Musa balbisiana

Musa balbisiana Colla, Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino 25: 384 1820. (Syn: Musa elata Nakai, no Latin descr.; Musa martini C.Van Geert ex K.Koch; Musa paradisiaca var. granulosa G.Forst.; Musa pruinosa (King) Burkill; Musa rosacea Jacq., nom. rej.; Musa sapientum var. pruinosa (King) A.M.Cowan & Cowan; Musa sapientum f. pruinosa King);
Andaman Is.; Assam; Bismarck Archipelago; Borneo; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; Gulf of Guinea Is.; Hainan; Hawaii; India; Jawa; Malaya; Myanmar; Nepal; New Guinea; Nicobar Is.; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Thailand; Tibet; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

MS,Nov.,2021/57 Musa sp. for id.:
Location : Tleu, Mizoram

Date : 26-06-2015
Habit : Large herb
Habitat : Wild

Musa balbisiana Colla ??

Musa babisiana. Male bracts may be infected with virus.



VALMIKI : OBSEVER OF NATURE 43: Attaching two images of the 43rd member of the series. The plant is mentioned as Kadali by Valmiki in Ramayan. Scientifically it is Musa paradisiaca. It is well known Banana. It is Kela in Hindi and Kola in Bangla.

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633): Fruits are full of seeds.

The flower of this species is cooked as vegetable in Bengal (MOCHA GANTO).
The flower (MOCHA) is sold in the market but the fruits are not very popular because of the seeds but fruits are sweet.

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633):  Musa balbisiana ?

From another thread:
It was clicked in a garden at Cooch Behar.
It is very common at this place.

may be seeded one????

Yes, …

It should be Musa balbisiana as per another thread : SYMBIOSIS : 634


SYMBIOSIS : 278:  Attaching an image of Bluethroared Barbet (In fact there are three of them) on the fruits of Musa paradisiaca. I have seen 6 to 7 birds on near by branches but could capture three of them on the fruits at the same time. Today I went again to the location, only to see that men has removed the plant (My action yesterday, might have prompted to finish with the job).

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633): Fruits are full of seeds.

The flower of this species is cooked as vegetable in Bengal (MOCHA GANTO).
The flower (MOCHA) is sold in the market but the fruits are not very popular because of the seeds but fruits are sweet.

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633):  Musa balbisiana ?

From another thread:
It was clicked in a garden at Cooch Behar.
It is very common at this place.

It should be Musa balbisiana as per another thread : SYMBIOSIS : 634


SYMBIOSIS :168: Attaching the image of the 168th member of the series. In this two Redvented Bulbuls are on Banana fruits.

Musa × paradisiaca L. ?
Where was it clicked in Duars ? In your garden ?

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633): Fruits are full of seeds.

The flower of this species is cooked as vegetable in Bengal (MOCHA GANTO).
The flower (MOCHA) is sold in the market but the fruits are not very popular because of the seeds but fruits are sweet.

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633):  Musa balbisiana ?

From another thread:
It was clicked in a garden at Cooch Behar.
It is very common at this place.

It should be Musa balbisiana as per another thread : SYMBIOSIS : 634


SYMBIOSIS : 636 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Attaching an image of a Asiatic Pied Starling on the fruits of Banana.

Where was it clicked in Duars ? In garden ?

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633): Fruits are full of seeds.

The flower of this species is cooked as vegetable in Bengal (MOCHA GANTO).
The flower (MOCHA) is sold in the market but the fruits are not very popular because of the seeds but fruits are sweet.

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633):  Musa balbisiana ?

From another thread:
It was clicked in a garden at Cooch Behar.
It is very common at this place.

It should be Musa balbisiana as per another thread : SYMBIOSIS : 634

SYMBIOSIS : 633 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Attaching an image of a chestnut-tailed Starling on Banana fruit.

Where was it clicked in Duars ? In garden ?

it is very difficult to say the cultivar name based on photo. Check the fruits contain seeds?

Fruits are full of seeds.
The flower of this species is cooked as vegetable in Bengal (MOCHA GANTO).
The flower (MOCHA) is sold in the market but the fruits are not very popular because of the seeds but fruits are sweet.

Musa balbisiana ?

It should be Musa balbisiana as per another thread : SYMBIOSIS : 634


SYMBIOSIS: 632 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).
Attaching an image of a Jungle Myna on Banana fruits.  

Where was it clicked in Duars ? In garden ?

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633): Fruits are full of seeds.

The flower of this species is cooked as vegetable in Bengal (MOCHA GANTO).
The flower (MOCHA) is sold in the market but the fruits are not very popular because of the seeds but fruits are sweet.

From another thread (SYMBIOSIS : 633):  Musa balbisiana ?

From another thread:
It was clicked in a garden at Cooch Behar.
It is very common at this place.

It should be Musa balbisiana as per another thread : SYMBIOSIS : 634

SYMBIOSIS : 634 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Attaching an image of two Red vented Bulbul on Banana fruits.

Nice photographs … Are all of them feeding on the ripe bananas?

how would one know unless the stomach contents were to be examined
ripe bananas would also have fruit flies and other insects roaming around

Musa × paradisiaca L. ?
Where was it clicked in Duars ? In garden ? 

From another thread:
It was clicked in a garden at Cooch Behar.
It is very common at this place.

see any seeds inside the fruits.

Musa balbisiana or Bhimkol


Fruits & Vegetables Week: Musa balbisiana the Saba green plantain:
Musa balbisiana the Saba green cooking plantain, sold here in California

The wild species has lot of seeds and inedible. Several cultivars including Saba Green are cooking bananas, largely cooked as vegetable and not used as table fruits unlike M. paradisiaca, the table banana.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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