Musa × paradisiaca L., Sp. Pl. 1043 1753. (Syn: Karkandela × malabarica Raf.; Musa × acutibracteata M.Hotta; Musa × alphurica Miq. [Illegitimate]; Musa × aphurica Rumph. ex Sagot; Musa × arakanensis F.W.Ripley ex Blechynden [Invalid]; Musa × bacoba Rottb.; Musa balbisiana var. vittata (W.Ackm. ex Rodigas) M.R.Almeida; Musa × berteroi Colla;Musa × bidigitalis De Wild.; Musa × carolinae Sterler [Invalid]; Musa × champa Baker; Musa × chapara Perr.; Musa × chiliocarpa Backer ex K.Heyne; Musa × consociata Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × corbieri A.Chev.; Musa × corniculata Lour.; Musa × dacca Horan.; Musa × decrescens De Briey ex De Wild. …; Musa × discolor Planch.; Musa × dulcissima Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × emasculata De Briey ex De Wild. ….; Musa × humilis Perr. [Illegitimate]; Musa × ingrata Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × jaheri Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × maculata Jacq.; Musa × megalocarpa Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × mensaria Moench [Illegitimate]; Musa × mirabilis Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × nigra Perr.; Musa × odorata Lour.; Musa × oleracea Vieill. [Invalid]; Musa × pallida Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × paradisiaca var. acicularis G.Forst. ………………………………; Musa × polycarpa Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × prematura Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × protractorachis De Wild.; Musa × purpureotomentosa De Wild.; Musa × sapidisiaca K.C.Jacob [Illegitimate]; Musa × sapientum L. ……………………………; Musa × trichocarpa Nakai [Invalid]; Musa × vittata W.Ackm. ex Rodigas); . Alabama; Andaman Is.; Ascension; Assam; Bangladesh; Borneo; Burkina; Central African Repu; Chad; Chagos Archipelago; China South-Central; China Southeast; Cook Is.; Costa Rica; Ecuador; Fiji; Florida; Gambia; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Gulf of Guinea Is.; Hainan; Hawaii; Honduras; India; Jawa; Leeward Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Line Is.; Malaya; Maldives; Mauritius; Mexico Central; Mexico Southeast; Nauru; New Caledonia; New Guinea; Nicaragua; Nicobar Is.; Niue; Philippines; Puerto Rico; Runion; Samoa; Santa Cruz Is.; Society Is.; Taiwan; Thailand; Tokelau-Manihiki; Tonga; Trinidad-Tobago; Tuvalu; Vietnam; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life (Hyrbrid taxon: M. acuminata × M. balbisiana); . banana, fig of paradise, plantain • Assamese: কলা kala • Hindi: कदली kadali, केला kela, पापड़ा papra • Kannada: ಬಾಳೇಹಣ್ಣು baalehannu, ಬಳೆ ಕಾಯಿ bale kaayi, ಕದಳಿ kadali • Kashmiri: केल kela • Konkani: क्यांळे kyaanle • Malayalam: മഊചം maaucam, വാഴ vaazha • Manipuri: লফূ থরো laphoo tharo • Marathi: कदल kadala, केळ kela • Nepalese: कदली kadali • Sanskrit: भानुफला bhanuphala, कदली kadali, मोच mocha • Tamil: வாழை vaazha • Telugu: అరటి arati, కదళ kadala • Urdu: کيلا kelaa, موز mauz; . Sending photos of Banana tree and fruits. Place : Pattambi Date : May 2009 -NATIVE, CULTIVATED :: Musaceae (musa family) » Musa x paradisiaca MEW-suh — the Latin word musa, for banana, plantain-fruit par-uh-DIS-ee-uh-ka — referring to gardens, parks, paradise Distribution: cultivated pantropically banana – plantain mixup: … the plantain … is generally used for cooking, in contrast to the soft, sweet banana (which is sometimes called the dessert banana). … the word “banana” is often used (some would say incorrectly, although there is no formal botanical distinction between bananas and plantains) to describe other plantain varieties, and names may reflect local uses or characteristics of varieties: cooking plantain, banana plantain, beer banana, bocadillo plantain, etc. … plantains tend to be firmer and lower in sugar content than dessert bananas. Bananas are most often eaten raw, while plantains tend to be cooked or otherwise processed, and are used either when green or unripe (and therefore starchy) or overripe (and therefore sweet). Quoted from Wikipedia <> some banana facts: … The banana plant is the largest herbaceous flowering plant. … The plants are normally tall and fairly sturdy and are often mistaken for trees … … Bananas are naturally slightly radioactive, more so than most other fruits, Quoted from Wikipedia <> Dear friends, please validate if plants posted by me and dear Mani are indeed Musa x paradisiaca (plantain) OR would it be Musa acuminata x balbisiana (banana). Read more about plantain <> and banana<>at Wikipedia. Bengali- katali kola; malayalam- Kadali Pazham; Nendrapazham; . Fruits & Vegetables Week: Musa x paradisiaca the plantain: 2 images.