Lonicera obovata

Lonicera obovata Royle ex Hook. f. & Thomson,  J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 2:169. 1858;
Common name: Blueberry Honeysuckle, Small Leaved Honeysuckle
Nearly 16 species are known in Uttarakhand and 14 in Himachal Pradesh (vide Chowdhery& Wadhwa, 1984).
I am attaching a page of Osmaston 1927 (one of the fine document for woody species of this part of the Himalaya) which contains keys for 14 species. Species known in HP are mentioned in keys as HP by me.
Hope it helps!  Attachments (1)
I too appreciate this key and by the way this website has a pdf that can be downloaded for free the 1927 book http://pahar.in/wpfb-file/1927-a-forest-flora-for-kumaon-by-osmaston-s-pdf/ its large file so it me about 7 minutes to dnload in  the background.

Lonicera obovata Royle ex Hook. f. & Thoms. in J. Linn. Soc. 2:169. 1858.
A dwarf shrub often forming patches; leaves obovate, obtuse, 6-11 mm long, nearly glabrous, on a very short petiole less than 3 mm long; flowers in pairs on 2-5 mm long peduncle; calyx limb minute; corolla pale yellow, up to 10 mm long with gibbous base, lobes subequal; berries connate, 4-5 mm long.
Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir

A beautiful sub-alpine shrub Sir. I have photographs of this plant with fruits.


I am uploading the photograph of the fruit of Lonicera obovata.

A reply from another thread:
…, I had already seen Lonicera obovata page. 3rd photograph (by …) appears quite different from other three. I think, my photographs are matching with first two and I have no photograph of fruits.

There is no question of third image (I don’t know whether … meant 8713 or 8724) from other two (other three can’t be true as there are only three images). All images belong to the same bush (not to say same population). There are total 30 images taken between 11:06 to 11:11 (from two cameras)  numbering DSC5297 to DSC5312 from one camera and IMG_8713 to 8726 from other camera. I am sharing first image in high resolution. Others I will upload subsequently.

Another image after 3rd image in high resolution

Image after the second image

It appears to me that the comment by … refers not to any of my images but image by … showing fruits in the same thread. In that case there was no reason to omit my image no.8713, and inserting comment 2 correct images.



VOF Week: ID request-08082012-10:40AM– at VOF: I am not able to recollect any thing about this plant. Completely lost.
Do have a look at these photographs.
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 10:40AM
Location: VOF.

If a dwarf shrub above 3000 m and leaves mostly smaller than 1 cm, it is most likely Lonicera obovata.

Thanks for identification …, I also have this to post….will post my pics now…

I think in August one would also see the dull blue berries of this plant.

Thanks … for the ID.
FOI site has beautiful pic of this plant showing both flowers and Fruits.



VOF Week: Shrub for Id from main valley:
This shrub was shot from main valley, should this be Lonicera
?….as uploaded by … this was very low and spreading type….

Yes Lonicera obovata



VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 1223 :: Lonicera obovata at Valley of Flowers:
Lonicera obovata Royle ex Hook. f. & Thomson ... (family: Caprifoliaceae) … this species

2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers about 11700 ft

Yes … Very Good photographs.

Lonicera obovata??? ATJUNE2016/17 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Is it Lonicera obovata
Churdhar, Sirmaur H.P.
May 2015

Photographs are not very clear.
Inthe background of one photograph, crutose lichens with apothecia are clearly visible.

L.obovata page in eFI may have some help.

I had already seen Lonicera obovata page. 3rd photograph (by …) appears quite different from other three. I think, my photographs are matching with first two and I have no photograph of fruits.


Lonicera sp. ATJUNE2016/20 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

Which species of Lonicera???
Churdhar (Sirmaur, H.P.)
May 2015

Nearly 16 species are known in Uttarakhand and 14 in Himachal Pradesh (vide Chowdhery& Wadhwa, 1984).
I am attaching a page of Osmaston 1927 (one of the fine document for woody species of this part of the Himalaya) which contains keys for 14 species. Species known in HP are mentioned in keys as HP by me.

Hope it helps!  Attachments (1)

Thank you … I was looking for key to the species at eFlora-India (BSI). They have not listed Lonicera or even Caprifoliaceae. I had key only from FLORA SIMLENSIS.
Went through a paper by Pusalkar on Devendraea. It has created so many varieties in the species. It has become very confusing for me.

Thank you for the nice key and your marking of H.P. species, Sir
Can you give me this ebook ?

I too appreciate this key and by the way
this website has a pdf that can be downloaded for free the 1927 book
its large file so it me about 7 minutes to dnload in  the background.

Thanks … It is very useful to … He may download it now. I have a hard copy with me so I never tried to search e-version. It is really good that a large number of older books are now available as eBooks.

Thank you, … I have downloaded the book.
…, thank you again. I have all the Floras of Himachal Pradesh with me except Lahaul Spiti. Went through your  “eflorapantnagar”
You have done a marvelous job. I am motivatyed to do it for Shimla city.

I hope it is L. obovata (smaller leaves, flowers in axillary pairs, prominent bracteoles, corolla yellow with gibbous base), only drooping flowers creating doubt, or may be branch is held upside down.

I had seen your post on Lonicera page on efi earlier. One of your plant was looking different from rest three on that page. Kindly go through my another post as Lonicera obovata ??? also. Yesterday, I have posted 5 visibly different plants as Lonicera. I was sure only about L. angustifolia. I wish identification for rest of the four posts.


Himalayan flower for ID : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Common Shrub at Chitkul, Himachal Pradesh at 3400 meters asl. 28.05.2017
Thanks for your kind help.

Lonicera sp.

Some Lonicera sp.

Lonicera obovata is quite convincing… please visit eFI page for details…

Himalayan flower for ID. : 6 posts by 4 authors. 1 image.
Common shrub at Chitkul, Himachal Pradesh Photo taken on 28th May 2017.

Check for Daphne oleoides.

I think Lonicera sp.

Yes, Lonicera obovata as per another thread.



Berries for ID :: Govindghat – Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-23 : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
Saw another set of berries along the Govindghat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.

They were bigger, around 1 inch in length.
Requested to please provide ID. Are these some Berberis as well?

Here also closest I can go is Berberis aristata DC. only.

Thanks …
However, I think the black appendage at the end of the fruit (I do not know what it is called) is absent in these fruits. Also they are bigger.
I think they are not the same ones as those posted here.

To me look different from those posted at this link and identified by … as Berberis glaucocarpaStapf
Closest I can go is Berberis aristata DC. only.

These are definitely not B. glaucocarpa and B. aristata. I am not sure what are these, this is interesting as I can’t see any spines and 1 inch berries are also not common in Berberis– though leaves look like Berberis.

Some blueberry. Cyanococcus sp. ??

Is it wild  or cultivated ? Vaccinium uliginosum L.  or some other Vaccinium sp.??

It seems as Lonicera obovata…kindly check.

Lonicera obovata from Chopta, Uttarakhand-GS06012022-4: 4 high res. images.
Lonicera obovata, photographed from Chopta, Uttarakhand, 1-6-2013

Updated on December 24, 2024

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