Mansoa difficilis (Introduced)

Mansoa difficilis (Cham.) Bureau & K. Schum., C.F.P.von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.), Fl. Bras. 8(2): 201 (1896) (syn: Adenocalymma glomeratum Sprague, Adenocalymma splendens Bureau & K.Schum., Arrabidaea grandiflora Hassl., Bignonia difficilis Cham., Chodanthus praepensus (Miers) Sandwith, Chodanthus splendens (Bureau & K.Schum.) Hassl., Chodanthus splendens var. genuina Hassl., Chodanthus splendens var. glomeratus Hassl., Chodanthus splendens var. grandiflora (Hassl.) Hassl., Clytostoma punctatum Bureau ex Glaziou, Cydista difficilis (Cham.) Miers, Cydista praepensa Miers, Mansoa acuminatissima Bureau & K.Schum., Mansoa laevis DC.);
Bolivia to Brazil and NE. Argentina: Argentina Northeast, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Paraguay as per POWO;

Climber for ID: 12 images.
Please help to ID this Bignoniaceae Climber

Location – Ludhiana, Punjab
Date – 07-10-2022
Growing in Garden
Leaves – usually three foliate with central leaflet modified to tendril
Some leaves trifoliate
Tendril trifid
Petioles longer than petiolules.
Generally blooms when temperature drops and usually flowers last for 2-3 days only.

Super clear pics. Try Cydista aequinoctialis…now renamed  Bignonia aequinoctialis

I think more closer to images at Mansoa alliacea

Thanks for the lead …
But the description of Cydista aequinoctialis as per Flora of Micronesia, 5 :-
Extensive vine, lacking garlic odor, leaflets large, ovate, tendril simple often much exceeding leaflets; inflorescence a twice or more trichotomous terminal panicle; flowers funnelform, throat yellow within, brownish outside, lobes lavender or pink or whitish with purple markings; fruit a large stiff brown dehiscent strap-shaped pod; seed body small, wings extending several times its width.
In this case tendrils are trifid. Moreover ‘throat yellow within, brownish outside’ doesn’t match. Inflorescence ‘twice or more trichotomous’ is also not matching. Not sure if these can be local variations.
Can’t be Mansoa alliacea as it lacks garlic odour. Infact I have both these climbers in my backyard so it’s easy to compare.

In that case, Cydista aequinoctialis is more likely. Both are quite confused.

The climber has been identified as Mansoa difficilis (Cham.) Bureau & K. Schum. by Dr. Lúcia G Lohmann, University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Native to Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. 
Daves garden has a comment on this plant for being  erroneously identified as  Bignonia binata for many years.

Here is complete description from world flora:-
Stem: shoot cylindric not viscose squamulose to puberulent striate/region interpetiolar without nectary. Leaf: number of the leaflet 2 to 3; petiole 1.7 to 3.5 long (cm)/squamulose nectariferous patelliform; petiolule 0.9 to 1.3 long (cm)/puberulent; limb 6 to 9 long (cm)/chartaceous/elliptic to ovate; apex margin base acuminate/entire revolute/cordate to attenuate; side adaxial and abaxial squamulose/concolor; tendril trifurcate without disc adherent. Inflorescence: type raceme lax pauciflorous; peduncle cylindric squamulose; axis 5 to 10 long (cm). Flower: calyx 0.7 to 0.9 long (cm)/0.6 to 1 wide (cm)/green coriaceous cylindric truncate to 5 dentate squamulose not ciliate nectary absent; venation of the calyx prominent lengthened above of the sepal not undulate; corolla 4.5 to 6 long (cm)/3 to 5 wide (cm); corolla purple membranous tubular campanulate/apex of the lacinia rounded/region upper puberulent region median tomentose region basal glabrate; stamen included/connective lengthened pubescent; ovary cylindric squamulose/4 series of the ovule by locule. Fruit: capsule 21 to 29 long (cm)/1.5 to 2 wide (cm)/linear oblong apex acuminate margin irregularly constricted base cuneate; valve coriaceous striate not verrucose glabrate midrib proeminent 1 rib calyx caducous. Seed: seed transversely elliptic paleaceous wing hyaline.
Updated on December 23, 2024

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