Leucas angularis

Leucas angularis Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 62 1830. (syn: Leucas pubescens Thwaites [Illegitimate]);
S. India, Sri Lanka (from WCSP);

Prostrate branching herbs, pubescent. Leaves to 3.5 x 1.5 cm, ovate, obtuse, base rounded or truncate, serrate, pubescent; petiole 0.5 cm. Whorls axillary, 4-6 flowered; bracts 3 mm, linear, ciliate; calyx tube 8 mm, 10 toothed, unequal, to 2 mm, ciliate; corolla tube 9 mm, subequal; filaments 5 and 7 mm, pubescent; ovary 1 mm, style 1 3 mm.

Flowering and fruiting: March-July
Dry deciduous and evergreen forests
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi

Images by B.Rathinasabapathy 



Pl. find the attached file contain Photo for Id. confirmation.
Photo was taken during 2011.
Location: Anaikatti, Coimbatore.
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Herb.

From the Photos I guess it is Ocimeae group species, probably Orthosiphon or Plectranthus sp.

Orthosiphon species in efi with keys 

Plectranthus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

This is belongs to the genus Orthosiphon 

Leucas angularis Benth.


It is Leucas angularis Benth. = (Syn: Leucas marrubioides Desf. var. pulneyensis Hook.f. )

sir seems to be Leucas biflora

For me it looks like Leucas chinensis.

No efi page on Leucas angularis so far.

Leucas biflora

Interesting plant. Its cannot be L.biflora.

Thank you for sharing an unknown species.

If it was my species I would have selected Leucas angularis Benth. out of the suggested ids.

looks like  L. biflora but has far more flowers than 4.

Leucas marrubioides Desf is my call.

Please let me first tell that I am no authority to any genus/species, all of you know I have no qualification so that I can claim slightest degree of authority. and for the new members as well as for all, my modified identity will automatically be appended in each mail.

Another point I would like to clarify is that as a general member I think I am expected to reply or express my view on certain ids. Sometimes I give opinion on my own, please ignore henceforth.
As per literature, mostly outdated, available with me –
  • Leucas biflora (Vahl) Sm.
number of flowers rejects the idea.
  • Leucas marrubioides Desf.
should have villous bracts often equalling the calyx tube; as can be seen in Flowers of India and in http://www.efloraofgandhinagar.in/herb/leucas-marrubioides
  • Leucas chinensis (Retz.) R. Br.

here I find problem. I think FoC should have authority on the description of this taxon, Smita Ji also pointed out that in another thread. The description of this taxon is not same in our country website like http://keralaplants.in/keralaplantsdetails.aspx?id=Leucas_chinensis. You can see calyx feature there clearly which is similar to Herbcat. On the other hand leaves of this species are sessile or sub-sessile, calyx different in FoC and in Taiwan My view is the images attached in this thread neither have Indian calyx nor have China’s petiole.

I would also like to add that as per FBI –

  • L. marrubioides Desf. var. pulneyensis should have flexuous calyx teeth as long as the tube
  • L. angularis Benth. should have teeth very slender ciliate half as long as the tube
I fail to see above features also.

I cannot rule out Taiwan’s L. chinensis entirely!

To my understanding I agree with the suggested ID – Leucas angularis Wall. ex Benth.; the species is confined to Kerala and TN as per the monograph.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  JSTOR (Herbarium) India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora  Kerala Plants 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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