Melaleuca linariifolia Sm. (syn: Melaleuca hyssopifolia (Cav.) Dum.Cours.; Melaleuca stricta Dum.Cours.; Metrosideros hyssopifolia Cav.; Myrtoleucodendron linariifolium (Sm.) Kuntze; Ozandra hyssopifolia (Cav.) Raf.);
Australia (New South Wales, Queensland), Fiji (introduced), USA (introduced)
(Florida (introduced)) as per Catalogue of Life Melaleuca linariifolia
Common Names – Narrow-Leaf Paperbark /Snow in Summer
Family – Myrtaceae
Photographed in cultivation at College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh
Dated – 27 April 2019
forgot to say. when fruits appear. please show them also?
Thanks … Yes i will definitely post its fruiting images as soon as fruits will be formed. Tree For ID : California : 01DEC14 : AK-1 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Trees seen in a park in Fremont on 29/9/14.
Seems to be a Bottle Brush Species.
Sorry for bad pictures due to late evening.
have you ever seen a bottlebrush with upright (non drooping ) branches that stay that way all their lives
without ever drooping? This is not a bottle brush, at least I don’t think so… most likely a eucalyptus that too does not look like a typical eucalyptus!!! and not all your pic are of the same tree type
pic 1,2 3,may be // its most likely Eucalyptus angustissima
4 and 5 the leaves may have been needle like, I can’t tell for sure…
What I had meant to say was Myrtaceae…..and not exactly Bottle brush.
It doesn’t look like Eucalyptus Species to me either.
Could be something else……..Melaleuca?
paperbark tree comes to mind but i thought it was invasive and littered the street
some communities called it yukky plant taking the vocabulary od children paper bark tree is Melaleuca linariifolia search and see… if you find matching description?
Thanks Melaleuca linariifolia seems very close to my pictures Let us wait for expert validation.
I could be M. quinquenerva. Thanks … I will try searching further. Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Myrtaceae For ID : California : 29DEC14 : AK-96 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) Posted earlier.
Reposting under family fortnight for id confirmation.
Pictures taken in a park in Fremont.
Paperbark tree, Melaleuca linariifolia suggested by …
Melaleuca quinquenerva suggested by …
Tree For ID : California : 01DEC14 : AK-1
plant id from PU, Chandigarh : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Habit: Large shrub to a small size tree, small lanceolate leaves with white Myrtaceae like flowering pattern
Habitat: Roadside Photographed at: Panjab University, Chandigarh Date: 14/5/2017 Probably Melaleuca species. Melaleuca species so far in efi including cultivated species like Melaleuca linearifolia (Cultivated) Is it M.bracteata ? Could be Melaleuca bracteata of Myrtaceae.
It appears to be photographed in the Botanical Garden of Panjab University, Chandigarh. They have introduced only one species of Melaleuca and that is M. leucadendra. That is a big tree with whitish papery bark near the main gate. I think this is Melaleuca bracteata as identified by …, as per the following:
I think it should be Melaleuca linariifolia as per another thread by … at Melaleuca linariifolia submission Yes its Melaleuca linariifolia yes. most likely
Tree for ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 060812 : AK-1: (mixed thread) Seen in Lalbagh,Bangalore on 25/7/12.
A small tree. No flowers or fruits seen.
Looks like Melaleuca sp..
It looks like Melaleuca leucadendron young plant. Could this be Melaleuca linariifolia? Common name Snow-in-Summer
I find this to be the closest to my pictures.
Please check for M.alternifolia also, though I am not sure Thank you for follow up and a possible id to my small tree from Lalbagh.
I tried searching for Melaleuca alternifolia, as suggested.
The flowers are much longer in the pictures as seen in the search, resembling White Bottle Brush.
These flowers were very tiny and standing upright.
This is Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell. Trees with green foliage have been found to flower as seen in the pictures. A variety with golden foliage (Golden Bottle-brush) does not seem to flower. Many thanks for the long pending id of this Melaleuca from Lalbagh. Feedback from another thread:
“i am a bit confused on the identity of a species of Melaleuca.
there was a thread on efloraindia
where the species has been identified as Melaleuca bracteata. however the foliage for the species is light green.
another species is with dark green foliage and young leaves in reddish bronze coloration. is it a different species like may be Melaleuca linarifolia.”
‘I have recorded just one planted tree in Botanical Garden JNJ College, Nadiad, while working for “Trees of Gaujrat” Gujarat State Forest Department sponsored project. Melaluca lucodendron growing near waste water flowing area is seen as 60 ft tall tree with CBH approx. 2.7m. The bark of it is papery but many layers of that papery skin forms a thick (3-4 inch), soft (one can punch to see slight depression) greyish-pink bark, The flowers and leaves appears near to Eucalyptus, where dark green, elongated lanceolate leaves having white several filamentous white, sweet-scented flowers in short terminal or axillary cymes. I think this is Melaleuca bracteata only as identified by … and as per the following:
I think it should be Melaleuca linariifolia as per another thread by Ashutosh ji at Melaleuca linariifolia submission Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Myrtaceae : Melaleuca bracteata : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 21DEC14 : AK-61 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Pictures taken on 16/3/13 in Lalbagh, Bangalore.
Posted earlier, identified by … as Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell.
According to … “Trees with green foliage have been found to flower as seen in the pictures. A variety with golden foliage (Golden Bottle-brush) does not seem to flower.”
