Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 87 1880. (Syn: Menestoria tocoyenae DC.; Ucriana wallichii D.Dietr. [Illegitimate]);
Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Myanmar; Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: East Himalayan Mussaenda • Assamese: soklati, sokloti • Garo: gardek • Khasi: dieng jalongtham, jalai • Manipuri: Hanu-rei • Mizo: Vakep, Vokep • Nepali: धोबिनी Dhobini , Naolungkamchal • Tangkhul: Kongrawon
Much branched shrub 1-4.5m. stems glabrous or pilose with spreading hairs leaves petiolate usually elliptic, rarely ovate or oblong, 5-25 x 4-9cm, acuminate at both ends, subglabrous or thinly pilose above, thinly to densely pilose below, veins adpressed pilose on both surface; petioles 2-15mm; stipules broadly triangular, 6-10mm. Inflorescence a dence terminal head, usually 3 branched from base, but un differenciated, many flowered. Calyx lobes filiform, tapering from base, 6-9mm x 1mm, densely covered in long silky hairs. Corolla tube 2.4-2.8cm, densely covered in long silky hairs. lobes narrowly ovate, 4-8 x 2-2.5mm, terminating in a long fine hairpoint. Berry globose, 6-10mm, glabrous calyx persistant until fruit is riped. Fl. May-August
Locally common in secondary scrub and at the margins of subtropical forest.
(Attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGoB. 1987 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)
. SK2031 06 July 2019 : 5 posts by 2 authors.
Location: Godawari, Lalitpur
Date: 3 July 2019
Elevation: 1758 m.
Habit : Wild
Mussaenda treutleri Stapf ??
Appears more closer to images at Mussaenda roxburghii than those at Mussaenda treutleri Location: Mudkhu, Nepal
Date: 18 July 2015
Altitude: 4400 ft.
Mussaenda …. ????
Please ignore image CSC_0006.JPG Pl check /species/m—z/r/rubiaceae/mussaenda I did check before. By the way 3 Mussaenda sp are found
in the Kathmandu Valley: M. macrophylla, M. roxburghii and
M. treutleri.
Could it be M. treutleri ??
Does not match with images at Mussaenda macrophylla (only species available in efi from three pointed out by you)
What about any one sp. as listed in Nepal as below:
Try to check on the net. Sepals are quite diagnostic in this genus. Looks like Mussaenda roxburghii
Thank you …! Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f.
Attaching few images of Mussaenda hirsutissima (mussaenda frondosa). Where and were the images clicked ? When? The images were taken at Rajabhatkhawa forest (North Bengal).. The images were taken on 19-4-21. In fact all details like place and date were written on the images. It is more likely to be Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., as per images and details herein, as Mussaenda parryorum C.E.C.Fisch. does not have distribution in the area. mussaenda Sikkim: mussaenda luteola Check Mussaenda treutleri Stapf which is common. There are one or two more species listed in Plant genetic resources of Sikkim by Raju et sanjappa Bull.Bot Surv.Ind 1994 accessible on Net Could be Mussaenda roxburghii, not sure though. Please check if Mussaenda erosa is found in Sikkim? Image not clear.
Location: Chautara, Nepal
Date: 18 December 2017
Altitude: 4800 ft.
Habit : Wild
Mussaenda …???
Or rather Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., considering the size of the calyx lobes. Yes … Looks correct ID ! IBP in its description says: . Mussaenda roxburghii in FOI: I guess you are right That’s a difficult one … Our images agree with the following features of Mussaenda roxburghii, filliform sepals and filliform tips of the petals. I find the sepals of Mussaenda frondosa broader in comparison to our images. Also the buds look different from those of M. frondosa. Our buds appear to agree with the M. roxburghii images on Flora of Bhutan site
If you can point me to some features of M. roxburghii which do not agree well with our images, I will be happy. As the images are from three places, if you post detailed images from each place, it will be nice. Mussaenda glabrata (Hook.f.) Hutch. ex Gamble from Assam KD 02 Jul’ 2017 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Hope attached images are Mussaenda glabrata (Hook.f.) Hutch. ex Gamble.
Date : 25.06.2017 This may be Mussaenda frondosa as per discussions and keys at Amboli, MH :: Mussaenda for ID :: ARK2021-110 and as Mussaenda glabrata has only distribution in Western India as per POWO and BSI Flora Taking it as Mussaenda roxburghii, as per discussions at Mussaenda roxburghii? Location : Tuirini, Mizoram Pl. check comparative images at efi site. Hope this is Mussaenda glabrata. Also check for Dhobi Tree – Mussaenda frondosa I also think closer to images at Mussaenda glabrata as suggested by … This may be Mussaenda frondosa as per discussions and keys at Amboli, MH :: Mussaenda for ID :: ARK2021-110 and as Mussaenda glabrata has only distribution in Western India as per POWO and BSI Flora Taking it as Mussaenda roxburghii, as per discussions at Mussaenda roxburghii? MS, June,2021/20 Mussaenda sp. for id.: 2 images.
