Matricaria discoidea DC., Prodr. 6: 50 (1838) (syn Akylopsis suaveolens (Pursh) Lehm.; Anthemis inconspicua Fisch. ex Herder; Chamomilla discoidea (DC.) J.Gay ex A.Braun; Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh) Rydb.; Chrysanthemum discodes Jess.; Chrysanthemum suaveolens (Pursh) Asch.; Cotula matricarioides Bong.; Lepidanthus suaveolens (Pursh) Nutt.; Lepidotheca suaveolens (Pursh) Nutt.; Matricaria suaveolens (Pursh) Buchenau; Matricaria tanacetoides Fisch. & C.A.Mey.; Pyrethrum breviradiatum Schwein. ex Nutt.; Pyrethrum defloratum A.Braun; Santolina suaveolens Pursh; Tanacetum matricarioides Ledeb.; Tanacetum pauciflorum DC.; Tanacetum suaveolens (Pursh) Hook.); . Common names: Pineapple weed, false chamomile, rayless chamomile . Erect or ascending annual herb emitting pineapple like smell when leaves are crushed; leaves alternate up to 5 cm long, 2-pinnatisect with linear up to 2 mm wide ultimate segments; heads discoid, 7-12 mm across, conical, greenish yellow; involucre bracts oblong with broad hyaline margin and obtuse apex; florets tubular, 5-lobed; achene with a white corona. . Revisiting upload of Cotula anthemoides from Kashmir: It is Matricaria matricaroides: I had uploaded a weed from Kashmir identified as Cotula anthemoides, and incidentally it also appears on Flowers of India While visiting Kashmir again I found another plant similar to this one, and on thorough scrutiny discovered that my above plant is not Cotula anthemoides, which has lighter coloured heads and broader and shorter leaf segments. My plant is in fact Matricaria matricarioides or pineapple weed. Please go through the following link: Here are some details about the plant: Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britton, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 5: 341. 1894. syn: Artemisia matricarioides Less., Linnaea 6: 210. 1831; Matricaria discoidea DC. Common names: Pineapple weed, false chamomile, rayless chamomile Erect or ascending annual herb emitting pineapple like smell when leaves are crushed; leaves alternate up to 5 cm long, 2-pinnatisect with linear up to 2 mm wide ultimate segments; heads discoid, 7-12 mm across, conical, greenish yellow; involucre bracts oblong with broad hyaline margin and obtuse apex; florets tubular, 5-lobed; achene with a white corona. Common in Kashmir along roadsides and wastelands, leaves resembling Anthemis cotula. Photographed from Srinagar Kashmir. I am again uploading the plant with correction. The other species Matricaria area I am uploading separately. Friends, thankfully we have now been able to resolve the controversy. Our plant is Matricaria discoidea DC. which is distinct from Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britt., (treated as synonym of of Tanacetum bipinnatum subsp. bipinnatum) which is very different species as per POWO with depressed globose heads, phyllary margins brown and presence of ray florets as against oblong heads, phyllaries with white scarious margins and absence of ray florets. Here is another good images of M. matricarioides Cotula anthemoides from Kashmir: Cotula anthemoides from Kashmir, growing along roadsides and waste places. The leaves resemble Anthemis, but the heads are different. Description of the plant 1. Identified as Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britton by … as per link: efi thread Friends, thankfully we have now been able to resolve the controversy. Our plant is Matricaria discoidea DC. which is distinct from Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britt., (treated as synonym of of Tanacetum bipinnatum subsp. bipinnatum) which is very different species as per POWO with depressed globose heads, phyllary margins brown and presence of ray florets as against oblong heads, phyllaries with white scarious margins and absence of ray florets. Here is another good images of M. matricarioides
Yes dear … Matricaria matricarioides Please also keep track of another: Matricaria aurea (earlier known as Cotula aurea), which was once more common in Kashmir, smaller plant, smaller more yellowish heads, involucre bracts with brownish (not white) margin, 4-lobed (and not 5-lobed) corolla and smaller leaf segments. You will find both growing side by side in Gurdwara Chhatipadshahi parking in the month of May. Here are mine from Kashmir efi thread 2 In future uploads please first reduce picture size to 800 x 600 approx before uploading.
Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britton, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 5: 341. 1894. syn: Artemisia matricarioides Less., Linnaea 6: 210. 1831; Matricaria discoidea DC. Common names: Pineapple weed, false chamomile, rayless chamomile Erect or ascending annual herb emitting pineapple like smell when leaves are crushed; leaves alternate up to 5 cm long, 2-pinnatisect with linear up to 2 mm wide ultimate segments; heads discoid, 7-12 mm across, conical, greenish yellow; involucre bracts oblong with broad hyaline margin and obtuse apex; florets tubular, 5-lobed; achene with a white corona. Common in Kashmir along roadsides and wastelands, leaves resembling Anthemis cotula. There was no problem till Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britton and Matricaria discoidea DC. were considered as synonyms, but now it seems two are treated distinct by both GRIN and The Plant List. It would thus worthwhile to find out differences between two taxa, so that we can place our specimens precisely. May be any researcher will help. Friends, thankfully we have now been able to resolve the controversy. Our plant is Matricaria discoidea DC. which is distinct from Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britt., (treated as synonym of of Tanacetum bipinnatum subsp. bipinnatum) which is very different species as per POWO with depressed globose heads, phyllary margins brown and presence of ray florets as against oblong heads, phyllaries with white scarious margins and absence of ray florets. Here is another good images of M. matricarioides Tanacetum bipinnatum – Изображение особи – Плантариум ( Tanacetum bipinnatum – Изображение особи – Плантариум ( Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads ( and Misc.): Matricaria discoidea from Fountain Square, Illinois, SC 03 : Attachments (4, more than 1 MB each). 1 post by 1 author. Another member of Asteraceae which I captured nearby a lake from our community. Matricaria discoidea DC. (Pineapple weed) Date: June, 2013 Place: Fountain Square, Illinois, US Annual , 3-12″ tall, branching frequently and having the appearance of a miniature bush. Fern-like leaves, alternate along the glabrous stems. Leaves pinnately divided into linear lobes. Flowerhead of each stalk is about 1/3″ across, and consists of numerous greenish yellow disk florets and no ray florets. Both the foliage and flowerheads have a pineapple-like odor when they are bruised or crushed. The blooming period occurs during the summer and lasts about 1-2 months. Each disk floret is replaced by an oblong achene that is broader at the top than the bottom. . On July 5, 2010 I had uploaded a plant as Cotula anthemoides from Kashmir, growing along roadsides and waste places. The leaves resemble Anthemis, but the heads are different. On May 11, 2012 I reported the correct identification as Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britt. I again uploaded it on June 11, 2013 during Asteraceae Fortnight There has been a lot of confusion between M. matricarioides (Less.) Porter ex Britt. and M. discoidea DC, whereas Flora of China had earlier considered M. matricarioides as accepted name, it has now changed it to M. discoidea DC. following Flora of North America with the comment. A detailed study of the plant by our team from Kashmir, has finally concluded that our plant id in fact M. discoidea (syn: M. matricarioides auct.) and we published it as new report for India. Tajamul Islam, Ruquia Gulzar, Gurcharan Singh, Nawchoo Irshad A and Anzar Ahmed Khuroo. December 2021. Misidentification impedes invasion management: report of Matricaria discoidea DC., an invasive alien species in Kashmir Himalaya. International Journal of Plant Research. I will share the reprint when received. Here is the paper 1 pdf-1.8 mb . |
Matricaria discoidea
Updated on December 24, 2024