Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. (syn: Mucuna bodinieri H.Lev.; Mucuna castanea Merr.; Mucuna colletii Lace; Mucuna ferruginea Matsum.; Mucuna ferruginea var. bungoensis (Ohwi) Ohwi; Mucuna ferruginea var. irukanda (Ohwi) Ohwi; Mucuna irukanda Ohwi; Mucuna irukanda var. bungoensis Ohwi; Mucuna subferrunginea Hayata; Mucuna wangii Hu); . Bhutan (N) ; China (N) ; Guangdong ; Guangxi ; Guizhou ; Yunnan ; Hainan (N) ; India (N); Arunachal Pradesh; Assam; Manipur; Meghalaya ; Sikkim ; West Bengal; Japan (N) ; Laos (N) ; Myanmar (N) ; Nepal (N); Ryukyu Is (N); Taiwan (N) ; Thailand (N); Vietnam (N) as per ILDIS; . Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. (accepted name) ??? : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9) Location: Surbinayak, Gundu, Nepal Date: 28 March 2017 Altitude: 5400 ft. I think appears close as per images at Flowers bicoloured, pubescent at apex. So it is Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. Yes this is Mucuna monosperma. please wait for the fruit. Thanks, … But it is Mucuna macrocarpa & not Mucuna monosperma Yes it is….. i was confused with the flowers of M. macrocarpa. I mean it is M. macrocarpa not M. monosperma Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. (accepted name) Nepali Name : बल्डेङ्ग्रा Baldengraa . Requesting ID of this plant : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Could you pl. post a high resolution image? Any idea about the genus? Mucuna It may be Mucuna. Mucuna bracteata, M.imbricata, M.monosperma, M.nigricans and M.pruriens are recorded in Mizoram I think it should be Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. as per GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2 and specimen 3 Looks different from other species as per comparative images at Mucuna and pods in GBIF of M.nigricans (specimen), of Mucuna bracteata (specimen) That is what I stated. Please forgive me for hi jacking this thread. While in Sikkim in 2011 I took a single pic showing a flower that looks to me identical to the one in this thread. I had thought it to be cauliflory and thought maybe Mucuna sp? Please would you learned people see if you agree. Yes seems similar. / References: |
Mucuna macrocarpa
Updated on December 24, 2024