Lindernia tamilnadensis

Lindernia tamilnadensis M. G. Prasad & Sunojk., Phytotaxa 162: 57 (2014);
Common name: Tamilnadu Lindernia


Lindernia?? – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
This small herb looks like “Lindernia Sp”. Could this be Lindernia roundifolia??
(Photographed today (9.8.09) morning in a grass field in Mumbai).

… possibly Lindernia parviflora.

Thanks …, I checked up with ISC mumbai data base, here is the link..

… I referenced this ID from the same link !!!

…, do you think this to be L. rotundifolia ? query based on shape of leaves.

Beautiful flowers.
Can’t comment because……not much experience in this genus. May be the query is for …

More likely L.parviflora than rotundifolia. Is it not an aquatic plant?

I have identified this plant as L. parviflora based on its venation pattern and calyx being divided to base. this identification was based on Cooke flora, Almeida, Flora of Maharashtra, BSI Flora of Maharashtra. i am quiet sure about its identification. right now i have no literature about L. rotundifolia  hence cant cross check now.
i have uploaded about 1050 plant species pics on this website which i identified and prepared an electronic herbarium and digital database
when i was a project fellow on UGC project Electronic Herbarium. this subject was also my Ph.D topic.
this website also has a list of plants in Institute of Science, Mumbai. Survey
if you find any incorrect ids. please let me know. any suggestion/ remarks is highly appreciated.

These images do not agree with the images of Lindernia parviflora at
The flower-stalks and the sepals are more prominent features to notice.
This should be Lindernia tamilnadensis, known from Tamilnadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Have a look at the attached papers. This species was described in 2014. Yet again Prashant and Dinesh pre-empted the discoverers by 5 years!
2 pdf attachments.

Thanks, …, for id as Lindernia tamilnadensis


Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Lindernia parviflora in Thane :: DV23 : 2 images. 5 posts by 4 authors.
Lindernia parviflora (Roxb.) Haines … also placed in Linderniaceae
at Vaghbil, Thane on 29 AUG 09

Beautiful flowers. Things to look…
Fertile stamens 2
Leaves parallel nerved; 1-3 nerved in L. parviflora 3-5 nerved in L. procumbens
Corolla as long as or twice the calyx.

This should also be Lindernia tamilnadensis as per discussions at Lindernia?? – indiantreepix | Google Groups



Mumbai, MH :: Lindernia (??) for ID :: ARK2020-027 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- around 600 kb each.
Saw this tiny plant in a marshy area in Charkop, Mumbai, MH in October 2019.
I suspect this is some Lindernia.
Requested to please provide ID

Can this be Lindernia parviflora or L. hyssopioides?

Yes, appears to be Lindernia parviflora (Roxb.) Haines as per comparative images at Lindernia

This should also be Lindernia tamilnadensis as per discussions at Lindernia?? – indiantreepix | Google Groups 

Yes this looks like L. tamilnadensis as i have earlier encountered this species and also referred to the research paper describing this plant.


Posted in 2009 and 2013- published as new species in 2016:
This was posted in 2009 by Prashant Awale ji and in 2013 by Dinesh ji in efloraofindia.
It was published as a new species in 2016 as per details in ‘Lindernia tamilnadensis M. G. Prasad & Sunojk., Phytotaxa 162: 57 (2014)’.

Congratulations Prashant ji and Dinesh ji, for again posting a new species, much before its publication.
This again highlights the importance of efloraofindia.

Thanks … It is heartening to know.

Good to see a new species being described, which we had lot of discussion on it. i also got this plant in Mumbai region during my research work, but identified it as L. parviflora.
i think a compilation of such species discussion can be created which later were described as new species.

Yes …, I remember we discussed this plant when I first posted this in our group.
Nice to see so many plants which were discussed in our forum are being identified as new species at a later date.


Identification request 4: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Near water body

Habit: Herb
Loc: kota rajasthan
Date: 04092022

Go with Lindernia

Appears close to images at Lindernia tamilnadensis M. G. Prasad & Sunojk.


Lindernia tamilnadensis M.G.Prasad & Sunojk. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Aug 29, 2009 · JUN 23 DV05: 2 images.
Lindernia tamilnadensis M.G.Prasad & Sunojk.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Aug 29, 2009 · 8:42 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Garg ji for suggesting the ID at efloraofindia.
Many thanks to Aaratrik Pal ji for validating the ID at iNaturalist.




efi thread (pdf available)  POWO  Catalogue of Life  Flora of peninsular India  Flowers of India
A new species of Lindernia (Linderniaceae) from India– MANGAVAYAL GOVINDAN PRASAD (Abstract: A new species, Lindernia tamilnadensis is described and illustrated from Vijayanarayanam, Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu, India. The species shows similarity with a worldwide distributed species, Lindernia rotundifolia in its leaf and seed characters but differs mainly in comparatively smaller floral parts, lanceolate calyx lobes, in the absence of trichomes at the base of the anterior corolla lobes, the presence of staminodal appendages, undeflexed fruiting pedicels and globose capsules. Detailed description, illustration and other relevant notes are provided.)
Lindernia tamilnadensis new record Gujarat Flora– (pdf) Suresh Patel, Tarun Nayi, Bhasker Punjani, Yagnesh Chaudhary, Vinod Pandey, Prashant Desai- IJASR Volume 6; Issue 2; 2021; Page No. 0103 (Abstract: Lindernia tamilnadensis M.G. Prasad & Sunojk. (Linderniaceae) is reported as a new record to the flora of Gujarat state and new distributional record for India from Vijaynagar forest area in Sabarkantha District. A brief description, field notes, field photographs and distribution of the species are provided to facilitate for easy identification.)
LINDERNIA TAMILNADENSIS NEW DISTRIBUTIONAL RECORD FOR MAHARASHTRA, INDIA– (pdf)- Dilipkumar N Undirwade (Abstract: During floristic exploration around Chalisgaon (Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra State) the author collected Lindernia tamilnadensis M.G. Prasad & Sunojkumar. The species shows similarity with Lindernia rotundifolia pertaining to the leaves but differs with respect to the floral parts e.g. lanceolate calyx lobes, absence of trichomes at the base of the anterior corolla lobes, presence of staminodal appendages, undeflexed fruiting pedicels and globose capsules. Detailed description, illustration, field photographs and other relevant observations are provided in this communication.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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