- 130 kb and 1 Mb. Musa x paradisiaca the plantain, both young fruits and inflorescence are cooked as vegetable. – Don’t you use the stem in your parts ? – As it is used in plenty – The nectar from the flowers are relished by bats in the night and sunbirds. Commelinales & Zoingiberales Week: Musaceae, Musa X paradasiaca L. syn: M. sapientum L, the common table banana cultivated in Delhi Musa X paradasiaca L. From outside of a house Assandh road panipat – We prepare a dish from the flowers. The inside of the stem is also used as vegetable. Another variety of Bananas from Sri Lanka. Are these Poovan Bananas? I have seen this type of banana in southern sates of India …, this is not Poovan type. Poovan is always yellow in color. This is some hybrid variety. These again are available in Tamil Nadu, but more in Kerala. This is not Poovan variety. (I will try to post pics of Poovan) Locally it’s called Sevvaalai (the ‘l’ pronounced with the ‘twist of the tongue ‘zh’ sound) meaning ‘red banana’. Could it be the “Kadhali” banana?? This is called as “Kappa pazham” in southern Kerala. It is also known as “Chenkadali” in some places. I FIRST BROUGHT THIS banana from kerala asan item of curiosity for my children decades ago from Kerala where it is available in plenty. But taste wise it is not so good. Some other yellow varieties are sweeter and have Friends, here is a link that gives the local names. Actually, when fully ripe, this is very sweet. Looks like Cheng Kathali variety of banana.This variety is also sold in Chennai in a few stores. I remember to have seen this variety in Indian stores in California and elsewhere in US also. It is better if you refer to Wealth of India, published by CSIR to confirm the variety. I do not have access to this book here In Malayalam we call it Kadali Pazham. Musa spientum, Kuntze. There are many varieties. ( Ref. Compendium of medicinal plants – By Niir Board). Any change in the valid name may be updated. Hooghly Today : Musa paradisiaca L.: 4 images. just saw these in and around Falta WB I think only the KANTHALI variety is used for puja. As you know, of the four varieties, KANTHALI, CHAMPA, SINGAPURI and MARTOMAAN, only the KANTHALI variety rots slowly. Moreover, a large number of people believes CHAMAPA increases acidity, while SINGAPURI gets decomposed easily and true MARTAMAN is not available all the time and at the same time very costly. People says that what are sold as MARTAMAN ar actually is a big variety of CHAMPA or a hybrid. Some believers who go for JHAR-PHUNK medicines are advised to take those along with KANTHALI KOLA. Flora of Panipat: Musa sp from Untla Panipat: Musa sp from Untla Panipat
Great Series. The taxonomy of the banana we eat has become enigmatic. Musa x paradisiaca is not used now a days. is it a cultivar or wild? Thanks a lot, … Most likely to be cultivated only. Fruits & Vegetables :: Bananas from Sri Lanka : Netrapalam : 030111:AK-1: -Not aware of genus and species name. But in Kannada called as NENDRA BALLEHANNU. It has very rich nutritive value. It grows to the size not less than 10 to 11 inches even in India. We prepare very nice Halawa of it. -Yes in Kerala it is called Nendrapazham. The ripe banana is cut into pieces and boiled and eaten. We make a dish called “Pazham Pori” from it and the unripe bananas are used to make Banana chips. –Nendrampalam is common in Kerala. The famous Kerala chips are made from the unripe ones of the Nendrampalam. We get them in Tamil Nadu also. The ones we get here are about 9″ long. Is it some variety under Musa × paradisiaca L. ? Pl. confirm. it is Musa x paradisiaca (AAB) ‘Nendran’ .
Location: The Terrace Resort, Lankuri Bhanjyang, Lalitpur Date: 13 January 2024 Elevation: 2000 m. Habit : Cultivated Musa …??? Hope it is Musa x paradisiaca L. (ABB) ‘ Kachkol’
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Musa × paradisiaca (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024