
Images by Muthu Karthick at Megamalai wls, Theni dist., TN (Id by Navendu Page) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos click on the links) 


A conspectus of Indo-Burmese
by I. M. Turner- Nordic
Journal of Botany 33: 257–299, 2015-

Species in India with

Mitrephora andamanica Thoth. & D. Das- India [Andamans] 
Mitrephora grandiflora Bedd.-  India [Karnataka, Kerala] 
Mitrephora harae Ohashi in Hara- India [Sikkim]; Bhutan 
Mitrephora heyneana (Hook. f. & Thomson) Thwaites- India [Kerala, Tamil Nadu]; Sri Lanka  
Mitrephora maingayi Hook. f. & Thomson- India [Assam] 
Mitrephora tomentosa Hook. f. & Thomson- India [Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland]; Bangladesh; Burma

A synopsis of Annonaceae in Indian subcontinent by SR KUNDU (pdf-23 pages)- Thaiszia – J. Bot., Košice, 16: 63-85, 2006.
Mitrephora andamanica Thoth. & D.Das, Jour. Bombay. Nat . Hist. Soc . 54: 430. 1968.: India.
M. grandiflora Beddome, Fl, Sylv.1 :75. 1869-1873.: India.
M. harae Ohashi in Hara, Fl. E. Himalaya 97. 1966.: India, Bhutan.
M. heyneana (Hook . f . & Thoms .) Thwaites , Enum, Pl. Zeyl .8. 1864.: India, Sri Lanka.
M. tomentosa Hook . f . & Thoms . , Fl .Ind. 113. 1855.: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar .



(Hook. f. & Thoms.) Thw.
TreeWestern Ghats
& Eastern Ghats, Moist Deciduous Forests
Flora of Tamil
Nadu, VOL. I, 1983
Dindigul, Madurai,  Nilgiri,
Tirunelveli, Viluppuram, Virudhunagar 

Mitrephora grandiflora Bedd.

  • Mitrephora heyneana (J. Hk. & Thoms.) Thw.

    1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants edited by Kerry Scott Walter, Harriet J. Gillett-
    Mitrephora andamanica Thoth. & D.Das- R- Andamans

    An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)- Details-

    Mitrephora grandiflora Bedd., Fl. Sylv. S. India: t. 75. 1871 & Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient.: t. 101. …

    Mitrephora harae Ohashi in Hara, Fl. E. Hi mal. 97. ….

    Mitrephora : 3 posts by 2 authors.

    I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Mitrephora

    Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible.

    Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

    Any comments/ corrections are welcome.

    As per Karthikeyan (2009) Mitrephora is represented by 5 species in India. All these are mentioned in Kundu (2006).

    Updated on December 24, 2024

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