Mussaenda laxa (Hook.f.) Hutch. ex Gamble, Fl. Madras 610 1921. (Syn: Mussaenda frondosa var. laxa Hook.f.); . Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu as per BSI Flora of India Checklist; . W. India as per POWO; . branches stipules and cymes finely densely tomentose, leaves all petioled broadly elliptic rounded at the base with fine short appressed hairs, stipules short 2-fid, cymes very open lax-flowered, bracteoles and calyx-teeth as in var. 2 but spreading, corolla as in var. 2.—Quillon, Wight.(From The Flora of British India (1880) as per IBIS Flora) Mussaenda laxa (Hook.f.) Hutch. ex Gamble SN Dec 27 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Mussaenda laxa (Hook.f.) Hutch. ex Gamble, wild shrub from Siddapur area of Karwar Dt, Karnataka . References: |
Mussaenda laxa
Updated on December 24, 2024