Mussaenda ‘Marmalade’

Mussaenda marmelada from Arya PG College Panipat
this garden shrub was purchased from a Nursery in Karnal. differ in flower colo and modified leaves color as compared to M phillipica

There is no species name Mussaenda marmelada
It should be cultivar Mussaenda ‘Marmalade’
It can alternately be written as Mussaenda cv. Marmalade

Sir Thanks for correction again I got the name from this site


Rubiaceae :: Mussaenda marmelada – Orange Mussaenda – Bangalore – RA:
The mussaenda is an evergreen shrub related to coffee trees and native to Asia.

It may be a rather small shrub, or large to 30 feet, like a small tree.
Commercial nurseries often train mussaenda to be tree-like in form for landscape use. Their natural habit is to produce many stems and it is quite a rambler.
It has silky, hairy, soft medium-green leaves. The plant’s color comes from bracts and not the small, often yellow, white or orange, flowers at the center of each bract. This is the same color-producing system used by tropicals such heliconia and bougainvillea. Bracts may be seen in several colors including rose, white, red, pale pink and some mixtures.

Good set of pictures.

Beautiful Shots … I tried to grow this plant in my college thrice but not flourished well. Very attractive colors!!!

As indicated earlier in … mail it should be Mussaenda cv. Marmelade as there is no species by the name of M. marmelada

Rubiaceae Week :: Mussaenda marmelada at Mumbai:
Photographed this one in a Garden at Mumbai.
Bot. name: Mussaenda marmelada (ID Ref:
Family: Rubiaceae.

Nice Shots … I have never seen this plant in a good health conditions as many other Mussaedas are looking

As pointed out earlier it should be Mussaenda cv. Marmelade
There is no species by the name M. marmelada


Request Shrub ID 64 – Bangalore – RA: (6 images) Is it some kind of mussaenda?
I need to get a better set of pictures as the cloud cover and very little light resulted in dull pictures.

Mussaenda marmelada

Yes Mussaenda marmelada

There is no plant by the name of Mussaenda marmelada
It is cultivar Mussaenda ‘Marmelade’



Mussaenda ‘Marmalade’ Cultivar ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Location: Kolkata, India
Date: 8 September 2017
Elevation : 25 ft.



amit ornamental uid 2 2852011:
Is it some Begonia sp ?

This is Rubiaceae, Musssaenda!! erythrophylla may be.

Or perhaps Mussaenda philippica ‘Queen Sirikit’ I had uploaded from Delhi.
Begonia plants are delicate herbaceous plants.…

Seems not to be  begonia…that’s for sure…..  we see these in Calcutta lot… giving color to gardens when there is none… may be mussandra…   not sure of the botnaical binomial name though…

I think species of Mussaenda have large showy petaloid sepals but in my plant the sepals are greenish and there are pink coloured petals

Mussaenda allright. There are so many kinds.

It is 100% Mussaenda species. This variety is common in Mysore too. This could be Musssaenda!! erythrophylla  as suggested by .. or Mussaenda philippica ‘Queen Sirikit’ as suggested by … Please check the details for further confirmation.

This appears close to images of Mussaenda cv. Marmelade

Updated on December 24, 2024

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