Lonicera purpurascens

Lonicera purpurascens (Decne.) Walp. in Walpers, Repert. Bot. Syst.
2:449. 1843. (Syn: Lonicera
sericea Royle ex Hook. f. & Thoms.
; Xylosteum
purpurascens Decne.

Images by V.P.Bhatt (ID by D.S.Rawat)


An erect shrub about 8 ft tall. Branchlets pilose, ultimately glabrous, pubescent when young. Leaves opposite, oblong or obovate-oblong to elliptic, 2-3 x 1-2 cm across, base narrowed or obtuse, leaf above softly pilose or glabrescent, hairy and villous beneath, on the nerves only, petiole about 0.3 cm long. Flowers axillary in peduncled pairs of about 1-2.5 cm long, bracts linear or lanceolate linear about 0.4-0.6 cm long, bracteoles distinct or connate, small quadrate subobsolete in the fruit, Calyx limb about 0.3 cm, small, truncate, glabrous. Corolla tube 0.3-0.6 mm long, base gibbous, hairy within or sometimes not, lobes purple and short. Stamens 5, as long as corolla, anthers bilobed; style sparsely pilose, exerted. Fruit usually of two confluent berries about 0.6 cm in diameter, globose black.

Flowering/Fruiting: May-October.
Forests at an altitude of 5,000 to 12,000 ft.
Asia: Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Pakistan.
Lonicera species flowers are bisexual i.e., with functional male (androecium) and female (gynoecium), including stamens, carpels and ovary. Pollination is entomophilous i.e., by insects.
Seeds dispersed by barochory i.e., gravitational dispersal, endozoochory i.e., dispersal by birds and animals internally, epizoochory i.e., dispersal by animals externally, and anthropochory i.e., dispersal by humans.
Susceptible to insect pests and bug infestations.
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. & Kailash, B. R., UAS & ATREE, Bangalore, India.

Shrub from Valley of Flowers for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Plants pic was captured in July 2014

The flowers remind me of Fuchsia!

Please check for Lonicera purpurascens (Caprifoliaceae) or other related species of Lonicera.

Interesting plant.

Thanks … for conforming it as a Lonicera purpurascens,

Updated on December 24, 2024

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