Macrosolen globosus (Roxb.) Tiegh., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 42: 442 1895. (syn: Loranthus globosus Roxb); . India: Tropical areas in Eastern Himalayas and NE. India, up to moderate altitudes. Reported on Eugenia javanica and Ficus benjamina. West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and Meghalaya.; Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar as per BSI Flora of India ; . July2015sk11/12 — possibly Macrosolen globosus (Roxb.) Tiegh. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11) My earlier thread But I think it is not M. cochinchinensis. At that time BSI KEY was not available – Interestingly the description of M. cochinchinensis is a bit different in FoC. FoC doesn’t have M. globosus for the species is not distributed there (ref. BSI) I think this species (attached a few of my old record from my earlier thread) should be M. globosus (Roxb.) Tiegh. (Please note number of flowers per peduncle, size of flower against M. cochinchinensis, shoulder of corolla tube… etc.) In addition to BSI KEY, the description in Flora Indica suggest it is Macrosolen globosus (Roxb.) Tiegh. Rowburgh’s own account was that flowers of ampullaceus (cochinchinensis) short-pedicelled, pretty large (compared to globosus?). Host species of the family as a whole needs to be studied more. Roxburgh simply mentioned “trees”, no particular species for both globosus and ampullaceus, though he recorded that mango trees are preferred by the later. Hooghly 3 weeks ago : might be Loranthus ampullaceus Roxb. : Attachments (6 + 3 + 5). 4 posts by 2 authors. This is the bird, possibly Tickell’s flowerpecker, which loves the fruits of this plant. But, in these pictures the bird collected fruit of another Loranthus. This should be Macrosolen cochinchinensis of Loranthaceae, but I am uncertain of its distribution in Hooghly. This semi-parasite grows on mango trees, not rare. Among the several Loranthus listed the “Bengal Plants” two are 1) Loranthus globosus Roxb. and 2) Loranthus ampullaceus Roxb. While The Plant Lists recognizes Loranthus ampullaceus Roxb. as Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh., it doesn’t recognize Loranthus globosus Roxb. On the other hand, according to Flora of Nepal Loranthus globosus Roxb. is a synonym of Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh. Flora Indica (vol.1; p550 & 552) informs – L. globosus grows common on trees throughout Bengal, flowers are small, sessile, greenish-orange colour L. ampullaceus found on trees the forests of Silhet, but seems to prefer the mango tree, flowers pretty large, greenish yellow. Recorded more photographs on 3/6/13. Bengal Plants keys in – (l) fruit ellipsoid; corolla always six cleft ——- ampullaceus (ii) fruit globose; corolla usually 6, sometimes 5 cleft —— globosus Flora Indica and Flora of British India entries conflict – L. globosus (a) flowers sessile (in L. ampullaceus flower is short pedicelled), small, greenish-orange, berries round, oval, size of a pea —– Flora Indica (b) flowers pedicelled, 1/3 rd to 1/2 in. (in L. ampullaceus pedicel is 0 to 1/6th inch.) —– Flora of British India However, Flora of British India also records, “I very much doubt this being anything but a form of L. ampullaceus….. (more in FBI, vol5, p220)” So, either way it is Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh. ! Bengali name for L. globosus Roxb. = CHHOTO MANDAA = ছোট-মন্দা very nice and complete. next time i am in a mango orchard I will know wht I am looking at BARA MANDA is Loranthus longiflorus Desr.; FBI.v.214; FI.i.548; FI.ii.185 The above might be – But –
To go for further details you need to read the relevant pages of FBI & FI. Macrosolen globosus (Roxb.) Tiegh. as per another thread. Macrosolen cochinchinensis ? from Bangladesh SM068 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Though flowers look a bit different than the one in efI or in Please check your species using KEY in BSI – You have both species over there. Please also check FoC description. In the third pic your flowers seem to be pedicellate, thereby indicating probability of M. cochinchinensis. Please share photographs of larger resolution if you have. I think closer to images at Macrosolen globosus (Roxb.) Tiegh.
Macrosolen globosus
Updated on December 24, 2024