Lepidium pinnatifidum



Lepidium pinnatifidum from Kashmir:
Lepidium pinnatifidum Ledebour, Fl. Ross. 1: 206. 1841.
syn: Lepidium neubaueri Rech.f.
Annual or biennial herb up to 50 cm tall, simple below, branched above; basal leaves pinnatifid to pinnatipartite, shortly petiolate, upper elliptic-lanceolate to linear, lower toothed upper entire; flowers minute, sepals 0.7-0.8 mm long, petals almost half to 3/4 as long as sepals; stamens 4; fruit broadly elliptic to orbicular, 1.8-2 mm, pilose, not winged towards apex, apical notch obscure, less than 0.1 mm deep, style as long as notch.
The plant may be easily confused with L. apetalum in which also the basal leaves are pinnatipartite, but branches are clustered near the tip, petals are rudimentary or absent and fruit glabrous.
The plants can also be confused with L. ruderale in which, however, plants are fetid, basal leaves are 2-3 pinnatisect, fruit glabrous, narrowly winged at apex.
Photographed from Balgarden, Srinagar, Kashmir growing along roadsides, photographed in June and July.
…, this plant was earlier uploaded by me at Flowers of India wrongly under the name L. ruderale. Kindly incorporate the correction and incorporate close up of fruit showing pilose nature and apical notch.


Brassicacae Week: Lepidium pinnatifidum from Kashmir:  Lepidium pinnatifidum Ledebour, Fl. Ross. 1: 206. 1841.
syn: Lepidium neubaueri Rech.f.
Annual or biennial herb up to 50 cm tall, simple below, branched above; basal leaves pinnatifid to pinnatipartite, shortly petiolate, upper elliptic-lanceolate to linear, lower toothed upper entire; flowers minute, sepals 0.7-0.8 mm long, petals almost half to 3/4 as long as sepals; stamens 4; fruit broadly elliptic to orbicular, 1.8-2 mm, pilose, not winged towards apex, apical notch obscure, less than 0.1 mm deep, style as long as notch.
The plant may be easily confused with L. apetalum in which also the basal leaves are pinnatipartite, but branches are clustered near the tip, petals are rudimentary or absent and fruit glabrous. 
The plants can also be confused with L. ruderale in which, however, plants are fetid, basal leaves are 2-3 pinnatisect, fruit glabrous, narrowly winged at apex.
Photographed from Balgarden, Srinagar, Kashmir growing along roadsides, photographed in June and July.

Lepidium ruderale from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Rajouri j and k Habit: Herb- I’d requested: 1 high res. images.
Lepidium sp. ??

Yes. Thanks, …
Pl. also check Lepidium pinnatifidum Ledeb.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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