MS,Oct,2021/07 Tree for id.:
Location : Dampui, Mizoram
Date : 14-04-2016
Habit : Small tree ?
Habitat : Wild
Pl. post high res. images to see the details.
2 very high res. images.
Any idea about the family or the genus?
My first impression was something like Lepisanthes of Sapindaceae family. But, flowers are different. My 2nd thought was Combretaceae member. But finally I think it is beyond my capacity!
Zanthoxylum? Rutaceae
A member of Sapindaceae. perhaps Gnephelium
Same tree
I tried all Sapindaceae members in eflora of India, including Nephelium but could not find a match.
Well, I am not sure of what I am going to suggest, Sir.
I find certain similarities with Champereia manillana (Blume) Merr., of Opiliaceae family. Related links to my suggestion are-
Yes, Sir, it is not Champereia, flowers are different in that species.
Please check Meliaceae.