Location : Darlawn Date : 30-09-2017
Habit : Shrub
Habitat : Wild Habit image? Sorry !! Not available sir Please post multiple images covering all aspects of the sp. like habitat, leaf upper/lower side, I concur with … suggestion. This would help proper ID. Mussaenda glabrata (Hook.f.) Hutch. ex Gamble ! Yes, … As identified at another post at MS July, 2017/06 Mussaenda sp. for Id This may be Mussaenda frondosa as per discussions and keys at Amboli, MH :: Mussaenda for ID :: ARK2021-110 and as Mussaenda glabrata has only distribution in Western India as per POWO and BSI Flora Taking it as Mussaenda roxburghii, as per discussions at Mussaenda roxburghii? Is this a Mussaenda frondosa?
Place- Sevoke, Darjeeling.
Date- 28.06.21
Habitat- Along the stream. I guess it is matching ! Yes. I too have photographed in Western ghats area near Shimoga. Taking it as Mussaenda roxburghii, as per discussions at Mussaenda roxburghii? Mussaenda sp. for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Date : 26-06-2014 M. roxburghii to me It seems to be Mussaenda frondosa. Mussaenda– some species in India & eFI with some keys Taking it as Mussaenda roxburghii, as per discussions at Mussaenda roxburghii? .
Mussaenda frondosa L. ! To my eye, the sepals of Mussaenda frondosa look broader in comparison to my images, and also more hairiness of the plant. Also the buds of my plant look different from those of M. frondosa. The buds of my plant appear to agree with the M. roxburghii images on Flora of Bhutan site
https://biodiversity.royal_manas_national_park/observation/ I think the main difference appears to be in Calyx lobes: Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f.: Much branched shrub 1-4.5m. stems glabrous or pilose with spreading hairs leaves petiolate usually elliptic, rarely ovate or oblong, 5-25 x 4-9cm, acuminate at both ends, subglabrous or thinly pilose above, thinly to densely pilose below, veins adpressed pilose on both surface; petioles 2-15mm; stipules broadly triangular, 6-10mm. Inflorescence a dense terminal head, usually 3 branched from base, but differentiated, many flowered. Calyx lobes filiform, tapering from base, 6-9mm x 1mm, densely covered in long silky hairs. Corolla tube 2.4-2.8cm, densely covered in long silky hairs. lobes narrowly ovate, 4-8 x 2-2.5mm, terminating in a long fine hairpoint. Berry globose, 6-10mm, glabrous calyx persistent until fruit is ripe. From IBP: Mussaenda frondosa Linnaeus: Climbing shrubs; branches terete to compressed, moderately to densely pale red sericeous to hirsute becoming glabrescent, red-brown or brown, rather densely lenticellate. Leaves opposite; petiole 4-10 mm, densely sericeous; blade drying thinly papery or leathery, adaxially dark green to brownish green, abaxially pale green to yellowed, broadly elliptic, elliptic-oblong, ovate, or oblanceolate, 8-15 × 3-8 cm, both surfaces sparsely strigillose on lamina and strigose to sericeous on principal veins, base acute, obtuse, or rounded, apex acute to caudate-acuminate; secondary veins 7-10 pairs, tertiary venation visible and reticulate; stipules persistent, triangular, 5-10 mm, densely strigose to pilose, deeply 2-lobed, lobes lanceolate to narrowly triangular, acute to acuminate. Inflorescences congested-cymose becoming lax with lateral axes elongating markedly, 4-8 × 8-20 cm with lateral axes to 8 cm, sparsely to moderately pubescent with 2 types of pubescence, mixed strigillose to appressed puberulent and hirsute to villous, pedunculate or sessile and 3-partite; peduncles 1-3 cm; bracts triangular or elliptic, 4-10 mm, usually 2- to multifid, acute to acuminate; pedicels 1-6 mm. Flowers pedicellate, biology not noted. Calyx with hypanthium portion ellipsoid, 3-4 mm, strigose to sericeous; lobes narrowly triangular to narrowly ligulate, 7-12 mm, hirsute, acute to acuminate, with 1 lobe of 1-4 flowers per inflorescence sometimes expanded into calycophyll, blade elliptic-oblong to ovate, 6-8 × 2.5-5 cm, both surfaces glabrescent on lamina and strigillose on principal veins, base acute to cuneate, stipe 10-30 mm, apex acute or acuminate. Corolla salverform, outside hirsute; tube 22-25 mm; lobes ovate, 6-7 mm, acuminate. Berry ovoid or ellipsoid, ca. 10 × 7 mm, strigose to glabrescent, calyx limb deciduous. Fl. Apr-May. After going through the descriptions, I feel it may be Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f. only. The following posts may also be of Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f..: I also think the plants in the other two posts referred to by you are Mussaenda roxburghii. . SK 3832 06 August 2023: 7 high res. images. Location: Godawari- Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 08 July 2023
Elevation: 1500 m.
Habit : Wild Mussaenda .. : Always find it difficult to ID ! To me appears close to images at OK . Please id this Mussaenda: Pl. post high res. images to see the details.
It may be or some other close species as per Sending the high resolution image of this Mussaenda. Please check it sir. I think matches with images and details at
. References: |
Mussaenda roxburghii
Updated on December 24, 2024