Lactuca tatarica

Lactuca tatarica (L.) C.A.Mey., 56 1831. (Syn: Agathyrsus pulchellus D.Don; Agathyrsus tataricus (L.) D.Don; Cicerbita tatarica (L.) Sosn.; Crepis charbonnelii H.Lév.; Galathenium integrifolium (Bigelow) Nutt. [Illegitimate]; Lactuca clarkei Hook.f.; Lactuca integrifolia Nutt. [Illegitimate]; Lactuca multipes H.Lév. & Vaniot; Lactuca oblongifolia Nutt. [Invalid]; Lactuca pulchella (Pursh) DC.; Lactuca pulchella var. pulchella ; Lactuca sylvatica A.Nelson; Lactuca tatarica var. heterophylla (Nutt.) Boivin; Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella (Pursh) Breitung; Lactuca tatarica subsp. pulchella (Pursh) Stebbins; Lactuca tatarica subsp. tatarica ; Lactuca tatarica f. tatarica ; Lactuca tatarica var. tatarica ; Lactuca tatarica var. tibetica Hook.f.; Lagedium tataricum (L.) Soják; Mulgedium heterophyllum Nutt.; Mulgedium oblongifolium (Nutt.) Reveal; Mulgedium pulchellum (Pursh) G.Don; Mulgedium roborovskii Tzvelev; Mulgedium runcinatum Cass.; Mulgedium tataricum (L.) DC.; Mulgedium tataricum var. anomalum Korsh. ……..; Sonchus lactucoides Bunge; Sonchus pulchellus Pursh; Sonchus sibiricus Richardson [Illegitimate]; Sonchus tataricus L.; Sonchus volhynicus Besser ex Nyman; Wiestia tatarica (L.) Sch.Bip.);

ID request-10072012-PKA1:
Seen this Asteraceae sp. near Mahe Bridge, Ladakh (Altitude: Approx:14500 ft).
Date/Time: 14-09-2011 / 10:00AM
Plant Habit: Herb

To me it looks like Cichorium intybus (chicory) only

Yes, i agree with … comment.

A Cichorium sp., but to me appears different from Cichorium intybus….. in leaves, as well as flower stalks…. even the involucral bracts are different… heads are few in number on long peduncles… may be my doubts are false…

To me it looks like Lactuca tatarica


Seen this Asteraceae sp. near Mahe Bridge, Ladakh (Altitude: Approx:14500 ft).
Bot. name:  Lactuca tatarica ?

Date/Time: 14-09-2011 / 10:00AM
Plant Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild.

Earlier thread- ID request-10072012-PKA1: 

Lactuca tatarica ?? : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Enclosing some pictures for verification please.
Shot at Khardung Village at 14000 ft on 21 August 2014.

I think matches with images at Lactuca tatarica
Do you have images of lower portion ?

Submitting some more pictures.

I think yes.


Lactuca tatarica- Ladakh: 5 images- 3 high res.
Taken in the sand dune area in Syok valley of Nubra, Ladakh on 16.6.22.


For id 270722JM2: Ule, Ladakh: 7 high res. images.
In rocky sand area near Indus, in Ule (10,000 ft.) Ladakh, on 14.6.22. 
Pl. id.

I think this is Lactuca tatarica.
Attaching more images of a separate plant from the same area.
10 images- 6 high res.

Lactuca tatarica

Askellia flexuosa (Ledeb.) W.A.Weber !

Looks different as per images at Askellia flexuosa (Ledeb.) W.A.Weber

I think Lactuca tatarica matches, although florets are mostly purple, white ones are often reported.


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Lactuca for ID :: ARK2022-149: 2 high res. images.
This was at Hunder on the banks of the Shyok river, Ladakh in August 2022.
Is this Lactuca tatarica?
Requested to please ID.

I saw a similar looking flower at the camping site a little away from Hundar, Ladakh
Requested to please validate this sighting as well.
3 high res. images.

Lactuca tatarica (L.) C.A.Mey.

Yes, appears close to images at Lactuca tatarica


Updated on December 24, 2024

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