Murdannia striatipetala

Murdannia striatipetala Faden, Novon 11: 26 2001.;
Striped Dewflower ;
Unbranched to tufted annual herb up to 20-25 cm tall with definite base. Leaf lamina oblong to lanceolate. Flowers terminal or axillary from the upper leaves. Petals pale lavender with dark, contrasting veins,margin crenulate; stamens 3 bending to one side of the flower, the style to the other, filaments densely bearded with short, appressed hairs; seeds uniseriate and 5-7 per locule.


Apologies for unable to co-ordinate Commelinaceae Week properly: Commelinaceae in India:
……. But addition to this I have good collection and I wish to continue with a new topic (Commelinaceae in India) with the prior permission of all group members.
Here is the first posting of a lovely herb, which earlier posted by … a year back and Photographed by … I recently visited that locality which mentioned by … and I able to locate this beautiful plant (thanks due to … , … and …),
Murdannia striatipetala Faden
Type: Sri Lanka, Jaffna District (US; PDA).
Distribution: Sri Lanka and Southern India
Best Seen at: Thirumullaivoyal, on the bank of Red Hills Lake (Puzahal Lake), Chennai. 13 14′ 703 N and 80 13′ 709 E; Elevation: 11 meters
Unbranched to tufted annual herb up to 20-25 cm tall with definite base. Leaf lamina oblong to lanceolate. Flowers terminal or axillary from the upper leaves. Petals pale lavender with dark, contrasting veins,margin crenulate; stamens 3 bending to one side of the flower, the style to the other, filaments densely bearded with short, appressed hairs; seeds uniseriate and 5-7 per locule.
Photograph taken at above mentioned place on 13th Feb. 2010.


Finally got published:
I am glad to inform you, article on Murdannia striatpetala got published in the recent issue of JBNHS. All the credit goes to Indian Tree Pix, coz of this platform we are able to explore this kind of thing. Especial thanx to … and … for bringing such a species of Murdannia.

Congrats …, … & …
Are you reffering to the efloraofindia thread ?:
Efloraofindia can be a great platform for such discoveries & valuable interaction between laymen & experts.

Great work indeed. Day by day we are observing more and more publications from the EFI members.
It really feels nice of you mentioning the credit to Indiantreepix. Congrats again.
… has already attached the PDF file (along with the link of the journal which only leads one to index page)

Thanks to all……………without any assistance from eflora members it cant possible. So three cheers to Eflora thank you once again.

30012013 BRS 447: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id.

Location: Alambarai Port, Kangipuram Dist.
Date: 30.01.2013
Habitat: Cultivated land
Habit: Grass Like?

So beautiful! Would love to know it’s name…

I think this is some Murdannia sp. … probably had posted this earlier.

Could be Murdannia striatipetala
ref: flowers of India website.

what a pretty design on a three petalled violet flower, plant looked like weed

Yes….It is Murdannia striatipetala Faden.
Now this is the third additional locality for this taxa. Good to see the additional distributional record. Thank you very much …, for sharing such a beautiful species. Please find the published article regarding the addition of this speices in Indian flora.
Attachment: Murdannia striatipetala BNHS.pdf

Murdannia for identification :: Commelinaceae :: MKMAY010 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Please help me in identifying this Murdannia species (Commelinaceae).
Commonly seen near wetlands in Kancheepuram district. Also seen in the outskirts of Chennai.
Habitat: wetland (moist soil, among grasses)
Date: 09 May 2015
Location: near Kelambakkam, TN
Alt.: 28 m asl

Looks like Murdannia striatipetala Faden

Yes …, it looks very much like M.striatipetala.

Attached images are of Murdannia striatipetala Faden, endemic to India and Sri Lanka.
The species has been rediscovered from Chennai after laps of 111 years and the paper has been published in JBNHS. 

…, presently in Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research (NGCPR), Satara idenfies it as Murdannia striatipetala Faden and its distribution is restricted to South India and SriLanka.


at  Thirumullaivoyal, on the banks of Red Hills lake, Chennai;Murdannia species? – TQ – efloraofindia | Google Groups


[2022/Feb/17 ART 1] Is this Murdannia striatipetala?: 1 image.
Date: 2022/Feb/13

Location: Kattur Lake, near Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Acknowledgement: Spotted by a team member participating in Asian Waterbird Census organized by Madras Naturalists’ Society. Photographed by another team member.
May I know if this is Murdannia striatipetala?

Yes !

Updated on December 24, 2024

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