Melaleuca nesophila (Cultivated- USA)

Melaleuca nesophila F.Muell., Fragm. 3: 113 1862. (Syn: Myrtoleucodendron nesophyllum (F.Muell.) Kuntze);

Australia (Western Australia) as per Catalogue of Life;

Melaleuca nesophila, or Showy Honey-myrtle or Pink Melaleuca, is a shrub or small tree which is endemic to an area near Albany in Western Australia. 

The plant usually ranges between 4.7–6 metres (15–20 ft) in height by 4–5 metres (13–16 ft) in width. It has elliptical leaves that are about 2 cm long. The trunk or trunks have a papery gray-white bark.[2]
The lavender to rose pink ‘pompon’ flowers, which appear from spring to mid-summer, are in globular clusters which are about 2.5 cm in diameter.[2]
Melaleuca nesophila is cultivated as an ornamental plant by plant nurseries, for use in gardens and drought tolerant landscaping. It is planted as a flowering shrub, or with training, as a small ornamental tree.[2]
It grows in full sun to part shade, in sandy or clay loam soils. Once established, it will tolerate extended dry periods as well as coastal conditions.
(From Wikipedia on 3.1.15)





Melaleuca nesophila F. Muell.
mauve honey myrtle
Shrub or tree with spongy bark; leaves obovate-oblong, up to 25 mm long; flowers lavender or rose pink, in dense terminal heads 22-30 mm across; staminal bundles up to 14 mm long.
Photographed from SFO Zoo, California 




Melaleuca nesophila F. Muell.
Photographed from Shoreline, California   

Updated on December 24, 2024

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