I think it should be Melaleuca linariifolia as per another thread by … at Melaleuca linariifolia submission
Yes its Melaleuca linariifolia maleluca linariifolia
if it meets these requirements: i quote
“Stamens united at their bases into 5 groups opposite the petals — Melaleuca:
Bark dark, hard; stamens whitish — Melaleuca styphelioides
Bark more or less whitish, sponge-rubbery: Leaves usually less than ⅛-inch wide; stamens white — Melaleuca linariifolia
Leaves mostly ¼-inch wide or greater; stamens purple — Melaleuca nesophila ” end quote url for this quote is : this is why often just one more picture with your own finger nail or a writing pen alongside a leaf is a quick fix if no ruler is available. i can not judge the leaf width here, though the white stamens are indeed present. Also dont see bark or overall habit. so with all these restrictions, i must say, though i believe in …acumen in botany diagnosis. i must just be restricting the naming to: possibly m. linariifolia using these two pictures only for a definitive diagnosis may not be scientific.
source of this info is very reliable. Professor Bracewell studied Eucalyptus and all trees on the Stanford univ campus for almost 40 years. Wrote numerous papers and a book about their campus trees
Myrtaceae tree ID: What is this tree. the tree most probably belongs to Myrtaceae family.
nowadays in flowering at Chandigarh temperature 15 degree celcius minimum a medium sized tree with greyish green leaves. younger leaves at apices are dull reddish in colour. leaves lanceolate. bark like that of Bottle brush and leaves taste and smell like that of eucalyptus.
This is Melaleuca linearifolia, Paperback Tree originating from Australia. Yes, it is Myrtaceae. Pls post a picture of the whole tree in flowers, it should be beautiful. Happy to know that it flowers in Chandigarh well. I have seen lot of flowering in California, but a few trees in our College in Delhi have never flowered in last ten years or so.
Where is this plant in Chandigarh?
I think this is Melaleuca bracteata as per the following:
Does not matches with images of Melaleuca linearifolia at the following:
I think it should be Melaleuca linariifolia as per another thread by … at Melaleuca linariifolia submission
Yes … Its Melaleuca linariifolia Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight : Myrtaceae For ID : Jim Corbett : 23DEC14 : AK-70: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Small, cultivated, ornamental tree seen in a resort in Corbett during visit in March,2013..
Melaleuca Species?
Appears close to images at Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell. I think it should be Melaleuca linariifolia as per another thread by … at Melaleuca linariifolia submission Yes … Its Melaleuca linariifolia Plant from Manipur: TQ-mc01 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Herb or subshrub from Chandel district, Manipur. Elevation approximately 900 m.
Growing wild. Blooming in May end.
My vague guess is Tamarix family
Please identify
Callistemon sp. Myrtaceae
Taking the clue from …, to me it appears close to images at Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell.
My first impression on seeing the closeup of the leaves and flowers was Melaleuca bracteata, as I myself have seen Melaleuca bracteata. But Melaleuca bracteata is a tree, native to Australia. And my plant was growing wild, most likely, in Manipur, and that too a small shrub or herb (see the pic ct079). That’s why I am confused about the id.
Must have escaped. Pl. see images at Melaleuca bracteata F.Muell.
yes sir nearby; please conform plant having author.
On second thoughts, I read just now that it is also grown as a small shrub. This was found in a small roadside village. It is possible then that it is cultivated, and is really Melaleuca bracteata, as pointed out by …
Melaleuca bracteata. Seen in Lalbagh Bangalore also.
I think it should be Melaleuca linariifolia as per another thread by … at Melaleuca linariifolia submission
Yes … Its Melaleuca linariifolia yes. the leaves are definitely quite narrow.
Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight :: Myrtaceae :: ID Validation – Eucalyptus :: Flower Show, Mumbai :: ARKDEC-50 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5).
Attached are pictures of some Eucalyptus species captured at the Flower Show, Mumbai in February 2014.
The placard stated that it is Eucalyptus angustissima…..Requested to please validate the ID.
When posted earlier, … had suggested Callistemon rigidus…
Does not match with Eucalyptus angustissima as per the following:
Re-opening this thread in light of recent discussions w.r.t. Melaleuca linariifolia.
Can these pics be M. linariifolia? same comment as i did for … thread but you have a few more facts working for you the papery bark…. good. skinny long leaves but do you think they are /8th inch wide? here is how to diagnose…. i quote….
“Stamens united at their bases into 5 groups opposite the petals — Melaleuca:
good pictures but for the measurements
Yes. May be Melaleuca linariifolia Sm.
Not sure as leaves looks longer. Flowering and plant habit images are required for confirmation. It may be some other Melaleuca sp.
Requesting validation of ID – Jijamata Udyan Flower Show 2014 – Feb 2014 :: 04032014 :: ARK-04 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
Requesting validation of ID of this plant captured at the Flower Show 2014 at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in February 2014, the placard stated Eucalyptus angustissima…..
Callistemon rigidus
Stiff Bottle-brush
Thank you … for the feedback… But the placard said ‘Eucalyptus angustissima’… I did not find reference to Eucalyptus angustissima on efi Will wait for other comments….
Does not match with Eucalyptus angustissima as per the following:
efi page on Callistemon rigidus ?
Shrub for Id SN18620 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Callistemon ? cultivated ornamental shrub from A Hotel near Dehradun
Yes. Mostly C.citrinus – looking at the leaves. Callistemon citrinus is possible as per comparative images at Callistemon
But can not say much without flowers.
I think appears close to Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) per comparative images at Melaleuca Made a mistake while writing.
Plant is an ornamental, found it in the university campus in Solan Himachal Pradesh.
Callistemon sp. ??
Melaleuca linariifolia Thanks, …, for the id.
I also think appears close to Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) per comparative images at Melaleuca
…, i think you mistakenly attached wrong link of M.leucadendra. Its M.linariifolia not M.leucadendra.
Yes, sent a wrong link.
It should be Melaleuca linariifolia only.
Thanks for pointing out.
References: Catalogue of Life Wikipedia Useful Tropical Plants Plant Net |
Melaleuca linariifolia (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024