sorry I do not have pix of leaves

Lavandula sp… Check for Lavandula bipinnata..

Thank you … I will check with Lavandula bipinnata


ID _ DKB_5671 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Mewar Biodiversity Park, Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Was it wild ? Any other image ?

Lavandula bipinnata (Roth

Most probably Levendula pectinata sir

May be Lavendula bipinnata


Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 25NOV20 : AK-24 :
A small plant growing wild.
Lavandula bipinnata?

I guess correct !


Herb MP SN18421: 1 image.
Wild herb 1m tall near Sarni MP.

Ramphicarpa fistulosa

Looks different from images at Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth.
Also I could not find a match as per comparative images at Orobanchaceae

Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) Kuntze


Request for ID again Salvia?: 2 high res. image.

Sorry to bother you again, can you help with the Identification of this flower.
I think it closely resembles Salvia uliginosa, the bog sage but it has no distribution in India.
Location: Shayadri hills
Bog marshy aquatic habitat

Pl. check Lavandula.
See if it matches with

Thanks a lot. confirmed Lavandula bipinnata

Yes, …


I’d plz ?: 1 high res. image.

Location : Barda Hill, Porbandar, Gujarat
Date : 05-10-2022
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Pl. check

Lavandula bipinnata.

Yes, appears close to images at—l/l/lamiaceae/lavandula/lavandula-bipinnata


Identification request 19: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Rocky/Aravali mountain

Habit: Herb
Loc: Udaipur
Date: 11/12/2022


Updated on December 24, 2024

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